I won't ever give in
No matter how hard you pull me in
I know gravity ain't an excuse
Just wanna make things a little more idle
The majority is still asleep
They're tired of those dreadful dreams
Now, let me shout and wake you up
Let me wake you up!
I won't ever give in
No matter how hard you pull me in
I know gravity ain't an excuse
Just wanna make things a little more idle
The majority is still asleep
They're tired of those dreadful dreams
Now, let me shout and wake you up
Let me wake you up!
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The Stars movie is one of the gayest things I have ever seen.
That was so gay.
I saw the screenshots beforehand and I still wasnt prepared.
The movie was so fucking gay, but remember the tomochoco.
But it was so gay.
This movie was really gay. Kimura may have gone too far in a few places.
I wish the actual show was this gay
>TWEWY lyrics
I like you, OP.
Seriously. It kinda weirds me out that the series went on in such a different direction afterwards, you'd think they wouldn't be able to stay away from each other like they do most of the time now.
Is Koharu nothing to Yume?
Do you still care about your elementary school friends?
Yeah, it was way too gay, Kimura overdid it in a ton of sense, I kinda wish the movie would have been about the S4 as it was originally intended, but it was still fun and the Ako+Koharu segments were the best parts.
>forgetting Crykatsu
Ako/Koharu have such good chemistry.
The Lily and Yuzu episode was really good in that regard.
At least they remembered Koharu's existance.
Kimura ruined everything.
The short was better than the main.
Now I'm sad that Yume and Rola have been drifting apart in the show, they're adorable together and I miss it.
Same type of cushion straps as these.
Indeed, I wish this chemistry would have been more present in the show.
You hear me calling
Movie might as well just be an alternate universe where Yume and Rola fucked on that island, since they basically don't interact much now.
>Stars is more inconsistent than Pripara
What happened?
So good.
Kimura wasn't put on a leash.
We should do this more often. It was fun!
This isn't even the gayest part of that sequence. Yume was practically kissing her while whispering how much she loves her.
You forgot the part they were 1 inch from kissing.
I hope he learned his place with the tomochoco.
Its not inconsistent, they started drifting apart after Rola got upset Yume beat her for the 10th time and Rola wanted to spend more time away. They just haven't been the same since.
Ako was the best in the movie.
Ako is always the best except in episode 17.
Who the fuck gave me yuri goggles during the movie?
>Break up with your girlfriend because she shit on you using magic idol powers
The same person that gave them to me, seriously, it was just way too gay, and even more weird than that when you consider how their relationship is gonna advance.
>implying you even remotely need yuri goggles for the movie
It was literally produced in Kimuravision.
You don't even need them for this movie.
>missed the stream
Oh well
This is what a completely platonic, heterosexual exchange between friends looks like.
Shit I didn't notice that.
>how their relationship is gonna advance.
I'm still early on in the series and that sounds massively fucking disappointing.
>Let's try these Yuri goggles
>The Aikatsu Stars movie looks exactly the same
That was super fucking gay.
Good though.
I think you're lying, but I don't know enough about friendship to dispute it.
It can't be helped, the movie was way too gay.
We could learn about friendship together. Come hold my hands and tell me you want me.
That S4 intro scene was fucking amazing.
At least now we get some Ako/Yume, they also have really good chemistry.
This is kind of embarrassing.
If it make you feel better, they still have some moderately gay moments coming up for you.
Ako and Yume are truly the best ones of the main 4.
You'll get used to it.
This is fucking genius.
Then it's probably not normal, and the movie is pretty gay. Class dismissed.
My friend has tried to kiss me before, it's completely normal for a platonic relationship of two people of the same sex.
Having friends sounds fun.
There was still this scene in the episode. I got the impression that it was added in the storyboard since it didn't feel like Narita's doing.
Yeah, that scene felt really out of place to me with everything else that happened in the episode.
As long as there's still high fiving i'll be happy.
He also wrote the lyrics for that Aoi Ichigo song.
Now I feel lonely again.
Aikatsu moms reacting to the Stars movie
>Aikatsu daughters reacting to the Stars movie
Did she bake a pizza using a casserole dish?
The one thing that tops the Stars movie in terms of gayness.
That's gratin.
M4 is getting Naoto'd in S2. Ako will find a cute female senpai to replace Subakyun.
gratin pizza? never heard of that style before. Japan sure is a weird place.
I'm conflicted between wanting them to get on the boat and travel around the world or not because most of the cast would basically get Koharu'd. They would probably just take Yume, Roller, Chop and maybe Cat.
But what happens if the current graduating S4 cannot be defeated?
Then that means the current generation is not ready to overcome the old one.
Don't drop that ribbon now.
It looks like an amputee from the thumbnail.
I love Sumire, and I really mean it, everytime I see her my heart skips a beat.
No S4, everything goes to the void.
Same friend. This one in particular is a guaranteed heartstopper.
How can anyone hate this cutie?
Happy Crescendo is a good song
Only Yuzu will be S4, and that's how the new school beats Four Star.
She made Rin lost the Unit Cup for being a boring tea drinker
It's fun.
Maori was the best part of the movie.
Maori and the S4 live intro.
The movie as whole was good, the YumeRola stuff is only retroactively bad because it's ruined by later developments.
And Ako
Yup, it is indeed.
Ako and Koharu you mean.