I have taken a liking to comedy manga about MC's joining an "evil" organization. What's Sup Forumss opinion on this kind of manga?
Also Ratman is pretty good too.
I have taken a liking to comedy manga about MC's joining an "evil" organization. What's Sup Forumss opinion on this kind of manga?
Also Ratman is pretty good too.
The madman actually confessed
This shit was really nice, I hope they restart/continue it once the LNs have more material.
The only thing that can fill the void left by this manga is that Black General manga
Really waiting for its comeback
Boss is best boy.
It was hilarious since it came out of nowhere with Mikoto going along with it and accepting his unconscious confession
How come the generic lackeys are pretty great too
I don't like them. Cause for the majority they call themselves bad but they are the good guys. Or the evil they do is nothing more serious than drawing a penis in a public wall.
Is there actually any manga with MC being a bad guy that is actually well written? Usually if you go with that premise you get a shitfest like Maou no Hajimekatta. Japan is incapable of managing a middle ground.
Dat general, doe.
Usually those cases are where main characters play it straight. Ones who don't act like moralfags or seem sympathetic. They have no good intentions, nor do they have any tendencies that indicate them to be sadistic or some shit. The characters who rape and kill for the hell of it are bad. The ones who act apathetic and do whatever they can for their goals regardless of sacrifice and means are the best kind. The apathetic main characters.
Was not this manga completed a while ago?
On Hiatus until the LN gets enough material to continue making a manga adaption.
Princess isn't a villain, she's a captive and a victim.
The cutest little sociopath.
Muh dick.
> Isn't a villain
> A victim
Hundreds of thousands of insects and beasts would like a word with you.
>dying during a loading screen
Has any other character jobbed this hard?
They kidnapped her and imprisoned her against their wall, it's justified violence.
Don't remember the title but there is a manga that is about people that ruin their lives asking money to yakuza. And the interesting thing is that the manga show the yakuza's point of view, and why they have no regret giving money to people that dig their own grave using their own stupidity as a shovel.
Then you can try some stuff from Ryoichi Ikegami like "heat".
Ushijima-kun, maybe?
Thanks for reminding me that Ratman got shit and boring.
Exactly. Thanks for reminding me.
Last time I checked, those monsters are just mere servants and the real victims here.
Oh, fuck, it's the prostitution-doujin meme guy, so that's where he's from.
Ratman had one of the worst meltdown in terms of plot of modern manga history.
The ending was so atrocious.
Baito Saki on the other hand was surprisingly enjoyable.
Also this is correct.
Yeah, that is also the reason why believable villains are so rare.
Princess is a miracle of the Universe disastrously so, but still a miracle
Is Eagle Talon acceptable around here?
Any evil organization worth fighting against has good lackeys.
Being an Ally of Justice must be pretty shitty, it's always the evil guys that have fun.
Please there me there will be more of this.
This manga was awesome.
I miss it.