Sup Forums what college did you/do you go to?
Sup Forums what college did you/do you go to?
r-roll tide anyone?
It's the Harvard of the southern hemisphere.
A top state school then Stanford for MS. Reasonably high odds I’ll go to Harvard business school if A project I’m working on doesn’t take off
I dropped out.
I go to Harvard
NC State. Surprisingly redpilled student body although it's a college so a certain population of extreme liberal dingbats still exist
This is where I go to suffer
idk bout you fags, but college has been the single worst time of my entire life
Undergrad UofIllinois
Grad Northwestern
If I had to do it again. I wouldn't I would of spent 2 years working some 9-5 crap job while I stayed at home and built a business in my spare time.
I went two 6 different colleges.
El Paso Community College, did a year and dropped out
Northwestern State Uni Lousiana, only went for core classes.
University of Arkansas, did 1 year of ROTC and dropped out
Henderson state Uni, dropped out after a semester.
**Joined military**
Penn state online
then UC Berkeley and finally graduated.
My advice to everyone: Major in whatever you want, don't major in something just because it has the biggest job market if you don't give a shit or have any passion for the field.
Ayy so many chinks though
Texas A&M
Darden for my MBA
lol I drive around NSU Louisiana all the time. What a gd shitshow, good thing you got away user
and USF
Whoa, me to bro. I actually quite enjoyed KSU. But I had an awesome party house and lived with my buddies up off Wade Green. KSU has some surprisingly sexy girls too.
Sorry you're not having a good time though. I would have chilled with you if I was still in school.
Pic related. Let's you test out of every course with online classes from, saylor academy, etc and just pay a fee for the degree.
Hilariously, also accredited despite it so the degree is worth as much as any other non-prestigious state uni. My BSBA cost me ~$7k in total.
Don't lie. Unimelb is m8
UT dropout
NSULA isn't that bad. For as 'big' as it is (It's a Div 1 sports shcool) it doesn't offer a lot of majors. Henderson has like 1/4th the student size and offered x3 as much majors.
Weird school, but I only went there because i wanted to get core classes like biology, US gov, etc out of the way.
CSUN, so many asians jesus
GIS major here, I wanna get a bachelors in CS
US Navy
sub school, advanced electronics, C4 & D5 missile school.
I guess. I mainly see pooinloos, although the industrial engineering department is fairly white (outside of the professors lul)
2nd Bachelor
Or should I just go for Masters?
Thats great that you had fun. I fucking hate it. This is my 4th year and I still got no friends and have never been to a single college party
I'm also bipolar and autistic so thats maybe a reason why.
the girls are beautiful tho.
When I write my autobiogrpahy one day, I'm going to talk about my suffering Kennesaw just like how Hitler talked about his suffering in Vienna
You heard on Sup Forums first bud, Go Owls
It's as bad as you think it is
Hubbard College of Administration
Virginia Tech
Current president is a bit cucked, damn shame.
Rochester Institute of Technology, graduated in May and started grad school this semester.
I went to good old Washington State University. If there was an SJW movement or whatever I didn't see it, but I was in Mechanical Engineering. Graduated in 2011.
Never even been to college and im 23 so beating me
How so?
Used to enjoy biking around there when I was living in Palo Alto
Current /umd/ fag here
Never too late, I didn't graduate until I was 33 because no life direction + military.
Too bad this guy had to ruin it for everyone and further radicalize the left via Facebook. And trust me, YDSA is only growing on campus.
also tbt to "Dear White People"
Small top liberal arts school.
I was told I'd become more of a leftist here. Seeing liberalism and diversity in action just pushed me even farther to the right.
How hard would it be for me to transfer with a bachelors to an Ivy League you think?
CSUN student here :(
Unfortunately I got my shot together only after dropping out of community college, now i’m beginning to improve but my GPA is only 3.1.
Trying to undo all my wrongs
Damn dude, that's a bummer. Welp, hopefully things look up for you. Would definitely grab a beer with you if I was still there and have you over for a party. If it's any consolation, I moved across the country to a brand new state and I've had a lotta trouble meeting people. I actually transferred to KSU after a year at an SEC school, so I already had buddies who had been there for a year. Otherwise, I may very well have been in the same situation as you.
Cheers to ya either way! Get that degree, get the fuck outta there, and start a new chapter in your life. You can always turn a page in life, just takes a little determination.
lol I had the wrong place in mind. Centennary College in Shreveport. I think Natchitoches isnt too bad. Going military myself btw
It isn’t bad. The glimpse you get of the global elite and how the world works is unparalleled. The worst thing is probably the tech monoculture. All the professors are sociopaths—the state school ones loved their field more. Your average Stanford professor is better at marketing and politics than their field
Class of 2017. Many liberals, gooks, and lots of insufferable people, but Greek Life was okay. My gripes with Greek Life was the racemixing sorority sisters who would do almost anything for free drugs, the guys who would listen to bro-country and try to emulate the country music lifestyle even though they're from New fucking Jersey, and the fact that a lot of frat brothers are shitheads instead of trying to keep up their chapter's integrity.
Jeez man it's a university, have a little dignity.
same here.
Had a lot of super rich trust fund students so the students weren't so liberal.
(((1 post by this ID)))
>definitely not data mining
A liberal cesspool, but I still loved it there. Was in up McKeldin every night, mate.
Nobody USMA?
THE Tufts University for higher liberal learning
Oh yeah Shreveport, I lived in LA for like 5 years and never left the Fort Polk/Alexandria area. I'm a sad person.
Good luck on your enlistment (or commission)! Enlisting was the best thing I ever did, I ended up finishing up ROTC at berk and I'm still in til this day.
what le fug?? new york times told me you were all inbred retarded hicks! so many famouse colleges
i go to here
an extremely liberal university, in an extremely liberal city, in an extremely liberal metro area, in an extremely liberal state
gonna try transferring to st josephs univeristy this upcoming semester because they are the only ones who hold the key to my major classes online. Otherwise im gonna contemplate suicide even more cause im a stupid poor fag
my dad went there it was my first choice but i got into pep dine so i went there instead
Nice basketball team, cow fuckers.
Same here. Over time, I've sectioned myself off from them, at least in private circles. My roommates are both from wealthy, conservative families. Worked out in the end for me, but the PC police is ridiculous.
Didn't even graduate high school due to homelessness in senior year. Community college is $10k a year locally and I'm too old in my mid 30s to start now unless I willingly want to face age bias and/or discrimination.
I guess I'm stuck listening to Molyneux in the meantime between now and when I collapse and die early next decade.
Thanks homie. I will say tho that the struggle has made me a harder nigga. It has helped shaped me to be the Man I needed to become in order to become the next Fuhrer
I hate to say this man, but that's pathetic.
I can understand someone struggling to get by at a community college, with post-wall hags and druggies, but you're obviously middle class enough to get into a decent school. You need to find a way to socialize man. It will never be easier than at a university. Even pre-med students, who study all the time, make time to go out.
This is only going to cripple you in the workforce when your colleagues used college as a time to explore and hone their social skills. Find out what is destroying your self confidence and fix it ASAP.
Trust me, I'm 28 now, and meeting people will only get harder afterwards.
Dumb cucks should have never left the acc
Yup. That advice seemed to work for all the people that majored in art, english, sociology, psychology, gender studies, etc. polluting social media with their complaints about muh college debt and muh baby boomer lies.
I went university of Cincinnati, flunked out. Went to community school, got close to flunking out again. Now I'm going to North Kentucky University.
I'm so fucking lazy it's awful. At least I have my associates.
I'm out of the loop, who was this? Didn't he say Nigger in a private convo that got leaked or something?
Even if the left is growing I'm still impressed at the sheer amount of Sup Forums-tier sentiment present on a college campus like it's nothing; although my perception may be biased since I live next to a couple of major Sup Forumstards
I studied cum guzzling, cock worship, and politician science, oh but I started with psychology.
Sounds good, just remember and spare me during your great purge once you become the new Supreme Leader. That's all I ask. Take it easy and I hope the remainder of your stay at KSU goes smoother for ya. If not, don't worry about it. Everyone has different phases in life, just doesn't sound like college will be your best one. It happens.
Story please
Thanks man! Was going enlisted then 180 and just got my commission. See you in the wars to come.
UC Davis computer science.
Pic related
>I hate to say this man, but that's pathetic.
I know it is homie. It really fucking is. Thanks for the reminder.
>This is only going to cripple you in the workforce when your colleagues used college as a time to explore and hone their social skills
How so?
Basically I'm just a loner freak with horrible mental health. Thats the story
>implying we would want to become debt-slaves to be brainwashed by modern universities
stop datamining
Pretty badass honestly. Great for entry level work that requires a degree.
bet nigga.
Most boring campus ever
CIU Institute
mein Nigerian i go to csun as well
Duke University
public ivy with 3 degrees, 2 in STEM.
I fell for the art school Jew
Go Dawgs
I went to the South Hudson Institute of Technology.
Are there any colleges where the "let's all get in a circle and do a group project about our perspectives on this topic" hasn't infiltrated everything, including the STEM fields?
Oh shit waddap suny bro
SUNY Geneso
Penn back in the 90s.
Cal Maritime
4 years in khaki uniforms and 90% male population. Quite painful at times, but worth it.
Kek I am at Kennesaw for one more semester, then I am transferring to Georgia Tech. Kennesaw is a wonderful school, I am 19 but have been there for three years already. Beautiful campus, lots of middle class white kids. I don't have many friends mostly because I choose not to, all my close friends live far away and I am always busy on campus with something. But still am getting to know people. Too bad I don't want to dox myself or maybe I could meet you. Have you ever visited the "Democracy Board" near the library?
Bond then RMIT
go to a top tier actual engineering school and don't interact with people not in STEM.