What's it gonna take for Subaru to stop being a fucking idiot and just admit Rem is his true love?!
Also, WN discussion. Is WN completely canonical?
What's it gonna take for Subaru to stop being a fucking idiot and just admit Rem is his true love?!
Also, WN discussion. Is WN completely canonical?
WN is the source material. Seems like it should be the most canon.
So is Re: Zero a book first? Then it became a manga, and then there was a anime adaptation? I'm confused about what the origin of the story is.
Also, sometimes the WN reads like fanfic. That's why I ask the question.
By the way Remon is done.
The hidden village Oni sisters EX blessing day
Roswaal is surprisingly caring for Ram.
WN > LN > Anime > Manga
Web novel is the original, which is adapted into the light novel.
LNs aren't exactly known for being a particularly high-brow type of literature either.
That's speculation.
One of the (more knowledgeable) characters assumes as much, but it's not confirmed.
I have no clue what a light novel is. I know what a WN is, but not a LN.
Thank you
A light novel is an actual book, a web novel is published online for free.
Is it Ram time?
>Roswaal is surprisingly caring for Ram
Every thread until Rem wakes up.
Ah, so then the LN is more conical than the WN? It sounds to me like the WN is just a rough draft and open to revision, where as the LN is closer to the finalization.
Fuck this chapter
>Roswaal actually being nice to Ram
Has hell frozen over?
>[Ram: Hold onto me gently, and please bring me to the mansion. ――The next request will happen there.]
And now I'm pissed off
Just because he is more concerned for Keikaku than anything else doesn't mean he can't care for them.
He was happy to give Ram a wish on what she wanted, because it's rare of her to do so. And takes time off his schedule to go clean up the tomb from Rem and Ram's village, out of his own volition.
He may throw everyone under the bus if needs be, but otherwise he is still plenty human.
Just finished Episode 13. I don't think I fully understood Subaru's psyche until now. If he had been more NEET, he would've had too little ego and self-esteem to have willfully dug himself as deep into the stupid pit as he did. If he'd been less of a NEET, he would've had a more realistic grasp of his own abilities and maybe joined the fucking kendo club or something instead of doing radio calisthenics in his goddamn room.
He's like the ultimate cancer; riding the cusp of NEETdom - too NEET for normies and too normie for the NEETs. What a fantastic piece of work.
Roswaal isn't a wifebeater during this one? What sort of loopyland have I entered?
Yeah, he becomes more understandable where he's coming from once you get into his psyche, while he is still wrong and a dick during episode 13 he become at least understandable. Also what happens in the following episodes are gonna be fun.
He still needs to perma-die though.
Why is it whenever Ram and Roswaal act all intimate with each other it makes me really angry?
He isn't a wifebeater normally. He beats the shit out of Ram because they start fighting. It'd be like calling Garf a wifebeater for having fought her. Or Rem a husbandobeater
>Rem was depended on way too much, so Subaru wanted do something about it so much that he was always thinking of it.
Uh huh. I think it can be inferred that Subaru had subconsciously moved past the "DEEP FRIENDSHIP" point long ago.
Have fun with the next few episodes
He's basically responsible for everything that happened in arc 1-3. Not to mention his comments during arc 6. Not to mention he literally impaled Ram in the previous chapters for no good reason. Calling him a wifebeater at this point should be a compliment.
Wanna play a game?
Fucking spoilers dude. I'm still on arc 4 of the web novel! I didn't know Roswaal was abusive of Ram!
Well we ARE in a WN discussion thread. But I guess I'll be careful and spoiler.
He's a dick, but calling someone a wifebeater means something very specific, which he does not do. Its a dumb insult for him.
>Not to mention he literally impaled Ram in the previous chapters for no good reason.
She got in the way specifically so he could do exactly that. She purposefully sacked herself for his sake.
>[Subaru: …….During the mabeast commotion, Ros-chi was called from somewhere and he flew, right?]
>[Rem: That was a rare exception. It was Garf being selfish in the first place……..anyways, please don’t say mean things, Subaru-kun.]
Huh? He went to go visit Garf? I assume that was probably just an excuse he gave and he was just fucking around, but still.
Because nee-sama is a nice girl and Roswaal is a scumbag.
>She got in the way specifically so he could do exactly that
That's still such a dick move on Roswaal's behalf. I guess I'll have to settle for another insult for him
Because Roswaal is the very definition of an irredeemable man.
Just wait for the other episodes. Also keep in mind Whitefox butchered arc 3 so you'll have to take everything in the anime with a grain of salt.
Rosswaal steals the bodies of his children, right?
How can anyone find that redeemable?
Wait Rem knew Garf?
>hopefully part 2 will be obtained soon
What parts are Rem-rin's Day and Rem's Birthday Party then? Seems like they follow right after this part.
This nee-sama did
Guys, I'm not that far into the WN, but tell me if this is true.
Is Roswaal just close to Ram because he wants to switch his soul with the body of one of their children in the future? That's kind of fucked up. Why does Ram like that asshole?
They aren't parts. They're more like interludes.
If Roswaal and Ram stay together till the end of the series I will eat my shit
It's unclear. He has some genuine fondness for the girl, but he's such a bastard that it barely makes a difference. He'd stab his best friend in the back if he thought it was a good idea at the time.
Stockholm Syndrome and she couldn't beat the cock.
She's retarded, then.
Because he's going to do the exact same thing to the child that she has with Rosswaal.
I don't know about you guys, but I actually want my wife to care more about our children than she cares about me.
Roswaal has a massive dick
Don't worry she has three options, one of them will inevitable do something right? RIGHT?!
>The size of that censor bar
Holy fuck! That thing could fit a horse!
Reminder Ram takes that on the daily
...Ram wants to give birth to Ros-chi?
It's because you're salty that your crack ship Ram x Otto wouldn't be able to come alive if Ram and Roswaal keep being intimate with each other and that Roswaal would soon prove himself worthy of being Ram's husband.
I'd rather have Ram be dead than live a life with that asshole
>Ram pouts a little at Roswaal, who strangely just seemed to be happy, and after that, she loosened her lips.
Honk honk
>Is Roswaal just close to Ram because he wants to switch his soul with the body of one of their children in the future?
Whatever entangled him with the Oni village in the first place was at the order of his Gospel.
Bear in mind, he could have come early enough to stop the Witch Cult. But didn't.
>Why does Ram like that asshole?
He saved her life. He isn't always (as big) a dick. And Stockholm Syndrome (she relies on him for mana).
She can always be an independent woman. She's been a pawn for so long its probably the best option of development for Ram
She wouldn't be able to walk if that was the case. She takes it on special occasions, like her birthday.
WN is cannon and will always be. The author's original intentions are always within the WN.
"He saved her life"
Don't underestimate an Oni's constitution
She is a prodigy after-all
He did. He could've probably done a better job and not let her horn get cut off or family killed, but he wouldn't even know about this random event in a random village without his weird douche book.
I might believe that if she actually had an Oni's constitution and wasn't missing a vital organ.
Oni regen runs on mana.
Oni get mana from horns.
Ram has no horn of her own.
Reminder that mabeasts can be controlled with horns
Okay so Ram has
>taken BCC every night
>shamelessly From Zero'ed Garf and even allowed him to rely on her emotionally
>been close to Otto and even somewhat friendly with him.
You ought to admit that whoever Ram ends up with, she is still a slut. A SLUT! So Ram doesn't have the right to choose her husband. Instead, they choose her!
I like Ram, she's the person with the most individual gusto throughout the entire series.
But nee-sama is amazing
I can't even enjoy the happy moments of this chapter the first part is depressing as fuck
Fuck you Tappei for giving me feelings
I'm reading through this, and Subaru comes across as a little too hyped up for helping Rem or celebrating how wonderful she is. At least in the context of seeing her as just a friend. Really, it seems he does stuff for her way more often than she does anything for him.
It strikes me as kind of obvious that he already likes the Oni girl.
>>been close to Otto and even somewhat friendly with him.
In one loop, when he was being the ultimate asskisser.
Really if she doesn't stay with the clown, whoever she ends up with is going to be cucked by somebody, unless they can actually get her the sweet mana she needs. Can you imagine having to send your waifu over to the clown regularly for 'maintenance'?
>episode 15
How the fuck is Emilia even on the fucking radar after this episode
holy sweet mother of fuck
and how is Beetlejuice so fucking hilarious even AFTER he twisted her right round baby right round
Pete's just that much fun. Can't even hate him even though he plays twister for keeps.
>user is approaching episode 18
Prep those lemonwater links boys
ayep. Worth watching the anime for this alone. Doubt he came through this strong in the LNs.
Are you that one user who was cringing super hard about episode 13 in the last thread?
People have also legitimately dropped the series after episode 18.
You gotta admit, Tappei has a talent for pulling heartstrings that's for sure.
I remember watching it blind, disregarding all Re:zero threads and just quietly said "wtf" after Subaru said he loved Emilia.
Wrong one you apple fritter
>Are you that one user who was cringing super hard about episode 13 in the last thread?
Yep, that was me. Boy, user was right. That motherfucker didn't just fuck up. He grabbed a shovel and dug a tunnel deep into Fuckup Mountain. He WORKED at fucking up like he was earning overtime for it. Gatdamn.
>People have also legitimately dropped the series after episode 18.
If it involves Subaru being fucking retarded some more, that's fine; this anime seems to properly shit on him for it.
>It strikes me as kind of obvious that he already likes the Oni girl.
Their compatibility is off the fucking charts so it's really is a matter of time before they hopelessly fall in love with each other.
Oh boy. This is gonna be good
Aren't they already are? I mean, you kinda don't confess to each other that you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
I remember there was once a time when people argued that Subaru and Rem had no chemistry. I also remember a time when people said Subaru spoiling Rem was utter bullshit. How have things changed.
>In the past, he got all of the mansion together to somehow work out a day off for Rem, and he acted as her representative.
>As a result, they all reflected upon Rem’s greatness, but――
Subaru almost sounds like Rem
Well Rem did confess to Subaru yeah. But I'm not sure about Subaru. I mean his "daisuki" doesn't even hold a candle to Rem's "aishiteru" and their speeches during the confessions are not even comparable either. So I'd only admit that they do confess to one another only when Subaru can make a better speech and put more heart into it like Rem did, such as going "aishiteru" or something.
>utterly powerless to change events around him
>has his face beaten in and rubbed in how powerless he is
>forced to witness horrific atrocities
>greenhair Gangrene abstains
Ah, yes, there it is. Anger, resentment, little bitch-boy pride, that was one thing, but now... now, it's growing into true, honest hate.
This is the part where they start butchering the adaptation, not like they didn't butcher the previous sections but this one moreso.
Hold your horses. He isn't out of the woodwork yet.
If only he had a spoon
I am still very upset that they didn't include the spoon in the anime
A spoon? Why not use an axe!?
Well, that's kind of the thing. It seems like he was already halfway there well before Arc 3. He recognizes that he's always thinking about Rem and ways to make her happy. He gets extremely excited the moment someone brings up a way to do that. He gets jealous at the thought of her smiling for a stranger.
There are plenty of moments he tries to look sensitive and cool in front of her. I'm not even talking about compatibility here. It might be subconscious or something, but he's trying pretty hard to impress her. Whether he realizes it or not, he's actually putting in quite the effort to get Rem to like him.
That's the other thing. The way he thinks of Rem and occasionally brags about her. I'm just not so sure how else to interpret it.
>[Subaru: But if I do that, it’d feel like I’ve lost…….]
>[Rem: Lost what?]
>[Subaru: That is, I lost in a sense of a man’s spirit. I’m lost with what I should do and for what purpose, and no matter how fired up with motivation I am, I don’t get any results.]
>[Rem: That’s how it is? I see……]
>[Subaru: This time it’s about a celebration for Rem, so I especially didn’t want to slack off.]
>[Rem: …...Th―that’s]
>[Subaru: Yeah. That’s how it is…….wait.]
>Subaru was trying to have a monologue, but he clearly realized that he was having a conversation with someone, and he turned around.
This is the kind of shit I expect out of Emilia.
Rem masturbating, if that's your thing.
The anime cut a scene where Mazda tried to stab Crusch.
Was he loop where he failed to solicit aid, right after she called him insane.
>[Rem: Subaru-kun trying his hardest for me…....that alone is enough to fill my heart.]
>[Subaru: D―damn it! For me, of all people, to make a basic mistake…….!]
>The situation wasn’t so clever that you could put it as the crafty schemer drowning in his own scheme, but it was him being unlucky.
At least he realized his dumbass mistake right?
Why is it so fucking hard for Subaru to lie to Rem?
Subaru should stop his bad habit of talking out loud when he has his monolouges it makes sound like a villain and might fuck him over someday.
>he literally went after the cunt with his breakfast spoon
... that is actually fucking amazing. To be perfectly honest, I'd go after the bitch with a spoon, too.
I'm halfway through episode 16 and I'm amazed that he hasn't decided to just burn down the entire fucking capital city at this point. Fuck all of these cunts, holy shit.