
Earlier I was lurking on Sup Forums and witnessed both a brit and a leaf claim that their populations INDIVIDUALLY possess more firearms per capita than the USA'S population does (also per capita). Such an asinine claim of that magnitude did not even warrant me burning off 1-2 of my precious burger calories to fact check their claim on Google.
Now please, allow me to my state's laws regarding pistols with all you 'ignant leafs and bongs : "If you are 21 years of age and can legally purchase/own a handgun you can carry in loaded concealed on your person anywhere it is legal to carry in Arizona without any type of permit/license".

source :

The great state of Arizona's attractive carry laws alone automatically make our per capita amount of legal firearm owners larger than any single European nation and Canada will.
Verily, I say unto ye leafs and bongs alike : be thoroughly shat upon, sirs.

Other urls found in this thread:

please excuse my spelling errors, I am prettt fatigued. Sorry.

Phoenix is a shithole filled with gangs, Californians, and douchebag ASU fags. Cant wait till we use all the water up and Arizona goes back to the rural paradise its meant to be.

t. White Mountain Mountain Race

Fucking faggot. You’re just jealous you werent a Sun Devil.

Too bad for you that your wish will never come true. SRP has been hoarding many millions upon millions of gallons of water to prevent that very thing from happening. They began filling their secret underground caches ever since the first dam was erected.

oh yeah, im jealous I didnt get into the university with one of the highest acceptance rates in the country. Hows that overpriced and useless marketing degree treating you?

I seriously hope you dont actually believe that. Even if it was true, youre average phoenix resident uses 100 gallons of water a day. Phoenix alone has a population of over a million. You guys are so fucked and understand nothing.

You tards should move back to california

I also despise the three things you mentIoned and agree Phoenix is a testament to man's arrogance. With proper planning Phoenix can still be turned into a paradise of a city. As soon as the boomers' relinquish control of the government and my generation begins to build the city UP instead of PUT can things be fixed. It is not too late either.

*UP instead of OUT*
I am from Georgia, sir. Have lived in Phoenix for 14 years.

Can’t build UP. Our airport is in the middle of the city.

oh hey tuscon why don't you go back to fucking mexico you worthless wetback

i disagree with your belief that the average Phoenix resident uses 100 gallons of water a day. We know we live in a desert, even the mexicans know that too, so everyone I know makes an effort to save water. It is you arrogant highlanders, with your head in the clouds, wasting our most precious resource because you regularly forget that below you is a desert filled with thirsty mouths.

That's an actual stat though.

Sky harbor is built to the south, silly. We can build up staring in Sunnyslope going north and also west to Glendale.

Phoenix and Tucson have shitted up this state and gives us all a bad name. News flash: youre both basically the same fucking thing, only Tucson is poorer.

Thats an objective fact, look it up. Also nice try, my property has our own private well, not even the same watershed that affects phoenix. And were not arrogant, just tired of phoenix fags coming up here and ruining the place during the summer.

Don't worry, facts don't exist or something

You have no right to be mad when we "flatlanders" are the ones driving your economy. Same as I cannot be mad when snow birds come to my town, stimulate my economy, and wreck their cars all over the 101 shitting things up.

White mountains is absolutely beautiful I hope I can buy some property up their one day but at least Saint David is white


No fanks, m8.

right, sorry, let's just give up and let our town rot. Its not like we should at least try to improve the state of our city or anything. Sad.

I am glad you showed that to me, thank you. Another reason we should build our city up with tenement buildings as opposed to continuing our pace of sprawling urban suburbs with a grass lawn on every house.

Good luck getting developers to build high rises in undesirable parts of town.

I make all my money from our ranch, do not give a shit if the local dominoes closes down. This is my last post, all ill say is that you understand nothing about Arizona culture and we dont need you.

Ill take saint david over Tucson or Phoenix anyday. Awesome hunting out there.

I am no city planner myself, but there must be other areas available that my untrained eyes cannot detect. I would build up Chandler or even FH in an instant once my generation has it's hold on the city council. Even the gen-x'ers want to continue the outward urbanization.

I think you are talking about Tucson the most liberal area in all of Arizona.

Wrong, i dont know how your individual ranch in the mountains work. Congratulations cowboy, you sure do know how to stick it to those flatlanders. Good night to you sir.

>Brits counting the AK lookalike air guns locked in their safes (separate from the pellets) with the one single shot rifle they can take to the range once a year with a police escort as guns.
>Leafs spending months of classes, background checks, and hundreds of dollars just to get some rifles they can't use and can have taken from them at any time. And don't even mention your SBR. SBR's are a meme. Cutting 4 inches off your barrel doesn't make you an operator.

He means everyone who lives at a lower elevation. Arizonans like him are very xenophobic and insultinly refer to us lower elevation dwellers as "flatlanders".

>all cities are liberal shitholes

Phoenix has a lower crime than minniapolis a rapid rate of growth, no blacks, and still voted trump in 2016

Phoenix is decidedly NOT a shithole

Leafs have almost the best of both worlds, no stupid SBS/SBR money racket, now if only they allowed AK variant import and concealed carry.

Buildings directly in the flight path are limited to like 60 stories we have plenty of space to build up.

Please don’t speak of things you know nothing about

Country fags are literally cancer the reasons cities are “trash” is because cowards like you run off inawoods instead of fighting

There are literally like 5 or 6 high rises under construction right now downtown.

The leafs of Phoenix are a seasonal foreign occupation. Every winter they come here just to crash their cars because they only know to drive dog sleds, they live in too much snow to be skilled enough piloting a car in fair conditions. They even forced a hokey team upon us... I mean seriously? A hokey team in the damned desert?

Thanks for the back up, user.

That is a beautiful shot from FH. Are you from there? I used to live there myself. An excellent town.

Born and raised and then I have to listen to hicks like the white mountains user because he is living in some fantasy Arizona that he pretends is still the Wild West

>oh god damn those people on Phoenix and Tucson making this state a viable option to live in

Plus their characterization of the city is entirely off, they attribute east coast urban issues to Phoenix which simply don’t exsist

FH is so small i bet you may know some people I know. any of these names ring a bell : Quinn Hall, Frank Hansen, Joey Acosta? Humor me please. haha

So very true about how xenophobic they are. I wish it wasn't so, but it is what it is...

Nah don’t know them m8

So did you flee west from Dwkalb, Clayton, Fulton, or Cobb county?

The chances he's right that you don't know shit look pretty good, the more you type

did you flee from Mexico?

Lower crime rate than Minneapolis? As if that's some gold standard. And the only reason Phoenix voted Trump is the old fucks there, also the same people that McCain in every election. Phoenix is nothing more than an LA wantabe.

why would we want to be L.A. when all the non-California transplants hate L.A. with a passion?

The native populace also hates cali too.

McCain has been the only republican on the ballot for many election cycles. We'd rather vote for him then go left.

Save your ammo OP, we’re gonna need it for the second round of water wars with California.

retard logic

Yeah considering we are in a larger metro and Minneapolis is almost completely white

We have a very low crime rate for our size not even in the top 25

Retard logic because I’m not going to keep surrendig white cities to minority destruction ??

Fuck You coward

And you ain't kiddin' either, user. it'll start when Cali turns its back on the union. then comes crying to us to reopen our water supply to them.

where were where you country boys when ANTIFA marched directly up to our state capitol brandishing assault weapons? one cannot trust a country boy to have his back, ever.

Moving to AZ in a month. Anything I should know before I get there?

It's going to happen, everytime. Whites build a nice place, then the niggers come in and ruin it. Unless you manage to legalize resegregation the ONLY option everytime is white flight.

You get to wear flip-flops and gym shorts year-round, stay to the north of baseline rd, good party areas are mill ave Tempe and old town Scottsdale. you are coming during the best time of year :) where are you coming from?

and are you moving to Phoenix?

Stay north of Baseline? Fuck that. Chandler is where its at.

He means south Phoenix below the 17 and north of south mountain

Obviously east valley cities and ahwatukke are nice

NJ and yes.

First thing I'm gonna do when I get to AZ is get a gun and shoot at a cactus out in the desert while a drinking cold ass beer.

Ahhhhh Yes. Ofc. I never even consider the west valley.

Yeah, stay the fuck away from South Phoenix.

I'm really sad I'm moving to California in a few month. Gonna miss my home. :(

Take care of it for me guys.

You know what's funny?
Place where I live(North Dakota) is becoming just like Arizona.
Only difference is being a frozen wasteland instead of desert.

phoenix is the crown-jewel out of all Arizona's cities all other towns resent this fact and if you happen to meet an out of towner with the intent of making a friend then you have to put more skill points into your speechcraft skill, because they dislike you by default.

just a generalized tad of info to keep him above ground, is all.

and yeah Chandler is bad ass. check this song out.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

yes, the video is quite cringy, it wasn't made by the song's OC, but the music is a fitting tribute to Chandler

Always glad to help a fellow Phoenician. Am happy you enjoyed it, I will tell the creator that some user from Sup Forums likes the song. hahaha

that's illegal to do and wrong, user. please dont... a saguaro cactus takes 100 years to grow just one arm.

Don’t fuck with Chandler. NJ twats got nuthin.

The native Indians who once lived in the general area of Phoenix tell legend of a supernatural creature, the "skinwalker", a horribly depraved being who drapes itself in the peeled flesh of unfortunate passersby. it can also shapeshift into whatever form it chooses so as to better ensnare it's prey or use a blowgun that fires darts of human bone covered in a sleeping poison. Once a victim has been captured or fooled into the creature's lair it can expect to die in a horribly grizzly fashion : being consumed whilst skinned alive. Also, the beast particularly loves the skin of white people and will got put of its wau in most cases to aquire a white skinned prey (I shit you not, it really does crave for white people's skin above all else). my native buddy told me this legend and I can swear I've seen one myself driving east on the US 87 several miles out of Phoenix.

Holy shit. We ded

i hope that the user moving here saw that post and visited your link, he really should know bout this wicked monster. skin walkers are vile creatures beyond imagining...

so if you dont knoooowwww, now you knoooowwww NIGGER.

>Moving to AZ in a month. Anything I should know before I get there?
cali faggot go home

he's from Jersey, which is a refreshing change considering everybody pretty much from Cali, Washington state, or Michigan...

>NJ and yes.
>First thing I'm gonna do when I get to AZ is get a gun and shoot at a cactus

close enough i guess, probably a nigger too.

hahahaha yeah you are likely right. i told him its illegal and morally fucked, but he probably bailed on the thread after I told him where the party scenes were.

yeah, looks like he fucked off first sign of someone calling out his faggotry.

always the same with these transplant faggots
>nah maaaan im cool.
>im not like the countless other faggots that moved from the same pozzed state

they will learn, one way or another... I transplanted from Georgia 14 years ago when I was 11 and learned proper Phoenician attitude and customs just fine. didn't have to get it beaten in me at recess, thankfully.

I was with a group of friends, one was a Cali transplant complete with the telltale Dodgers snap-back, and he point blank shot off a saguaro arm with MY 30-06, even after explaining how important they are to the environment and the amount of time they take to grow. I calmly asked for my rifle then proceeded to rifle but his face. he got up and tried to rush me when I wasnt looking, but my 2 other phoenix born friends held him off.