The movie has now been out for 16 hours in Japan give or take (I don't know if they o midnight showings for this stuff). Where the Camrips at?
Also Overlord Thread
The movie has now been out for 16 hours in Japan give or take (I don't know if they o midnight showings for this stuff). Where the Camrips at?
Also Overlord Thread
So far it seems to be just the anime episodes strung together. and that's it. so it's clearly a disappointment.
its confirmed?
bummer, they could have done something real special with the lizardman arc
as it is mostly from the lizardfolks POV, it would have really fit as a movie
You better be lying
really that sucks
i was hoping for lizardman hero adventures
i rewatched overlord with the eng dub and it was surprisingly decent. inner anz is a whiny little bitch and sebas is discount shawn connery. overall it was adequate.
Guys, seriously didn't we already know the movie is just copy and paste from the series already?
Anyway, let's just wait a few days to see what the Anons over at 2chan says.
you realize getting caught recording a film in a theater in japan gets you more prison time than killing a person, right?
Well, at least there will be book about pleiades
It was confirmed to be a recap. Not surprised.
What a fucking disappointment. I'm not going to buy anything.
Well even if you want to buy anything, you need to wait at least 3mths from now.
Who knows, maybe there are additional goodies.
yea thats what ive figured. this freakin bites man
>34 minutes ago
>page 1
Rather than talk about the obvious disappointment, let's talk about when Volume 12 will be released.
August at best
No, seriously, why?
Cheapest and Fastest way for max profits.
Did they at least improve the art?
The pleiades art in the book was top notch
Do you think, that nigel will translate it?
Sasuga Ainz-sama.
We are not even sure if anyone gonna scan it.
>pic related. The door gifts.
Please nigel, translate it
I"m not Nigel.
I"m #3.
Will Ninya ever be resurrected?
No, no it was just a prayer to nigel, after seeing door gifts
There is a Tsuareniya in meido outfit in the artworks it seems.
Probably as a wedding gift when Sebas and Tsuare marry.
I thought the crossdresser was discarded. Besides that, filet doesn't resurrect that well.
Translate this pls
Where are levels in dragon cocksleeve?
user, you got the artbook?
>Maid Lv1
>looks like rape in Japanese Lv2
Here's a better one.
Head Maid outside of Nazarick (Pending)
Job: Head Maid Candidate serving in E-Rantel
Residence: Room on the 9th floor
Maid (ordinary) Lv 1
Slave (ordinary) Lv 2
Birthday: Lower Wind Month, 14th day
Hobbies: Formerly, making pretty flower crowns. Now, nothing.
I got my contact in Japan to get the book, just need to wait for the baidu guys to start doing it so I can too.
Does that mean I can get climb as a class if I was forced to be him?
Rejoice heretics, my contact has deigned to take pictures for you.
Why would you want to be a fagg- oh wait.
oh baby
Yes yes, you're hot for teacher, we know.
I prefer Lupu personally, though this art does put all the Pleiades in a good light.
And that's the last of them.
You are worse than an australian
teach me please. in bed.
in heat all day erry day
I'd go on perilous adventures on her if you know what I mean
>cutie with a rifle
>CZ (for Carlo Zen)
mein Erikka
oozing with sex appeal
gonna need enough bug spray on this
Why did So-bin lewd the maid and not Skeletor?
>Slave lv2
I wonder what Slave Lv10 does?
>Other Slaves look up to you
>Master and Slave relationship becomes moot.
>Spactacus Lv1 unlocked
Holy shit thanks user.
She is trying to entrap us right?
>Slave lvl10
Reminds me about bayonet fanfic.
Toplvl character with only one maxed skill: fix bayonet, got transported to NW.
Slave is a job class focused on increasing stamina and constitution
She will need it
Reminder that solution have Ainz-sama's favourite body type
Anyone notice CZ looks puffy?
I can see nipples user and so do mods.
Ainz: --You two, put your clothes on.
Solu: Ah...
Chair: Eh?!
C&S: Yesssss!
I never really understood, what's the appeal of overlord as an anime? Not baiting, honestly curious.
She's wearing wargear underneath those pajamas.
Ainz wouldn't cockblock like this.
It's out of his character.
Can't be a bigger disappointment than Lupus.
>as an anime
It's supplementary for LN.
Helps with visualization and concepts when you read it after.
Like ok, forget the anime, what's the appeal of overlord as an LN. What is it getting at? what is the point of the entire thing?
thank you, Ainz-sama
fucking sluts, I swear
>What is LN getting at
>What's the point
You either like it or not, no amount of explaining would change that.
>fix bayonet
I wrote that. But the Lv10 farmer which a few of us Anons chipped in, is way better.
I remember.
>what's the appeal of overlord as an anime?
Nothing, really. It was only worth for listening to my queen and extra stuff from you got with the BDs
No its just that, it feels like it's much ado about nothing.. I've read many other Isekai LN's with similar concept that i've enjoyedimmenselyy, overlord just feels empty or strung together badly.
that sucks.
>the anime episodes strung together.
>so it's clearly a disappointment
How can that be dissapointing? It was obvious since the beginning. There was someone who expected other thing?
So it's not your thing.
Overlord is all about side characters and worldbuilding.
Author is building up a scene before some action.
Yes, I at least expected Nigredo scene.
I believe there are quite a few more, those were lost in time.
>Many other isekai LN
Do provide examples.
Yes but why and how am i supposed to care about a bunch of sentient NPC's??? Even Ainz is no longer human, dude can't even have erections anymore, what's the point.
RiskyAnon is that you?
Yankee in King Authors court
>how am i supposed to care
Nobody's holding a gun to your head user, don\t like it - don't read it.
You're just baiting because nothing you can read here will change your opinion, it's obviously already rigidly formed.
Anything of value MC ever had in life was related to his guild and guildmates.
NPC are his friends lineage in more than one way, as is his guild.
6GG, 8GK and 2 Players from 13H was able to have erections.
Where are they now?
Thinking with a dick gets you killed in D&D-like world.
Jaryuu Tensei
Mushoku Tensei Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
Ain't there a movie about a geek that got himself teleported to King Authur's court?
I said i wasn't baiting, i was asking for someone to explain it to me, and you have, thank you.
>western classical literature
>comparing to weeb isekai shit
>polygamy isekai Jesus Mary Sue
I didn't say that i didn't recognize that they were objectively shit, i just enjoyed them despite that. A guilty pleasure, one might say.
Okay then.
That mask. my side.
Yankee is still an isekai even though it's classical literature
Think so. Early 00s
Dungeon Defense, Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?, Lazy Dungeon Master, <Infinite Dendrogram>
I'm jelly now.
That one should be close enough
Japanese literature are generally considered a failure though.
We've got a flood of timehop and isekai novels here too, almost always related to Tsar Russia, WWII and sometimes isekai in fantasy world too.
I can't swear in English vividly enough to describe how shitty all of these are.
Kumo probably have best fights I've ever read in a novel.
Others are in backlog cuz I'm fed up catching up to unfinished title then get strangled in sticky wait suffering for ages.