This is Antonio Salieri, say something nice about him.
This is Antonio Salieri, say something nice about him
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I bet it was nice and cool living in Mozart's shadow
I dunno what you're talking about, that's clearly Amadeus.
Despite being introduced late into the franchise she manages to keep up with the girls.
おい、 そこ の ロリつか!
But that's Einstein from Stein:Gate.
He killed Mozart.
Where can I find a Gero Gero plushie? All I have is the key strap.
That's Jewllywood propaganda.
Break into Steiner's house. Be sure to steal his script for Noah while you're there.
She was the only good part of a shit VN.
What if someone cracked Steiner's PC and acquired the files through no fault of Steiner's own?
how do i get a maho gf
You just have to reach out and grab one for yourself.
Can't even be the third wheel due to Mayuri already taking that spot + not even meeting under the same terms (if at all) in the S;G timeline.
Still working on these animated drama cds. About a third through part 3 now.
Man, she was a pretty shit villain.
She only really takes the lead in one route and is barely relevant in the other ones, to be fair. The way she was defeated was lame though.
She'll be Okabe & Kurisu's kid's big sister figure for sure.
>ywn see Okabe embarrass his kids in front of their friends as Hououin Kyouma
She's pretty good at Neuroscience.