Who said Toradora was the best love story of all time? Just finished it and thought it was mediocre at best. Wasn't even watchable until best girl Ami was introduced.
Other urls found in this thread:
It actually started a joke about how bad it was. You know, like clearly ironically calling something good when you want to make a joke about it being bad.
But then newfags came along and thought people were being serious. Then started parroting it to try and fit in.
Only good thing from that show was Kawashima.
At least it's the best romance anime that I've ever seen
Also, Ami best girl indeed
Can't believe I got tricked
There's the problem.
Is there something it can't do?
>mediocre at best
name ONE non-mediocre romance chinese cartoon
Toradora isn't a masterpiece, but it's good romance by anime standards. Greatest love story is a meme, but it isn't without some basis.
Also, Taiga > Ami >>> Minori
Half wrong. Fans took that meme trolls used ironically and turned it against them. It distorted and warped over the years, reinforced by annual Toradora Christmas that Sup Forums have fun with.
The only thing Toradora have going is how simple it is, Toradora script is basically "2+2=4" so it's easy to get into and just have fun with it, I would give it a 7/10 top.
>expecting good romance from taiwanese caligraphy moving picture
really now?
Stop trying to sound like you have any idea at all what you're talking about. Using "meme" and "troll" to describe anything thing you disagree with was not actually a thing when toradora aired. You clearly weren't around when it started or you wouldn't be using terminology like that.
The best out of two?
I don't get the hype either. It was ok, but a not amazing or anything. Lovely Complex was miles better but barely gets any love.
Mememagic isn't real. Memes are a real thing, they are basic pieces of ideology. That retardation people call mememagic is just stupid shitposting.
Ore Monogatari was like 57813895773578913 times better and people don't even remember that existed.
I enjoyed Ore Monogatari way more than Toradora. Suna best bro
I remember people really hyping up the snow resort episode, i saw it and i was all like "that's it". Very dissaapoting
Is that why it's so damn popular? It's rated super high on MAL too.
Lovely Complex is garbage. Standard romcom shit for eight episodes followed by hour upon hour of full-reverse-thrust fueled by misunderstandings.
Yeah but it doea it really fucking well. And the MCs really show love for each other. Its a great show, it gets every trope it does right. A show doesn't need to reinvent the wheel to be amazing.
Elect the president of the most powerful nation of the modern world
Quit trying tit in when you don't even know what you're talking about, dude. There's a reason why it was used ironically.
Not only does what you're saying not follow correctly and make next to no sense, it's filled with typos when you typed less than 30 words.
No one is trying to fit in, and "there's a reason why it was used ironically" doesn't actually answer anything that was said.
What's wrong with liking best girl?
god tastes
It's a meme and trolls used it then to bash and be ironic. Nowadays fans use it to say that it's good, hyperbole and jest notwithstanding. The more you know.
I'm buzzed so deal with it.
Please just stop being alive, you're never going to accomplish anything or be of any worth to anyone. You're just not smart enough to be.
What you're saying not only has already been said (in correct English), but it's also been proven wrong as well.
Cool insult with no proof, dude. It is exactly as , you're just too new to know any better.
Considering the first post in this thread is mine, you're fully fucking retard. You are literally autistic in that you can not function correct and communicate clear information to other people. What you said here is wrong, and it was explained why already.
>first post in this thread is mine
Sure you are. Why would you say one thing, but contradict yourself as you said had been proven wrong already?
I'm not even that user, damn autist.
It's still one of the best rom-com we have. And Ami was a drag. The story needed only Taiga and Ryuuji to function. Taiga mostly carried the show, honestly.
But Taiga is great
Holy fuck, you are stupid. Please, just stop talking. You literally can not keep what are replying to or addressing straight in your head.
I didn't contradict myself. Someone claim the first post was only half right. You then tried to agree with that statement it was only half right. It was than explained to you how you are entirely wrong.
(You) misspelled shit there, user.
Nope. Those posts aren't wrong at all and you can't prove them wrong. Greatest love story ever told is a meme and that's a fact. The hows and whys it started and is used were explained correctly. Deal with it.
If you get any angrier and more frustrated you're going to have an aneurysm.
He wasn't talking about Ami, though.
You need to be dead so badly it's not even funny.
Why is it so hard for you to read and explain yourself? You literally are not functioning correctly and you do not even understand what you are replying to. What was said here is wrong. And the post replying to it explains why. You just keep ignoring that screaming the word "meme" over and over again. You also don't even know that word means.
Just stop being alive already.
>dragging me into an autistic mess
How nice.
As a response to the first quote, trolls and memes didn't exist in 2009 you say? The same era where Goku spammer, gorespammer, R2 a year before, Endless 8? You have to be joking.
Nope. A newfag like you should quit trying so hard to fit in when you don't know what you're talking about.
>just over 1 minute apart
Hmm. Wonder what this could mean.
And you just going "durr nope" doesn't actually prove anything.
And no, that's not what I said, you brain dead fucking retard. The behavior of screaming "troll" and "meme" at everything did not exist back then.
There is also no "goku spammer" you ignorant retard. You're thinking about Accel spammer. You have no idea what you're talking about at all.
And it's funny you try to call other people new when you refuse to use sage for all your retarded off topic posts.
Paranoid much? That aneurysm is coming. You better call a doctor soon, newfag.
Do you think that id you just don't address anything that's said to you that you magically prove it wrong?
What's it like knowing that you are too stupid to function correctly and will never amount to anything in your whole life?
Do you think that you calling people mad makes you any less retarded?
You're basically admitting you can't make an argument, so you are trying to dismiss people based on irrelevant emotional states. Even if I was mad, you're still just as wrong as you've always been.
Have fun with that rage, newfag.
>Toradora still creating and simultaneously triggering Amifags
Its a classic.
Ami should have ended up with Ryuuji. Anyone who thinks otherwise clearly didn't understand their conversation at the end of the series or the one in the beach house.
Did you know that not being able to read social cues such as other people's emotions is a symptom of autism?
Either way, I wish I didn't have to deal with full blown retards. It's so annoying. Just because a word was used back then doesn't mean it was as common place as it is today. Which is exactly what was said in the first place.
Its called TIGERxDRAGON. Taiga is his soulmate you silly nigger. Ami is a great girl though.
>moving the goalpost
No, I did not backpedal at all.
The first post said it was not normal to scream "meme" at everything like it is today. You were literally just reminded of this, and yet you ignore it. Like you ignored everything else.
>still being autistic
>still spamming Sup Forums shit
And it's funny because you tried to called over people new.
Really, do you see how insane you are? You are in full blown damage control mode and rationally mad to the point where it's impossible to even talk to you or make you act rational.
It is but that doesn't necessarily mean taiga was the best match. It was obvious that he would end up with taiga, but Ami just made so much more sense.
Please, if I wanted to samefag I would have have done a better job that's less obvious.
You have to be joking or sperging on purpose. Seriously. Trolls and memes existed then and were common terms on Sup Forums. That is a simple truth. This beef you have with behavior shouting memes and trolls is so random I don't even know what to make of it. I didn't say people were shouting that all the time, you know. The bottom line is the whole greatest love story ever told was an inside meme, and most who used it would keep it under wraps as best they could. And what I said earlier about how it changed stands.
Incorrect. Accelspammer with his thousands proxies would bomb threads, but he normally used Accelerator (obviously). Goku spammer predates Accelspammer by a year or a bit more.
But, you know, I don't care that much. Believe whatever you want.
its literally Friends if Friends ended in Rachel Joey and Ross Phoebe and Monica ended up alone
>Using "meme" and "troll"
>not a thing in 2009
Stay mad and BTFO.
See >This beef you have
Because it's gotten to the point where discussion is literally impossible to have.
You're obviously lying about pretty much every claim you tried to make, but it hardly matters. Because you also have no proof for anything you said.
Why do you keep spamming "durr ur mad" like it actually means something? I get this how you try to cope with being wrong, but it really makes you look pathetic.
Either way, I posted a graph that show interest and search result history and it show the drastic spike in how the word "meme" started being used in recent years.
You of course ignored this like you ignore everything else because you are autistic and have to block things out that hurt your ego.
No, it legit is one of the best romance anime ever and I've seen a lot of them.
His statements and recollections have more credibility than your BTFO asspained self.
Sup Forums's archive > your trend. That archive is even incomplete and still proves you wrong. It was a thing then and such terms having increased usage on the net doesn't disprove anything relevant in here. Stay mad.
It's just you. And you even type the same way with your "btfo" retardation. And you also autistically call people mad as well.
The archives say the same exact thing, you fucking retard. There is drastically less use of the word "meme" back then, than there is now. You were already told that just because the word was used back then does not mean it was spammed like it is today.
My little frustrated and mad newfag can't be this dumb. I am second person you replied to there.
Wrong is wrong and you can only backpedal and move the goalpost to make your argument valid. Even then, are you still wrong since tons of people use the words "troll" and "meme" back then. It's painfully obvious you missed out when Code Geass dominated Sup Forums where trolls were a natural part of the hype, fun, and shitposting. Memes were spawning non-stop along with it.
It's over for you. Stay eternally mad.
>calls other people new
>thinks 'I wud never lie on the internet' is a valid argument
Irony. You have ever incentive to lie. It's obvious you're the same person.
>backpedal and move the goalpost
Neither of these things were actually done. You were already told this. Do you think repeating it while pretending to be someone else makes it less wrong?
In order for it to be backpedaling I would have had to said using the meme was non-existent back then. All I said was that it is not used like it is today.
So really, there are "two" people in this thread who are brain dead levels of retard and act exactly the same way making the exact same logical errors? Nah.
Oh wow. All the blood rushing to your head and blood vessels rupturing is affecting your ability to read. I'm the same person you've been going rounds with, you BTFO newfag.
>All I said was that it is not used like it is today.
You straw manned the other user, backpedal, irrefutably moved the goalpost, and ultimately are wrong about what you're sperging at. Checkmate. You should do Sup Forums a favor and stop breathing. We need less tryhards like you roaming the board.
>I'm totally another user but I literally can't go a single post without being autistic and calling other people mad
Hmmm. Nah, just you. And there is nothing wrong with my reading skills. It's literally been no one but you the whole time.
I am almost at the point where I think you are pretending to be retarded on purpose as some kind of damage control.
There was also no reason at all to green text "see". Which again shows how new you are. Also, nothing in that post proves you are correct. It wasn't a thing back then, which is the point of the trends search results. It wasn't even used one-tenth back then as much as it is now. Which you were already told, you just keep repeating yourself.
You can't just keep calling something backpedaling randomly when the word doesn't actually apply here.
It's fucking insane how you're acting and how stupid you are. You are psychotic and refuse to admit you are wrong about anything no matter how much proof used against you.
And again, this is going to continue with you just spamming insults in reply to this post and not actually addressing anything that's said in it.
Too bad for you I'm not the user you first replied to. Implying otherwise still won't change the fact you've been raging and tried so hard, only to end falling face first.
It proves you wrong so much you can't muster a simple argument quoting your own words to show you aren't doing full damage control. This is getting too pathetic to be remotely amusing. Trolls and memes were common knowledge a few years before 09 and were used to describe what was apt. A newfag like you wouldn't know that, but that's not my problem.
Redundant, but stay mad.
You are. And the fact you can do literally nothing but spam baseless claims over and over shows just how truly pathetic you are.
I'm honestly curious what you even think you're accomplishing by spamming the same exact insults in post after post. Do you think you're doing anything other than making yourself look bad?
Keep convincing yourself of that, I'm sure you'll delude yourself eventually.
Needing to redirect and avoid providing a counterargument. Wow, you are clearly mad as fuck. At least when I insult I mixed them in with arguments to show why you're wrong and BTFO. Can't really blame you, though. I wouldn't either if I was in your pitiful shoes. You should have played the troll card while you still had the chance to save face.
I'm embarrassed for you, newfag.
See? You literally can do nothing but repeat yourself and spam the same (baseless) insults over and over. Don't you feel retarded for not being able to make an actual argument?
And you have made no argument. All you do is make assertions. Not even close to the same thing.
The argument is already over.
You were told a certain type of behavior (spamming the word "meme") was not common years ago.
You were then shown info graphs that display the amount of search and result relevance the term has had over the years.
It was used drastically less years ago, like you were told in the first post you replied to. There is no way you can prove anything said against you wrong.
You still haven't answered why you refuse to stop spamming the same exact thing in every post, either. I know the answer is because you are autistic, though.
>s-stop insulting and making fun of me even though it's all accurate
Cry more. The last argument in the chain is mine and you didn't give a counterargument. You have no rights making complaints and being ironic now.
Nope. Let's go back to one more time to deliver your ass on a place once more. And the best argument you have to save face for that? Your pathetic efforts to grasp at straws.
Spamming or not is irrelevant, it had nothing to do with your main point. The other user didn't even mention or implied such a thing, but you ignore that and stick to your circular logic, which blew up in your face.
You must be foaming at the mouth, but are trying hard to hold it in so it won't show through your posts now. A glaring 360 from your rage-filled posts in here. I already refuted your autism with a simple and effective evidence as shows. Common terminologies being used and how it is used barely has changed at all to this day.
Face it, you're just a pathetic sore loser who don't have the balls to accept when you're wrong. Newfags like you these days are such tryhards when they get mad.
Nothing you have said has been accurate. Hell, you're so dumb you can hardly even read. And it's not that you are insulting anyone, it's that in every single one of your posts you repeat the exact same insults. This is what was directly said to you, and you somehow don't even understand things that simple and basic.
The "other user" was you. And you arbitrarily labeling something as "grasping at straws" doesn't mean it is. You don't seem to get that the argument was never if it was "a thing" or not. It was that it was never spammed and widely used. The google search result graph shows how much a term was used and in what years it was used. Back in 2008 it was not used even one-tenth as much much as it is used now. Which was the point (directly stated) all along. Just because it DID get used in the past doesn't mean it was widely used in the past. Your archive search results also show this same thing, because it was used less back then than it is now.
Also, my posts were never rage filled. You are just autistic to the point of pathology.
Because it's a show made exclusively for shippers and shippers are utterly insane.
Denial much? You haven't disproved or refuted my arguments once. And it's not my fault you are mad as fuck and are pathetic in how to stick to backpedaling and changing the goalposts to suit your ego.
I'm not going to even entertaining your paranoid samefag delusion.
>was never if it was "a thing" or not. It was that it was never spammed and widely used.
No one can be this delusional and illiterate. What do we see her? Straw manning, backpedaling, moving the goal post, and BTFO combo.
Your little trend search isn't relevant and only proves the obvious that popular words that become a part of net culture, especially on Sup Forums, become more popular. Thanks, Sherlock.
Clear-cut denial. The butthurt, kill yourself retorts, and inability to process and read are signs of rage.
Checkmate x 2. Stay mad and autistic.
Holy fuck, I can't stand how retarded you are. You waste so much time out of sheer retardation.
You do realize that just because you keep repeating "durr ur wrong" doesn't mean you actually right, right?
You are literally just back linking posts at random and calling them wrong without actually addressing anything said in the posts you are back linking.
>Straw manning, backpedaling, moving the goal post
Do you understand that just because you keep saying these words doesn't mean that any of them actually happened. You don't know what any of these words actually mean, you just need [negative adjectives] to say at posts that tell you that you are wrong.
Here's an example of what you're doing.
>Hey, you're a purple pig.
>Didn't I just tell you, it's because you're a purple pig!
This is literally what an exchange with you goes like. You don't actually explain anything, show why it's valid, you just spam and insult people with baseless nonsense.
No, that's the whole point of the showing you the search results, you fucking brain dead mongoloid. That it wasn't popular back then, which is why it had next to no use.
All that autism and sperging to say the same thing and no u without actually making any arguments? Wait, I shouldn't be surprised by this.
>doesn't attempt to whip up a logical defense despite his quoted posts showing exactly that
That's right, I thought so. Even a moron can see you changing your point and arguments.
Time to bully you some more.
Oh yeah, look at that next to no use. So popular, so not used and rare.
Give up already, newfag. You're going to seriously land in an emergency room vomiting blood from sheer mad.
Do you see how you literally refuse to specifically address what's said to you? Do you see how you literally refuse to actually explain anything you say and you just make lists of assertions? It's because you're brain damaged.
And no matter how many times you keep spamming "durr ur mad" it will never be true.
2008 - 11519 results.
2016 - 160743 results.
Wow, would you look at that. Over ten times more results in the recent year than back then. Almost like that is exactly what was told to you multiple times.
Yes, next to no one was using it back then.
>08 - 11k
>09 - 25K
>2010 - 40K
>08 - 76k
>09 - 234k
>2010 - 436k
Oh yeah, no one at all. Not only is your backpedaled/moved goalpost point is retarded and proven wrong, but your main point is even more embarrassing wrong. Drop dead already, newfag.
In conclusion, Toradora is good.