Dragon Ball Super
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>new thread on page 2
>nothing in the op
have fun with your deleted thread, generalfag
Wow that shit is pathetic. I hope you feel bad that you need to compensate by saving that to your computer.
about 20 seconds in photoshop to fix it, don't feel like spending any more time, but she's clearly meant to be a delicious brown girl
This is the correct names from Kanzenshuu but fuck I hate it when retards post the one with wrong names.
reminds me of an instagram photo.
Roshi is the only human z warrior that has never jobbed.
Fight it Out > Kuu-Zen-Zetsu-Go
>dub music
what the actual fuck?
Limit break x survivor >
Goku confirmed Mosquito-level
Saitamafags getting BTFO hard
do you think goku hung out with gohan when he was dead for 7 years
The Death Note one sucked.
They really should have gone with JoJo's or some generic JRPG shit
80 seconds in gimp then?
He has as Jackie Chun
try 30 mins try again
Dragon Dub will always be the superior dub compared to TFS and the pedro dub
That's Teen Goku in the middle right? Why the fuck does he look shorter than Adult Krillin (before BoG and everything else that is, I swear Krillin looks like a little kid now)? And why is Adult Goku so tall? Isn't he just under 5'9?
I think teen Goku is too tall if anything, there wasn't that much of a difference between childhood and teenage Goku.
What's the difference between "hi" and "hello"?
>lost to King Piccolo when the technique failed even though it had no right to
Uh huh. And Chaozu didn't job either, a jobber has to win at least one fight. Even Yamcha has Kid Chichi, Invisible Man, and Saibaman (before it blew itself up). And if you want to make it a tie, Kid Goku.
It's done by the Japanese singer. Why are you upset? It's so cheesy it's good.
>jobbed to king piccolo
If you mean Teen Goku as in 15 hear old Goku, then yeah. 15 year old Goku is taller and more muscular, but he's still short as fuck. If not then what do you mean? As a teenager he was the same height as Bulma, which would make him like 5'5 or something like that. Everyone who wasn't Krillin or Roshi were either as tall as him or towered over him. Even as an adult post Freeza saga with his seemingly taller body, he's still shorter than Ten and Yamcha.
Fortunately she was designed by toiryama, so she'll actually be one of the relevant gods of destruction.
Are you that Chichifag?
Post lewd Chichi or you won't get your precious you-know-what"
Which Yamcha is best Yamcha? Unfortunately "Break a Leg" Yamcha isn't here.
>Fortunately she was designed by toiryama, so she'll actually be one of the relevant gods of destruction.
I don't think that's how it works, Shidra is a timid little bitch that has a team full of generic furries, do you really think he's supposed to be "relevant" as well?
Burgerdub is nothing but garbage. I'm sorry.
You faggots even changed the music to some garbage nonsense only burgers could enjoy.
Yamcha was designed by toriyama too.
only good one is long hair from dragon ball
Pedro dub is objectively better because it stays loyal to the original script instead of going full retard with the hero of justice babble they make goku say in the american dub.
Yeah but Yamcha at the very least speaks in every saga. A better example would be Chaotzu.
>forgetting Kai exists to fix that error
It's not the 2000s anymore.
Are we going to ignore that Bergamo is literally a hero as he managed to wager the fate of all the universes on his victory? I mean they were fucked pretty much, he wedged in a last minute chance
But it's pretty obvious Goku is going to win, and It's going to set universe 7 up as the villains. Toppo will save us from this menace
eat a dick
try another 30 mins to fix that thumbnail issue
Bergamo is best puppy
post more of these
Do you think Toriyama remembers him?
tfw thred always dying
tfw dbs is running on it's last leg on Sup Forums
tfw threds gone to absolute shit
tfw dbs threds will never be fast again like with the future trunks arc
>thread is dead at 2am
must be because super is shit :thinking:
I don't think any other topic has had a thred up literally 24-7 365 days a week.
jjba and probably some other generals
tfw the Boruto thred is even more active than the dbs thred
oh how the might of fallen rip dbs
Does Zamasu have the lasting power of other iconic villains?
Will he be remembered like Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu?
black definitely will
>le evil doppleganger meme
He'll be as memorable as Turles
>lol Bardock was actually a good guy
Good thing he probably went to hell anyway.
>she and her angel will never train you to eventually become a Hakaishin.
>you will never have a tsun tsun relationship with her.
erase me.
Roshi flat out beat Kid Goku
So we're not counting all his Jackie Chun wins?
>So we're not counting all his Jackie Chun wins?
Why would you? That's a completely different person.
Anyone else still upset that they ruined Vegito?
Dude, there is gonna be a new episode soon
Just wait
So is the only way for Vegeta to be able to go to heaven to make a wish on the super dragon balls or serve as a GoD?
Not really, potara fusion being nerfed is good because I was sick of everyone theory crafting about fusion trumping everyone.
JijiixToyo is canon
Helles best name and best design.
Can't wait to see her job.
Wonder if her and clowncuck being the only one ones they tori and too designed together means they'll have relevance
Rikeeru is best simply because he looks like he'd be rivals/friends with Beerus.
>normal human design
Remember that big meteor that he punched? It broke into multiple pieces causing death and property damage. So much for his 'unlimited' power! Goku could have blasted that rock into atoms in his base form, no harm would have come to those bellow. Goku CONFIRMED for being stronger.
no because ssb vegito would be too OP as a permanent fusion
Not really
Saitama just can't shoot energy beams
He's all physical
It's like he put all of his points into strenght, endurance and speed, completely neglecting intellect, wisdom and luck
He'll be remembered for the memes.
So, Champa?
Champa is too twin-like and a bit on the boring side tho.
Meanwhile the rest look like deviant furries
Sometimes simple is better
I didn't know clowns and robots were furries
I dunno. Xeno Vegito from Heroes looks pretty cool
"She" looks like a tranny. Arak is at least interesting, same with Sidra.
They're both pretty shit. The ending on the other hand...
I'm almost caught up with Super, where's the scene where Piccolo finds out that the only picture of him at Videl and Gohan's wedding had him blinking? Don't tell me it was near the start, because I just watched the movies instead.
oh fuck you he is not boring he is a fun rival
fat kitty is best
Holy fuck, I forgot how funny Roshi molesting 18 was.
Near the start. Like episode 4.
Super's adaptions of the movies are worse in every way. Gokufags only like them because Goku powers down when he almost gets killed by the laser pointer.
desu Champa hasn't done jack shit yet other than to be the goofy fat comedy relief twin brother and to serve as the slavebitch to gather the Super Dragonballs for plot purposes
Does she sleep with other men?
yeah, with me
Barry Kahn
Twincest with 17
What is wrong with comic relief that's the fun thing about him. He jumps very quickly from being lovable to wtf tier when he threatens to kill u6 participants right there
would that make it for hotter for you or drop her
If Trunks didn't go full Mary Sue and they didnt rape Vegitto he could have went down as a GOAT
>fat kitty is best
Like I said I like him but he's just too similar to Beerus for me to have considered him when discussing new GoDs.
>would that make it for hotter for you or drop her
It makes it funnier because Krillin is the only character that I actually like making cuck jokes about, I'll never stop loving 18
You seem to have left your trip on, tripfag.
Can a Mary Sue fail to do anything against the villain and watch helplessly as his universe is destroyed?
No. She loves Krilin's dick too much.