Do I read this or watch this or just rub one out to it and read the plot on wikipedia?
Do I read this or watch this or just rub one out to it and read the plot on wikipedia?
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read the first 50 chapters or so then stop. It gets really fucking bad after the Giant Buddha statue.
>read this
>watch this
>read the plot on wikipedia
trust me, you're saving yourself from a headache by avoiding it
If you find his titty monsters and dead faces hot, then the latter, I guess. Otherwise just ignore it altogether.
Is shit explained or is it all just nonsensical tits and killing?
no spoils pls
Oni Alien>>>>>Osaka>>>>>Catastrophe
read it til osaka or italian statues, it's pretty fun til there
there are like 3 1/2 scenes worth a rub. just look for those parts online, have fun and don't touch the rest. it's not worth your time.
I still fap to those parts on a regular basis,tho
Why is it not worth it? What are you hiding from me my esteemed friends?
this is one of those series (like bleach) that was only fun to read because you have no idea where its going and how it's gonna end.
and now that it has ended, there's really no point reading it in the first place.
I dropped this shit harder than anything else I've ever dropped. But it's very individual like with all anime/manga so it may have something that appeals to you so maybe give it a try.
With no context and background info on you my default reply would be: don't go near that shit.
>is it all just nonsensical tits and killing?
Yes. The explanation they did at the end was basically "alien and magic, I ain't gotta explain shit"
Start with the anime which have the best OP and ED of all time, once you are done and your mind ended up with more holes than a swiss cheese go read the manga till Gantz is over i.e the Italy mission, then read the rest anyways because you know you want to and then re-read the whole series 10 times till you realize is the best manga ever and you find yourself reading your favourite arc on a weekly basis. This is basically how you get into Gantz.
typically read it until i catch up with the latest chapter, then i drop it and never pick it up again.
I watched the CGI thing which was relatively cool and was hoping to get some answers from the manga/anime.
No chance of that then eh?
like the other already said, it gets really stupid later on.
the kind of stupid that makes you regret the fact that you wasted your time on it.
Who is the man inside of Gantz-ball?
It's good when it was a hard-sci and ruined when demons and vampires entered.
anime > manga
That scene alone was actually what introduced me to the series.
Gantz was never hard sci-fi.
It goes like this. Aliens sometimes visit earth and hide among us without causing much issue.
But on their way to us are giant aliens who want to harvest and eat humanity.
A psychic alien sends us information on technology to defeat these giant aliens.
Rich assholes instead use this technology to run a deathly "alien hunt" game.
When the bad aliens come humanity gets its ass kicked but the GANTZ users put up a good fight.
Eventually the hero defeats the alien champion so the giant aliens commit sepuku.
The "drama" set up previously is rather dismissed.
I need an archive of every lewd image in the series.
a gook
Oh, I have a question.
Whatever happened to that moe giant alien secretary that one of the heroes kidnapped and forced to take him around the ship?
How did the author kill her?
It's unique.
Good violence, great tits.
Death seems real, and you never know what's going to happen.
I recommend it highly in manga form.
anime covers up to around chapter 80 of the manga which is before anything is explained, the manga explains some things but gets progressively more ridiculous and leaves a lot of questions. also gantz:o made a mess of the osaka arc and didn't really follow the manga at all. the best part of the entire series is the op of the anime
This makes sense?
I wanna fuck that model.
Read the manga, was bretty decent. Probably one of the first manga I started reading ages ago.
Looks like a lot of newfriends took an interest in it recently though.
I'd say is an Sup Forums must. Kurono's develpment is actually good and plot is light fun with the rotating character roster.
didn't she fall to her death?
The fuck are you talking about? Gantz is at it's peak in the Osaka arc.
God this shit started out so okay got somewhat alright and then takes the longest most inexplicable route to nowhere possible.
Would you participate if it meant that you get to fuck Reika whenever you wanted to?
i would participate if it meant i could kill her
So in the end did they resurrect everybody who died? I mean they have control of the Gantz balls now so they could do that right?
I like to imagine they just bring everybody back to life and Reika gets another Kurono clone to be with. That other plain girl was just awful.
>I watched the CGI thing
please, PLEASE tell me the woman made of women is in it
Read it so you can actually develop taste. You should have read it a long time ago honestly.
Yes it is. CGI movie is really great but it doesn't have Rapeguy and some other side characters. Like Vampires.
You don't do either.
You read it for the fucking crazy shenanigans that happen.
Like a panda fucking fighting aliens.
Or a Buddha shooting lasers and throwing acids.
Shooting up dinosaurs with magic guns that explode everything but for some odd reason have a delay.
The action pace is what's more interesting about Gantz.
i'm not sure how i forgot that a panda was there with them, a dog too
Maybe if my clone participates while i fug Reika
Some guy tries to kill a boss, and the boss turns into thousands of tits and torsos, which ends up swallowing him
this guy's right
the song was fucking sick
Fuck that. Clone Reika and fuck her AND the clone(s) all together.
The vampires were a bad idea and they deserve to be aborted the way they were. Even if it meant leaving no real closure to Kurono's little brother.
I really hate the song
Reika clone or your clone?
>all this groove
read it, its suprisingly good... but dont expect too much from the finaly
Nice, i just don't get why MC would chose anyone other than Reika
It's one of my favorite manga.
It's also the manga that I FUCKING HATE the most.
Kei alone chapters are really good, it starts to go downhill after the Shinjuku massacre because the whole team turns super human.
It's good again after Kei dies but goes to shit instantly after they revive Kei.
Manga is good for the brutal ass kickings just don't worry too much about the plot.
yeah, Lara Croft. good fap.
too bad she died immediately.
The conclusion is weak but otherwise it's one of the best.
It's like Berserk if Berserk wasn't for children.
Gantz is truly not for the plebs.
this nigga be flyin
I'd participate even if I couldn't fuck her.
Once the Vampires show up, it's beginning the slide to shit.
(the vampires have the bonus of being a dropped plot point in addition to being lame. Kubo-tier prewriting)
>turn invisible every mission and hide until the timer runs out
>use the gantz suit in everyday life doing whatever the fuck you want
It's fun.
Kubo writing is still somehow worse.