This is the moment where Amanda went from best to worst girl

This is the moment where Amanda went from best to worst girl.

i'd let her in through my back door


Who is the DJ? Tyrone?

your watching little shit academia so you already fucked yourslef

>Anons being surprised she actually is not a shut in and she do shit in her freetime...

She's just a homeless bum that lived on the streets of Brooklyn, don't know what you expected from her user.

>tfw all of them went to the club with Amanda except Akko

>Lotte is banging Ahmed as her peers do.
>Amanda is banging Jamal.
>Suzy is just drugged up as usual.
>Fatty is chat up by the designated wingman.
>Everyone forgot about Constanze

Walking into the nightclub you're confronted by this rowdy group of school girl teenagers
What do?

I wonder what would be Diana's reaction if Amanda invited her to go clubbing.

Do you guys watch this? Isn't it for little girls?

Little girls watch me, I don't see any issues.

you know what else is for little girls?
*unzip dick*

>Everyone forgot about Constanze
That made me sad, user, you should be ashamed of yourself.

The rest is fine tho.


>unzip dick
Sounds like that hurts a lot user

She would probably ask what club she want to go naming some overpriced classy restaurant. And thinking that DJ are the initials of Amanda's buddy.

Is that why she knows how to pole dance?

Her alignment says she would have done the right thing at the club.

>Not chaotic evil

>You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs

Oh, shit. Maybe Diana is lawful good.

Yeah this was retarded. Thankfully for me I have taken refuge with Sucy, she is not a slut and cares about nothing but potions and pranks.

Don't care, since Amanda a is just cum and dump in the first place.

>people can't handle a character doing something normal

This is why Amanda isn't a boring waste of time like the meme dwarf or Diana