I have been on Sup Forums for 8 years and Ive had the pleasure to browse every board. I have seen the rise of Sup Forums with my own eyes. I have realized that Sup Forums is the only board that defends itself from Sup Forums's clutch of propaganda on every board. This is why I believe Sup Forums is the best board on Sup Forums.
I have been on Sup Forums for 8 years and Ive had the pleasure to browse every board...
You don't go to /lit/ do you?
I browse both Sup Forums and Sup Forums. When there's an opportunity on Sup Forums to talk about how great white people are, I make my opinions known, but do to the nature of the board, we spend most of our time talking about how great nips are.
/lit/ is full retards that think theyre elitists trying their best to sound intellectual
The main problem isn't even Sup Forums itself. It just happens to be the hot meme board that attracts the majority of newfags that come to this website. If it weren't Sup Forums, it'd be something else.
Sup Forums's elitism may not be able to stop the general decline of Sup Forums completely, but it's the one thing that keeps it slightly better than any other major board. Never change.
nobody on Sup Forums likes gooks we just like their cartoons
Ok, sure, but they have to keep existing in order to keep producing cartoons.
Sup Forums is just as shit as the rest of post-2015 Sup Forums
/lit/ is full of false flaggers.
The only good boards on post-moot Sup Forums are /po/ and /out/.
The edge is real.
But Sup Forums is Sup Forums?
Fun fact, Sup Forums was the first board ever made because moot was a 14 yo weeaboo when he made Sup Forums
I feel like more than 10% of Sup Forums has been on Sup Forums for at least two years, but you might be right.
fuck off back to Sup Forumsmblr
thanks for bumping the thread even though you don't like it, really shows a charitable spirit
2007 it was the new fag summer with saigar
2009 it was the marvel movie normies and chanology
2010 haruhi fags exploded
2011 was the /rk9/ reddit crossposting
2016 Sup Forums pepes n walls
>any part of 4ch untainted by Sup Forums
ha, good one
I like to think the majority has been here for over 8 years and some even since the beginning, but then I remember not everyone can be a sad fuck like me who hasn't moved on with his life since age 15.
>sexless undergrad pseuds
No, why do you ask?
>not Sup Forums
Even in unironic non shitpost threads they talk about Sup Forums tier literature like it is the best thing since sliced bread.
Japanese nationalism is on the rise and you can find that back even in their anime with more prominent depictions of JDF and self sacrificial behavior.
>do to
>do to
>do to
>do to
trolled hard
people arguing about cartoons...yea...this board is the best...
Sup Forums hates anime to begin with, and western influence isn't really much of a thing in Japanese media.
Sup Forums loves degeneracy and all things Sup Forums hates.