Yandere thread.
Yandere thread
Here you go
I have never met anyone who seriously likes yanderes who isn't also under 20 and owns swords.
Who uses their money for swords thats retarded.
Yanderes are for lazy people who dont want to try that hard and buy their gf stuff and things.
Fucking this. I want my girl to love me having to put in any of the effort of having a girlfriend.
I prefer reversed gender roles myself
What if I want to have a yandere bf?
Effort isnt for me id like not to do shit
Daddy issues
sauce please
I just want to be kidnapped and made into a sex slave for a handsome yandere high school boy, is that so wrong?
Id prefer to have a yandere be clingy and kill people i dont like.
>this is your yandere
Kill it with FIRE.
>yandere thread
my fetish
Same. They can be entertaining, but that's as far as it goes. Yanderes are too fucked up and deranged to like seriously.
put gender roles into sad panda
If you take a risk you get a big reward id say if you can bunjee jump and sky dive you can handle a yandere relationship
Nice get
I think yanderes never work because it means that someone in the plot has to be a horrible piece of shit character.
Whether it's the guy who enables this, the yandere that's going to far, innocent person who tried to intervene and gets hurt is made incompetent and their injuries/death makes the original pair even more dispicable, etc etc.
Yanderes sometimes only win if they are main girl and not in a battle harem
Im pretty sure a rule of yanderes is to never interfere or you will get hurt.
To be fair to them, most states only allowed people to buy gun when they're 21
18 for long gun (shotgun and rifles), 21 for handgun
Also, they could just ask their dad to buy them a gun for christmas or as birthday present. That's how I got my first gun when I was 15 (it was a polymer 10/22)
Oh wow, I didn't even realized yandere was perfect for me until now.
I guess I love yanderes now.
What happens when a yandere girl likes a normal boy and then a different yandere boy likes the yandere girl?
anime when?
Yandere best dere!
so... what's in the box? She doesn't specify.
tomato relish obviously
Yanderes are retarded enough not to put tomato relish in a jar.
Yandere is the second worst anime dere archetype I've come across. It's only better than shy moeblobs.
Thank you for posting this image. This is now one of my faves.