Repent for your sins or you get the scythe.
Digimon Adventure Tri
So Ophanimon Falldown vs Seraphimon confirmed?
BTW Meicoomon don't deserves so much hate, she is cute, cute.
What the fuck just happened?
Not as cute as Gotsumon
Plotmon a cute
>Maybe she's better this way
I mean, yeah, forgetting the hell she went through is good... but.... Wizarmon...
It took a while for this part to get going but as soon as they got evolution back it became the absolute hypest shit all over again.
For real though, Digimon was a huge part of my childhood and this series has consistently put a huge smile on my face. Except for part three. That had me crying like a bitch.
Also forgetting all the shit she did in service to Myotismon.
Why does Sora getting BTFO feel so soothing?
Okay, so you remember how Sora was the only person not to wake up from her coma after the others escaped the Digital World?
Well, as it turns out, Gennai had her in his own Digital World and had her as part of his experiments, all while he lusts her body in and out of the Digital World.
Once Tai and the others catch him, though, he just straight up molests Sora in front of them, forcing them to watch.
he has succumbed to piedmon
You mean how Wizarmon died in front of her?
>Okay, so you remember how Sora was the only person not to wake up from her coma after the others escaped the Digital World?
Actually, I don't.
Why is Piyomon such a bitch? She ruined the whole episode.
What the hell is with Piyomon? Even if she doesn't remember Sora, there's no need for her to be a complete bitch.
Why is she so perfect?
That and that she doesn't even remember him at all now.
You may recall that the group briefly broke apart in Adventure. During this time Old Gennai took advantage of our beloved Sora. He is simply calling back to the good old days with his lost love.
He's making an SAO joke.
I hope she gets a happy end T_T.
>You may recall that the group briefly broke apart in Adventure
I actually don't, which episode was this again? I can watch it right now.
Gennai's voice sounds familiar
She is a bitch, Daigo deserves someone better.
I don't recall the exact episode. It took place while Taichi was back in the real world after defeating Etemon. When Taichi gets back, the entire group has fallen apart.
Himekawa did nothing wrong.
>Gennai had her in his own Digital World and had her as part of his experiments
Well, Datamon had a full clone of Sora, so maybe you are into something.
>8 fucking minutes of the last episode devoted to showing Tentomon, Patamon, and Biyomon evolving through every fucking form
Just let them warp digivolve like Agumon and Gabumon, holy shit.
So we know that the 5 Original Chosen Children were at the beginning of the movie, and 4 of them evolved into the Four Holy Beasts (only to job again, go figure). Only for Himekawa's Megadramon to sacrifice itself? Just making sure I have it clear.
Yeah I think I remember it now.
I wanted to see HolyAngemon fight...
Why would you molest Sora when you could molest Mimi? Tell me Sup Forums, would you rather molest Sora or Mimi?
Mimi is the best girl.
>Hey, anyone know where Daisuke and company are
>No idea, they are not answering their cellphones.
> K cool, its not like their shitty digimons could ever do anything in comparison to our new SHINY MEGAS.
They dont even pretend to like these guys, arent they?
No one does.
Especially that massive faggot Daisuke.
>Nishijima: Taichi equivalent
>Himekawa: Hikari equivalent
What are they trying to say?
Can someone explain me why are they using their generic and bland school uniforms when this was the perfect chance to give them an updated version of their kid clothes?
Hikari is a batshit insane yandere on the down low
Pick one and only one.
Taichi will eventually fuck his sister.
General question for the series. What makes the Chosen Children/Tamers/whatever so special when you have occasions like the Gallantmon in Frontier, or the Hououmon in Tamers, where random Ultimates can just be found anywhere? It's not like Taichi and the crew can really do anything directly, and their Digimon will eventually naturally digivolve on their own, most likely.
Lilithmon forever.
They actually gave Plotmon an animated evolution. I'm glad.
But seriously, it's 2017, why do they look so damn awkward?
>Nishijima actually continues the franchise tradition of putting the ta/da in the protagonist's name.
Because it is 2017, that's why.
No, but, this is fucking unacceptable
Chosen Children act as catelysts. So it may take years for a Digimon to evolve on their own, but through borrowing/channeling/bullshitting energy, a parter Digimon can jump up a level temporarily.
That's why "natural" Digimon are stable at their own level but the kids' devolve as soon as the fight is over, also having taken up a lot of extra energy. It's like overclocking.
In the Adventure universe evolve into the last stages is not a common thing. The only Ultimates we knew aside the partners were VenomVamdemon and the Dark Masters and they evolved thanks to the dark energy that Apocalymon released.
In 02, Imperialdramon evolved thanks to Qinglongmon and again BelialVamdemon, but thanks to the evil energy he ate from the dark seeds.
And in Tri there is also the Holy Beasts, but even they evolved thanks to Homeostasis, so I don't think they could evolve without the help of a Digivice.
Is that Hikari standing next to Mei? I thought Tailmon's Ultimate was usually a juggle between Ophanimon or Magnadramon.
Shutumon, all day every day
>dark energy
>evil energy
>dark seeds
It all sounds so edgy and lame
Why is that mary sue on the poster jesus christ
Oh fuck
Magnadramonfags BTFO
yes Hikari's going full madwoman next movie
Cute rabbit.
She is both the Sora and the Hikari of the group.
Is that a new form? I don't think Ophanimon has a scythe.
Taiga isn't from an anime, he doesn't count.
its fallen down mode.
Doesn't her name mean "Night God Light" already?
Falldown Mode nigga.
>Sora gets slammed twice against an icy cliff by a giant metal dinosaur
>No broken spine
That's Ophanimon: Falldown mode.
> It is a form of Ophanimon that was so angry that it suppressed its own emotions and fell into madness. It swelled with anger at the world, where atrocious sins keep mounting no matter how many times they are purged, and it closed off its heart. In order to nip evil in the bud, it hunts whichever opponents it has judged to have become a barrier to justice, and tries to establish a world of what it recognizes as justice. It wields the "Flame Hellscythe", which is shrouded in flames that serve as a weapon
Daisuke's death was the best thing that happened to the 02 cast.
Yagami means Eight God's.
Taichi means Sun, Hikari means Light.
Taichi is the Sun of the Eight Gods.
Hikari is the Light of the Eight Gods.
I thought it was eight god's light
Ice is just cold water.
Thank god Mei is dead.
Oh boy, It is basically female Zamasu.
The Yagamis are literally god tier.
She is going to be anti-jesus in the next movie, animated by the power of Yggdrasil.
Now I can see why they want to keep things within the family.
thats actually a great comparison
Why all the naughty touching?
If Mei is going to be Yggdrasil's vessel. What makes Hikai go absolute madwoman
So you think, take a look at this:
Because he is a pedo.
They are in the age of consent now, right?
I hate the Meis. I wish they weren't in these movies.
He just wanted to verify whether they really are just kids.
It's no coincidence that their crests are a large sun and a small, brightly shining star, respectively.
Kinda makes me wanna see jogress of their Digimon.
Homeostasis counters by taking over Hikari and turn her and Tailmon into a weapon against them.
She finally is forced to accept her brother will never give his dick to her.
It would just be Wargreymon with angel-type wings and a new weapon.
Maybe they will revisit this.
02 is so ugly looking
I could see that
Hmm Maybe
and boobs
>Angemon voiced by woman
As someone who never went deep into the franchise beyond Adventure/02/Tamers/Frontier, can anyone briefly clarify what Yggdrasil is? From what I can tell, it's basically close to being God of the Digital World? And it's appeared as the antagonist in multiple series as well.
>Angelic warrior goddess Digimon covered in Greymon-themed armor and weapons
>Combines the greatest traits of Angel and Dragon Digimon with unrivaled grace and ferocity
Yes. This is my fetish.
His partner is a fag so it fits.
So what is your opinion on Holydramon then?
Most of them are voiced by women. The only one that isn't is Tentomon.
Too much dragon, not enough cute amazon girl
Is dukemon gonna show up. Please fucking tell me he does, dukemon is the best royal...
its one of them and its usually depicted as female and hates humans
>Giant ladybug friend will never lean on you with affection
Why live?
Any gay Taichi/Yamato moments?
theres an underwater scene that was borderline butthole penetration 110% gay