Today I found out I’m partially Jewish

Today I found out I’m partially Jewish.

Growing up my family was very proud of their German heritage and we grew up catholic. After doing some research into the family tree- half my family stems from a Jewish chord that split and became catholic to blend into post ww1 Germany. Had a family member serve on both the German and American sides but we never talked much about the German officer. Growing up hearing these stories implied that we were no way Jewish seeing how that branch was physically a nazi member.

Growing up I’ve never really been a fan of zionists and felt jews ran Hollywood and ruined Disney. Now I’m having mixed feelings - is all that a nessesary evil? What % of the world is Jewish and growing up catholic they even told me they were the chosen people.

My mind is blown because I never thought I’d hate the blood that runs through me. But this is a journey so far yet to be finished

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Seek help.

Start your new life by going back to redit or your fucking JEW blog, fucking kike piece of shit

THIS HAPPENED TO ME. Assuming that the stupid Jew blood test was accurate and not a psyop to convert known right wingers, that is.

The way I see it, I neither look nor act nor identify with any of the Jews. I am going to help build an America dedicated to Western White/Germanic people whether or not they want me there. This is my country and these are my people. Nothing will change in my life.

I hope you can reach the same conclusions.

Holy shit. Didn’t even think the testing people could be trying to fuck with us..... I’d prefer a Germany America over a Mexican/Chinese/Russian one. Should I just forget this ever happened?

23 and me admits to "screwing with racists" by implanting African DNA into the results. I would not be surprised if they could cross reference given email addresses with online right wing activity and report false Jewish ancestry.

The reports they provided completely contradict everything I've been taught about my family's heritage so I'm not sure what to believe.

I would not forget, but don't change anything about your life except try to understand more about this situation on your own.

Dude don't worry about it you don't have to be evil.

My Dad is Jewish/Agnostic you can just let it go. Your heritage can shape you but it doesn't define you.

Hans! There's a mischling over here! Get the zyklon!


Its a pasta, s&r

Mischlings weren't even persecuted let alone gassed.

you are not jewish. You have a (one/) jewish ancestor. whatever.

was it kino?

I would feel bad for you but.....

Still were considered Jewish though, just not criminally Jewish. Are we calling mulattos White too now?

Taiwan bro, post gif to show what he needs to do.

Cash in on your jewish heritage - you're on the winning team now.

no such ethnicity exists... these so called 'blood tests' may show Khazar ethnic extraction(Khazar-Turkic-Ugaritic) see Shlomo Sands book 'The Invention of the J--ish People", see Eran Elhaiks research and Dr. Oppenheims research. This talmudism religion is not the same people as Adamic, Noahite, Abrahamic Israelites in the Old Testament, don't fall for the luciferian deception. The person Judah, who was an Adamic Israelite, and had ONE tribe named for him, not all 12 tribes of the TRUE, REAL, ACTUAL, Israelites. Perhaps a major push to convince real Palestinians to have their DNA tested by trustworthy labs, read that as labs NOT controlled by (((them))), like the one owned and controlled by (((Googles sister))) to find out what real Palestinian DNA shows vs. Khazar LARPer DNA. Ask Shlomo Sand and Eran Elhaik their views on the findings.

Fucking oven dodger

Well, time to gas yourself. Chop, chop.

You can still choose the good side and fight against the Jew.

Disney is owned by the chinks.

The what now?

>Today I found out I’m partially Jewish.
In you go!!!

Jesus told the Jews to repent. Keep repenting and there's nothing you need to worry about for yourself and how Jesus judges you when He comes again.

Commiserations OP

Move to Israel. You probably wanted a white ethnostate back when you thought you were 100% white, right? Now you have the chance to live in an ethnostate and to give the same opportunity to your children. Whites will never again have nation states, so, even though you're not fully jewish, you should take your chance of joining the winning side.

As long as your verified under the Nuremberg laws you will still be accepted into the white or Aryan ethno state.

My grandfather's family was part Jewish. But it wasn't through the mother so not really. Also all his family passed the nurnburg laws and his brother in law was a high ranking nazi official.

Dispute having a Jewish last name, the thing that caused more trouble for my family was that they were former members of the socialist party before Hitler took power!

Yep, they were part of the spd. And it stopped my great grandfather from getting promoted at work.

Also when my grandad joined Hitler youth. Is dad wouldn't allow him to wear the uniform. So my grandad got teased a bit for being different.

He still supports many core ideals of nazi Germany to this day tho.

Also it should be noted. Hitler never wanted to gas any Jews as filthy as he thought they were.

He just wanted them gone from Germany.

Hitler was actually a ZIONIST!!!

He supported a Jewish state because it would mean he could deport the Jews there.

They even had the Madagascar plan all set up.

It was only once he started losing the war that he relied they wouldn't be able to deport so they got the ovens firing on the double.

I always thought about doing this...

The only thing that stopped me was having to cut off a part of my flesh.

That is too sinful for me.

I will not defile this body the way God made it.

To mutilate such Devine perfection of the human form is sacragilge.

Religiously I worship the human spirit and Laplace demon.

Although I could easily lap as a jew if I wanted.