Why does she intimidate Sup Forums so much?
Why does she intimidate Sup Forums so much?
Can't handle the bantz.
Why is the word 'intimidate' used so liberally?
The word "intimidation" intimidates us.
Because I know she'd cuck me without a second thought. She is everything that's wrong with Western females, or at least what seems to be wrong with western females based on meme, I wouldn't really know.
How is she supposed to intimidate me?
> Because I know she'd cuck me without a second thought.
What? She would die for you.
OP is probably a libtard.
Also nice low-res image OP, you faggot.
fuck off
Just dont be a deadbeat shitter
so wont you let me see
wont you let me see
i said wont you let me see
.....your naked BODY
Sup Forums is afraid of non-virgin girls for some reason
she's a virgin
Because Sup Forums doesn't know Japanese so even if they do watch Monogatari they have to rely on memes to parse the ideas of the work.
Define "deadbeat"
Hitagi Rendezvous fucking when Shaft.
She is loyal. Just because you have a bias against her doesn't mean she's unfaithful.
On the other hand Arararagi is cucking Senjou right and left.
>simply bright red senjo face
I can't visualise it in my mind
I don't remember this
Nise ep.3
She would die for you and she would also suck a dick in spite of you
Jap autism about calling people their name is an anime only thing I can only hope right?
Sup Forums can't handle someone with an actual personality
I simply don't like her. There's nothing interesting about her, just an average girl, unlike other characters.
If I wanted to witness authentic human behavior, I would read Tolstoy.
He's not a very good person, that and she doesn't really have that much airtime. She overreacts too much and too quickly.
> an average girl
Sure. Every anime girl does something like Bake ep.12 every season. I'm so tired of that shit.
>On the other hand Arararagi is cucking Senjou right and left
Actually you have a point. Senjougahara wants to have a bull ravage her but rrragi is just cucking her so hard that all she can do is talk. They honestly deserve each other.
What? Went on a date with her boyfriend?
Well, forgive me if such outlandish thing didn't blow my mind.
Oh you. Try Dostoevsky in original first.
It wasn't just a date.
show me better date then bake 12
I feel she'd cut off my penis with her scissors if she ever got mad.
Hitagi Rendezvous. Has plenty of awkward conversations, dares and best girl in it.
Sup Forums can't handle her, she's a flawed person in a serious with flawed people unless they're mary sues
next Hitagi arc when?
As soon as Owari starts again, so sometime next year hopefully.
Summer or Fall
I want to believe
bake 12 was shit
stop citing it as important
She reeks of Kaiki's sperm.
user you are a new low of beta.
>libtard tears
8 years
Crab is just a plain cunt
You're the person making threads about some im@s beating people up too, right?
It's not that she's bad. She's just boring in a show full of much more interesting girls.
Not a challenge, for me.
A cheap sensationalist, clumsy and vulgar. A prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian.
in the unedited canon version of the show she fucks the priest in the abandoned school for payment for his services... she enunciates this when ararararagigigi asks about it
it was later removed, just like snail's molestation at the end of her 'help' episode
lets not start the "walking home gently" thread again
>actual personality
Always a codeword for bitch. Leave the house.
>he doesn't get her character
>he didn't pay attention to the show
>he doesn't remember everything she did for Araragi
>all he remembers is that "she had a bf once" before Araragi
>that is all he thinks about when talking about her
This "cuck" meme really got to some of you it seems. It blinded you so badly that it's all you see. SAD !
>I need to bring politics to everything
Fuck off crossboarder.
Which gatari is OP image from? I haven't seen that
Second season
It might help you remember if you consider that she said that to Hanekawa, not to Araragi.
She's a bitch, that's all
One of the first things she gets Araragi to do as his girlfriend is force him to go on a date with Kanbaru.
The only reason I dislike her is because Araragi's at his absolute dumbest when around her (which is saying a lot because he's already fairly dense a lot of the time). Since she's designated as some sort of guiding force for him + is supposed to be "very normal", all the shit she says that Araragi is awed by seems like stuff he's already aware of elsewhere in the story anyway.
Other than that she's fine.
>Koimonogatari OP
>"Kawaii mama" is a lyric
...Is there something that Senjougahara isn't telling us...?
> I dislike her is because Araragi's at his absolute dumbest when around her
He enjoys the bantz.
She looked so much better with long hair
If a girl is cute, she'll look better with short hair.
Thusly, we can conclude that Senjougahara isn't cute.
Modus tollens checks out.
Someone answer this because it pisses me off
trips of truth
Fuck off Sup Forums, you're not welcome