This happens sometimes in anime and it's interesting to me. The most recent case is Tohru in Kobayashi's Maid Dragon, who was obviously meant to be the 'main girl' but is boring and overshadowed by other characters easily.
What are some other examples of this happening?
ITT: Main characters that are completely overshadowed
What is Gabriel?
Koyuki is stealing the show.
Not everyone can appreciate best dragon I guess.
Oh right,forgot about her
>literally "waahhhh I'm immortal and I'm a master if everything and I have thousands of stupid superpowers and I'm pretty much better than everyone but I'm still so depressed pls feel sorry for me miss lady that throwing her life away to house me even though I just met her"
>literally the most autistic thing I've seen all week
Fuck off cunt, and come back when you can articulate your point like a functional human being.
Ichigo isnt even in the top 20 most interesting characters in Bleach.
>The most recent case is Tohru in Kobayashi's Maid Dragon
I haven't read source material but she has all the "true plot" moments and is still the real source of knowledge of the other world. Just because you like the others more doesn't mean she's been overshadowed. Not even close.
Most glaring example that comes to mind for me is the potato main character of Shinsekai Yori- she was so bland.
A lot of shounen MCs have particularly boring powers while everyone around them is either even worse off to make the MC seem cool or actually interesting and makes the MC look like shit. Bleach comes to mind.
Another genre this happens a lot in is Romance. The main couple typically is a generic shitshow and the third point of the triangle or side couple is WAY better- boku no potato, tora dora and 'an alien crashed on me and loves me now' all had this.
The fact that they're dragons is overshadowed.
>Let's be in human form 80% of the episodes so far
>Let's only occasionally bring up we're dragons
How shit.
I get what you mean, but I'm actually more invested in Tohru's, Kanna's, and Kobayashi's pseudo-family dynamic more than any other relationship in the show, personally.
They reference they are dragons all the fucking time. They can't return to their normal form and fit in to society at the same time for obvious reasons. I don't see the issue here.
Except that in Shinsekai Yori that was kind of the point, Saki was MEANT to be less proactive and loud. She instead could consider the situation more objectively, an ideal in a dystopian society, and hence why she was chosen to be the leader's successor.
What's the point then? It's just every other generic SoL with characters from another world
>lol we can only be in human form!
>let's keep reminded the audience of who we are though because it's the only gimmick we have to keep viewers interested
>who was obviously meant to be the 'main girl' but is boring and overshadowed by other characters easily.
It has to do with the way they're adapting things. Tohru gets a lot of moments reflecting on the bleaker nature of their situation, but Kyoani's been giving side characters a lot of attention and dragging in later chapters to either make the entire episode about them or make the episode fit a theme. It's fun, but they're clearly doing the arc with Tohru's father and I get the feeling people will be a little shocked and disappointed when the last few episodes dump a lot more serious stuff on us. It's not a pure feel good family comedy manga, and Tohru is the center of those dramatic chapters that should be paced more evenly.
The point is adapting to society, while simultaneously showing how different yet similar dragons are to humans. It's not complicated.
Yes, she wasn't badly written- just boring as a 'main character.' Until the last couple episodes she was completely forgettable in favor of literally anything else that happened.
user how fucking new are you? First season or something?
Nigga, people are watching this for the yuri, the /ll/ and the /ss/, not the dragons. It's a depraved show for depraved people.
Been watching anime for a while, just because you've accepted shit doesn't mean I have to accept shitty writing for so many years
Have some standards.
No it isn't. Go away, the adults are talking.
Ichigo is the single least interesting character in Bleach which is impressive in it's own way.
>my decently worded argument
>the most autistic thing you've seen all week
Lurk more, I've seen about 20 more autistic things only today
Prime example right here
>being this delusional
It's a trashy fetish show, nothing more, nothing less.
I feel Like Akari is a bit too obvious for this one, but it's more of a gag than anything.
>decently worded
I don't see it. But if you want a response here you go.
Tohru is clearly too prideful about being a dragon to admit she wants to understand humans. You feel bad for her because she was clearly attacked out of fear by humans in the other world, and while warranted she clearly had no chance for her personality to come out differently due to her environment. So I think your argument is reductive at best.
There, better?
If she was overshadowed, then I must have completely forgotten some really entertaining characters.
Not really.
Not really targeted at the main character but in Re;Zero I think everyone overshadowed each other at some point. The show had way too many characters and didn't know what to do with them anymore. I can't even remember when Rem's sister was relevant again after their back story.
Characters just seemed to come and go.
Yeah, I mean you're not wrong. However, I, as a human, will judge her by human standards, and by these standards, she is pretty annoying. It is in my nature to be jealous of anyone who is an immortal know-it-all superhero. If you are saying she's annoying only because of her culture, then you're right, but some cultures are annoying and it's really not worth the effort to convert people or make them less annoying. My argument is reductive in the sense that some things are really not worth understanding. I'm sure everyone in ISIS has understandable circumstances, and calling them evil would be "reductive at best," however, calling them all poor souls that we need to understand would be a waste of time at best. Sometimes approximations need to be made, if you know what I mean. We don't have the time to understand everything on a deeper level, unlike a certain dragon.
Anyway, I think Tohru is a decent character and she probably doesn't actually want to murder all of humanity because I don't think that she'd have even been looking for a place to live on Earth if she did. I'm just saying she can be annoying sometimes and, from a human's point of view, her emotional troubles are irritating "at best."
To be completely fucking honest I don't even know what I'm arguing anymore exactly but there you go.
So basically we have different tastes? I'm cool with that, sorry I didn't take your argument seriously before.
You did nothing wrong, his first post was greentext retardation and pure shitposting. The wall of text, on the other hand, it's a solid argument.
I mean,my initial post was a shitpost too, so I can't say much.
>not stealing the show
>sorry I didn't take your argument seriously before
I appreciate your kindness, user. No but my post before was worded to be bait. Of course, I'm always ready to more intelligently lay out an argument of mine, but a simple argument without context doesn't get replies. You have to say some stupid shit if you want to get a conversation started at all, you know? This doesn't automatically lead to shitposting, and so I would say that baiting for the sake of an intelligent debate is not shitposting.
I feel you. It's just hard to tell who actually wants to intelligently discuss something, and who just wants to rile people up sometimes. No hard feelings.
>intelligent discussion
>on Sup Forums
It's more likely than you think.
Kyoto Animation is maximizing the appearances of Kanna as much as possible. It's quite clear to everyone that Kanna is the main pull.
Might as well have renamed the show
>Kawaii doragon Kanna
>featuring Kobayashi-san and other dragons in short scenes doing irrelevant things stealing screentime from Kanna
Actually Tohru and Kobayashi still have quite a bit more screentime than Kanna, though there is a clear effort to give Kanna more time in the spotlight than the manga did.
I have to say it.
Makes one wonder why they didn't just go full anime-original and make the anime only focus on Kanna.
Heck, everyone knows that it's already been decided by merchandise makers that they'll only make Kanna figurines anyway, showing how much of a shit the committee gives about the other characters.
I don't see it that way either, as Kobayashi, Shouta, Lucoa, andTohru all have had quite a few extra scenes added as well. I think it's just most noticeable with Kanna, because she really didn't appear in the manga as often as you'd expect for being a sort of adopted daughter to Tohru and Kobayashi.
Even those who haven't read the manga can clearly see that the anime is pushing Kanna.
Oh, no doubt. I just don't think she's overtaking Kobayashi and Tohru yet.
It happens. Beautiful, isn't it?
>Makes one wonder why they didn't just go full anime-original and make the anime only focus on Kanna.
They just recompiled the chapters so those that are about the same character is put together in the same episode. Kanna scenes are basically used up unless there is a 2nd season.