Who's the biggest retard this season?
Who's the biggest retard this season?
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They're all generic moeblobs
Satania is pretty dumb
You, OP.
>all are best girls
Is it a coincidence?
No bully p-pls.
Surprise, you're wrong about all of them.
How do they compare with the greatest tard of all time?
The only one I'm potentially wrong about is Akko.
Aqua is basically what'll happen with Akko once she finally gets a hang of using magic.
o shit
I have a hard time believing it's anyone but Akko. She's so braindead it's infuriating, even dumber than Aqua. Except I'm actually suppose to like Akko.
She's a 3DPD girl in 2D form
What does this even mean?
I'm only watching 2 out of those 4 shows so I can't give an accurate reply. I do assume many anons are in a similar situation and will upboat their favorite girl from retard spot even without full knowledge of all the girls in question.
I can at least say that Satania is far more retarded than vamp-chan. That's not necessarily a bad thing though because that allows best girl Raphiel to manipulate her even further.
Lets look at the options here for what you just said:
dumpire is a character with development and a unique drawing style
Aqua is an original personality and character design in a mostly unique anime
Akko is literally the antithesis of moe
and Satania is satirical
that you should LURK MOAR
Hikari is just genki though. At least not on the level of the others. MaidDragon has more retards if you want.
>best girl
Did Diana stop existing or something?
I know what the terms mean, you fucking Sup Forumstard. How the hell can a 2D girl be 3DPD?
Satania. Literally outsmarted by a small dog.
Aqua is legit mentally handicapped.
Satania suffers from severe social anxiety.
Vampy and Akko are normal baka teens.
>enter the thread
>not 20 replies saying "OP"
Sup Forums has changed.
She behaves like a spoiled woman instead of an anime archtype.
>Annoying genki vampire
>A-1 sameface design
>Original personality
You need to watch more anime
>Exact same Trigger female MC since KlK
being a retard isn't original or unique
>implying that's not an anime archtype in itself
>Exact same Trigger female MC since KLK
What? Ryuuko and Akko have jack shit in common as characters.
Dumb grills are always the best.
BEtween Akko and Aqua? Aqua by a long shot. Satania doesn't seem dumb, just her ego gets the best of ehr 90% of the time
>comparing the perfection that is Ryuko to that stupid brat Akko
Too stupid to understand it?
Here's a psychological explanation:
I guess stay night is really too deep for some people.
Elma will be retard of the season, you just wait.
Vampire is a nonentity as far as intelligence goes. We haven't seen her do anything particularly smart or dumb. Probably average to below average.
Satania outsmarted Tapris and usually cottons onto the goings-on around her. Average intelligence, although she's easy to fool due to her issues.
Akko has ideas sometimes. Above average intelligence, but maybe not enough to be a witch.
Aqua is pointless to speculate on because she canonically has below average intelligence and does stupid things all the time.
Going to go with Aqua.
She looks cute as fuck.
>keeps being shown in the front in the opening
>took this long for her to appear
>episode title even makes fun of this fact
>Above average intelligence
user, please
She was literally mentally disabled in the manga
Outsmarted by vegetables.
i'm not watching little shit academia
I don't know, I kinda dropped the show. She rolled the wicker ball down the hill, didn't she? She used her knowledge of the card game to save the day. She'd be dead if she couldn't think on her feet at least somewhat.
Me again
>Exact same Trigger female MC since KlK
Probably this motherfucker.
>Doesn't know shit about his family and doesn't care
>Literally everyone around him spreads rumors that he's plotting a coup and he has no idea
>Falls for the cake
>Goes right up to the most suspicious guy and tells him he trusts him to not be plotting the coup
>"You're the crown prince." WHA-!?
me for still watching anime in 2017
Intelligence is literally Aqua's dump stat.
That one on the bottom left looks less dumb more insane. The hell is going on there?
Aqua could definitely take advantage of and manipulate Satania if she wanted something, and the others aren't all that dumb.
So Satania wins most retard.
More like Aqua blasts Satania right off that bat for being a devil before Satania even has a chance to speak.
OP is.
Satania is the dumbest but also the cutest
The vamp is just genki
Aqua is intelligence below average plus bitchy attitude
Akko is genki plus 8 year old mind
Satania is literally chuuni Daffy Duck
So I think Satania wins
Stania, no contest
And that's why you're wrong. She outsmarts Tapris.
More importantly, who is the biggest slut?
>Except I'm actually suppose to like Akko.
Most of the Comedy comes from Akko being a retard and getting punished for it.
Just because she is the protagonist doesn't mean you are supposed to think everything she does is great, it's pretty much the same as aqua, except that every character has a ceratin way of dealing with it, instead of the way KonoSuba is structured, where every girl has to get her reaction from Kazuma.
It's a classic case of an entertaining character that gets disliked, because he's judged as a person, not as a character with a certain function.