Only the racial pure can post in this thread
Only the racial pure can post in this thread
Fuck yeah let's peel each others sunburns senpai
I'm 100% Gujarati and I can trace my ancestry back hundreds of years AMA.
sup everyone. Aryan master race American checking in
No one who is white has to hide behind a stupid meme flag.
Ok here I am
>Scot/Irish/French living in America
Not sure where I belong.
>Joseph Smith Jr
So, Sup Forums is Mormon or what?
>Brown eyes
I have red hair and get absolutely BTFO by the sun
No Mormons are heretics. Its just a funny meme
I've been at this for months over there
The most degenerate board on this site
heres my flag bro. Southern by grace of God
Being white truly is the greatest. All the best entertainment is made for us, I don't have to worry about my identity affecting my chances of getting a job and I love being able to make jokes at other people's expense without getting in trouble. My girlfriend is horny all the time and I'm like "but we already had sec 5 times today" and she's like "I don't give a fuck, get down on the bed." Huh, not sure if that's exclusively a white thing but it is pretty fucking awesome.
I have the same genetic haplogroup as Joseph Smith. We descend from Nial of the Nine Hostages, an ancient Irish warlord. I'm so special where's my trophy?
>Only the racial pure can post in this thread
By that you mean inbreed? Right?
choo buddah
wheeler walker jr
I'm 100% Ashkenazi Jewish, am I good?
100% aryan here
That man is a national treasure
Kids want horses for Christmas. Thinking about these instead.
Die in a stove, Shlomo
amen brother
Means that everything I do, I do it right
Gtfo mutant boy
Use the nitrous
Im mostly blonde and have blue eyes, does that count?
They were Anglo plantation owners who never mixed with the natives
I posted my DNA bro. The German/French didn't even show up
In the trash
am i white
Well done ya daft cunt
75% white
Pure Levantine master race reporting in
Quick question, I'm half cuban and of course other half white. I understand the whole "le 56%" even though it is just a meme, but cubans are considered the whites of the latino region. Considering a lot of Cubans voted for Trump this past term.
Fuck you and fuck the imperial flag
Pure burger reporting in.
Do you look obviously Hispanic?
We wouldn' be in this mess if you would have just picked your own damn cotton
There is no "Cuban race." It depends on whether your family mixed with the indians and slaves on the island
I am tan, but people say I look white. I grew up with white friends. However, when I grow my hair out and a beard. Then people see it. I do not speak Spanish though, fuck I wish it would help out in the long run if were being honest.
Well I do not look black so there is that.
We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't sent your mercenaries to destroy our homeland and free the niggers. We were still fighting for segregation in the 1970s but you damn yankees forced your Jew York values on us
Eternal Anglo / Scotch reporting in.
90% Finish-russian reporting in.
Well, we can at least agree Cubans are the best latino around.
No one seems to acknowledge the true unmutated brown eyes brown hair masterrace, or EVEN POST THEIR FACE
Dude you aint white and you aint much of a looker either. Now fuck off
>Lincoln was going to deport slaves to Africa
>some double digit IQ cuck kills him before it happens because muh southern pride
Damn shame.
>m-muh librul Yankees!
Listen here you swarthy pavement ape I'm from Indiana. We've voted republican More often than any other state in the last 50 years. Dumbass southern chucklefucks voted for slick willy Clinton.
I hate libtarded coastals as much as you do but make no mistake, we hate you, too. Southerners are cuckservatives. Evangelicals who suck off Israel. The Midwest is where actual Nat-Soc style right wingers are, as opposed to retarded "based black guy in a trump hat" mindset in Dixieland. (Alternatively "based castizos/tejanos!" In Texas)
Lol sorry I couldn't hear you from the sewers mutant
I posted my 23 and me id like to see yours your fucking greaser
It's good to be undiluted.
I do, too.
>I thank God every day that I'm white. And ity makes me hate shgitskins even more.
I like the idea of this thread lads. I'm 100% Anglo Saxon
I'm fucking terrified about my dna test. If my wife or I aren't 100% European, I might just kill myself.
Have you been touched by the badman user?
>neanderthal tests positive
what then
I have the full version of that, m8
Neanderthal dna is common among Europeans. I'd be happy to have some.
>99% mix of anglo, Nord, and western European
>1% unaccounted for
And I white??
yea, that's true, they all walked north then stopped, till we fucked them out of existence
>this clueless to actual genomic
You been lied to from a young age. Anything but brown hair brown eyes is subhuman mutant status
>brown hair, brown eyes = less evolved
Did I make it?
I hope you didn't send it to 23andMe or, it's a waste of money and both have admitted to adding african and jew DNA to "screw with racists".
I just giggled. Haven't done that in a while.
The 1% African is bullshit. They are fucking with you.
That's pretty fucked, they might of made some people actually kill themselves. All is fair I suppose.
hispanic arab reporting in
Ancestry hasn't done that though. Lots of people get 100% European from Ancestry.
korean reporting in
I am grateful everyday that I'm not some mongrel mix of chinese minorities
At least you aren't identifying as a Canadian, like a lot of foreigners are doing nowadays. You know how ridiculous it would be if I (a white man) went to live in Korea and called myself Korean?
Really makes you think.
Technically its more of a burden in hotter climate and more sunny latitudes..
You are extremely light sensitive so unless you live in Northern Europe the traits are useless.
Brown Eyes are very useful in the Sun.
Blue Eyes are kinda useful in the Dark (You see better but nothing dramatic.)
Posting. Pure African pure blood
100% pure Maronite Lebanese, can trace my ancestry back for centuries.
> tfw I am the OG Semite
Come at me soyim
LeBron James has a larger penis than everyone posting in this thread and his opinion carries 1000x the weight of pol collectively.
>Muh dik
White boys jealous they can't please women as well
Ok Judah Benjamin.
there's no canadian identity at this point
it has been dismantled by your own people
I suspect jewry but I'm not well versed in canadian politics/history
not much to it. everything west of Québec is ~150 years old and has no culture to begin with
My family tree is German all the way back.
Somewhere way back there may be something Czech or Polish but that's really minimal (not that I would mind some West-slav in me anyways).