I just finished the first episode and I have to say why did /a trick me into watching this?
Also. How did this dumb bitch never once try using mana? That's the stupidest shit I've seen all year.
Cross Ange
IIRC the idea is that royalty gives back to the people by dumping years worth of saved up mana into the big tower. She never needed to use her own mana anyway because she had a maid for that.
Ange is the best female protagonist in anime history. Watch your mouth, little bitch.
Do she change because so far she's literally a pants on head self righteous retard.
Keep watching and you'll see the light.
Keep watching senpai, you're in for a ride when it gets going in a couple of episodes.
You should already have seen it in the first episode. She got a bitchslap from life, there will be consequences.
Also we didn't trick you into this. It was your decision.
Keep on watching. This is 2014 and 2015 AOTY.
So let's get this out of the way,
Salia is bestestest girl.
Rosalie is bestest girl
Hilda is best girl
Vivian best pussy.
>bestestest anything
That's not Salamaldringdong user
Literally who? Was she even in the show?
posting actual best
Momoka did everything for her.
She would still break her mana at some point. It's one of the few things that hi shouldn't think too hard about.
Cross Ange second season when?
you have no fucking idea what you are into
She does a full 180 and becomes one of the most entertainingly bitchy characters in anime. But don't expect the show to start making sense. That's part of the fun. When the police have to bring out a special crafted baby box to apprehend a toddler you know you're in for a ride.
I want any of the alternate/previous timelines.
The first episode is a normalfag filter. I enjoyed the series more each episode.
Ange is one of the best written strong females I know.
I don't want to spoil anything, don't know if it's the best analogy but I'd call Cross Ange the Kill Bill of anime.
cross ange was the last time I had fun watching an anime
CA is one of only 5 series' where I skipped episodes because I was bored/the next episodes premise was shit
Cross Ange was sadly shit, it could be better if
1: they split it into two seasons because the pacing was shit and
2: they didn't pair her off with one of the two male characters out of all the lesbians
I had fun with Ange Vierge and Valkyrie Drive, too. And Big Order. They are all the same.
>checking SWR V general in /m/
>nobody likes Cross Ange characters
From what I can tell now, there's not much point in that game. I'd rather a normal, full Cross Ange game than random dialog between characters from different shows. Ehh. I'll still buy it though.
>Do she change because so far she's literally a pants on head self righteous retard.
>he doesn't like glorified fanfiction
You're missing out.
Its pretty much a meme show
Sup Forums only likes it because of the lesbians
You need to change your mindset when watching shows like this.
It's shit but it's entertaining shit. I don't know how they do it but ever couple of years Sunrise puts out these complete train wreck mecha series that are equally stupid and amazing.