You can adapt one Western work of fiction into an anime. What do you pick?
You can adapt one Western work of fiction into an anime. What do you pick?
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Book of the New Sun - oh, wait it was already made into an anime.
The Alien Gun
Katawa Shoujo
Cute girls doing cute challenges in cute cars
Gauntlet. A spiritual successor to the Tower of Druaga anime.
Wolverine or maybe Ironman
Japan likes time loop so much, why don't they adapt this?
Watchmen deserves a better adaptation than that garbage movie. 2-cour could work
Already a thing.
But they already made a time loop novel (All You Need is Kill) and Hollywood even made an adaptation out of that (Edge of Tomorrow)
Kyon-kun, denwa
this could work so well, i want it damn it
No I mean an actual adaptation of Groundhog Day. I never implied they never made any time loop stuff. Japan's time loop usually depressing like Higurashi and Madoka. Groundhog Day would be different as it has a more lighthearted approach on a time loop story.
Well except the part where Bill Murray kills himself repeatedly.
Axe Cop done by Trigger.
The Picture of Dorian Grey.
Adventure Time could work, provided they don't bring up the "story" of it.
And this is coming from someone who likes the story and how it relatively wrapped up
EverQuest: The Animation
starring Fatty NcBeard as Princess Firiona Vie
A Ciaphas Cain novel.
any of /lit/'s meme trilogy or dosto. it would be worth it regardless of turning out good/bad
Oh hai nips
My nigger. Too bad that Keanu will never do the sequel.
Should have included this but whatever. Ideally Tommy Wiseau would be in charge of every aspect of the adaption, and voice his own character in Japanese
Doctor Who. Not a continuation or a spin-off, I mean an actual reimagining of the show.
Adventure Time, it would perfectly fit the SoL with slow pacing we all love here, all it would need is a good artist to work the anime character designs and then swim in money.
You... you realize this is a long-running comic, right?
I would cum forever.
I just want a metal slug anime
The Elder Scrolls series.
>inb4 vidya
I mean the lore.
>implying japs can do scifi well
Maybe in a better world, user.
Log Horizon aired not that long ago.
Unless you want a anime about finding your own corpse.
yes i know, but a 12 episode adaptation is too much to ask for?, a movie is shorter and it got one
i would love a 26 episode series, tho
FV is a slut. The real princess is Lenya Thex anyway.
Get Kirkbride to do the writing and it'd be good.
Otherwise, fuck no.
This but just for Sup Forums's reaction
Metal Slug is a Japanese game dude.
A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones already has all the anime ingredients. Moralfag protagonist, all according to keikaku, rape, yuri, you name it.
Wish fulfillment plot of a beta max dude being found by an assertive female character who will advance the relationships for him?
Its really the only way to make it work.
Green Lantern
>ring that works on willpower
>makes constructs shaped by your imagination
That does happen but, to be fair, so does a lot of other shit that would be a beta nightmare, like getting friendzoned.
My novel I'm writing.
I'm the only one that knows of its existence.
Just watch the cartoon show from 2011.
Granted, it's more about... HOPE.
Static Shock
why does he have a sperm for a head?
Don't talk shit about Saint Walker.
He's a darling angel.
>vs Sinestro
this or Demonata
Catcher in The Rye- oh wait.
Goblin Slayer...?
I know, but it was popular in the west.
I think it will work
Does the MC Iksar have to give someone permission to drag his corpse out of the tower of bone?
I already watched it. Fuck the movie for killing potential S2.
He is one-headtailed twi'lek.
Carmella, going full yuri.
Samurai Jack
MacBeth, but MacBeth is a magical girl who becomes a princess... Wait a minute, that's pretty much SwimSwim. Huh.
Leon or Matilda the Professional
Actually, I just want comfy /k/ anime. Like Jormungand but better story
>Well except the part where Bill Murray kills himself repeatedly.
The suicides were the funniest parts of the movie, bro. He just snaps and nonchalantly kills himself over and over in amusing ways. The only one which they tried to make dramatic was the jumper one.
Harry Potter
Codex Alera would make a great anime.
But if they can only adapt the first book, fucking forget it, that one is shit.
The first book could just be made in an OVA format one story per one hour episode.
Old Yeller
Except all the casts are cute girls, even Yeller, who's a dog girl. They do cute farm work.
Ending is still the same however.
Warhammer 40k. It would ruin the franchise as a whole but I'm just so goddamn curious.
Why would it ruin the franchise? It doesn't have to be moeshit. Just make the art style not shit. It's not hard to make it look better than the 3d movie.
>ending is still the same however
Spawn. There's already a manga, why not an anime?
I think it's more so the idea of an anime of warhammer 40k. I actually think it would fit pretty well as an anime if done correctly, but it would bring in so many people that are different from the existing community that it would end up hurting the player base as a whole.
Ultimates would make a pretty good episodic series.
>13 chapters
>Decent cast that plays well off one another
>About two major events (Bruce hulking out on Manhattan, Chitauri invasion)
>Ultimates 2 gives room for a second cour
Clive Barker's Undying for some reason I'd want to see.
there's a hbo cartoon, watch it. right now.
I could see that going over well in Japan.
wolverine and ironman already had their anime, they were shit
Empowered without a doubt.
>it would bring in so many people that are different from the existing community that it would end up hurting the player base as a whole.
Basically like normalfag cancer on Sup Forums?
It exists.
Madhouse did the animation for Spawn.
oh god yes...
I dream of jeannie, an astronaut who finds a genie in a bottle who automatically falls in love with him and then start living together, it's perfect.
Anything actually by Tom Clancy.
>he havent watch it yet.
Star wars
>inb4 all the Primarchs are cute girl
There is no other way.
The Witcher
Which Chapters are run by new Chapter Masters and which Chapters still have their Primarchs?
And by that I mean which characters have fallen out of relevance and who should be their replacements?