Sports anime or manga thread?
What do you think of Ookiku Furikabutte?
Sports anime or manga thread?
No one?
Also how do you feel about Adachi Mitsuru?
I finished reading Touch and Cross Game.
Touch had a lot more highs but Cross Game felt more consistent
I've only heard good things about it but never got around to watching it. Is the author knowledgeable about the sport?
>new season never
Yes. No rainbow explosions or dinosaur killing here.
Criminally underrated. I guess it's not hype enough for those with short attention spans.
>tfw I will never see dagumi race for the first time ever again
It's a pretty good series, but it suffers from the same problem as My Hero Academia, where the MC is an insufferable, shaky, stuttering crybaby almost the entire time.
Sports shows don't live long on Sup Forums. There are rarely qt moe grills in sports shows, so most anons have no interest in them.
People keep praising Cross Game, but the goofy as fuck art is keeping me from giving it a go.
You mean non-fanservice anime. Fujosports like Free! and YOI seem to get a lot of threads and replies.
Pure shonen sports don't have enough fanservice appeal keep Sup Forums's attention and threads die with a few replies. It's a shame.
You right, and it's a damn shame.
I think shows like Hajime no Ippo an Haikyuu could be watched and enjoyed by everyone.
You probably have to have at least a little interest or experience in the actual sport to actually enjoy it. I can understand why they're not popular on Sup Forums since it's probably more suited for Sup Forums.
I thought H2 is better than both Touch and Cross Game, but I really like reading Adachi works.
Recently rewatched Oofuri after a couple of years.
Holy shit do I still love this series.
Started reading it too but it works so much better animated.
Season 3 when ;_;
what's goofy about it?
It'll be the next thing for me to read
I think the seiyuu choices were just right as well
>rarely qt girls in sports shows
and it sucks they never doujins
Oofuri's still the best sport show I've watched. I never found Mihashi annoying, he's endearing.
I wonder if this is worth watching if i have no interest in the sport but i do like cute boys.
I want an OVA where Iketani and Shinji race for Makoto, and Iketani wins.
Isn't Haikyuu pretty popular on Sup Forums?
I suppose it's just as valid as any other reason as long as you're enjoying it.
It was sort of popular during the airing of s1 but s2 threads rarely reached bump limit and s3 threads were pretty much dead and same goes for manga threads on the rare occasion there is one.
Shame, just binge watched all 3 seasons. Pretty good shit. Maybe it's a good thing that Sup Forums doesn't get to shit on it.
Came for the hot coach, stayed for the baseball, cam to the hot coach. Didn't even like baseball but ended up loving this series. Also hot coach got a lot of porn.