Who else is HAPPY about Gabriel Dropout?
No Satania shitposting pls.
Who else is HAPPY about Gabriel Dropout?
No Satania shitposting pls.
why is Gabriel so shit? she ruined the whole episode
why is Satania so great? she stole the whole episode
im pretty disappointed by gab. first ep made it seem like she was an actual dropout failure of an angel. where we see he becoming a worse person as the show goes on. nope shes going to school and turning in homework even if its copied from vigne. satania is the only reason i havent dropped it.
I want to post some of my Satania pictures in this thread
Why can't I beat the urge?
>The only reason this angel started getting her shit together was because of the help of a demon
That's actually worse in its own right.
>still goes to school
That Vigne pussy must be pure heaven.
>OP said no Satania shitposters
>Get them anyways
Telling people to do something on the Internet will inevitably result in the opposite.
Satania is simply the more interesting character.
They gave Gab the slacker/otaku snarker personality with a hint of Kirino/Umaru on the side, but it's Satania (who has more of Kirino's bratty personality) that shines through.
How devilish!
You can't stop me.
You won't make me post Satania for you, you cunning fox
gab could have carried it if she was a dropout but gab slacker slob has no punch
Who isn't, really?
Gabriel is best. Satania is annoying.
A Vigne is fine too
>unzips heart
That's sweet (and mildly disturbing).
courier, i know you're here so fuck off
Does it still have memesubs?
Please live to your life fulliest and enjoy through every last minute of it.
>Satania is annoying.
She's devil afterall
Meanwhile Gab is fucking piece of shit Sup Forumstard.
the memesubs make it worthless outside of watching the raws
It's an hella awesome show, my dude. It's got everything and the kitchen sink. Faith moves mount Doga kobo.
Gab is shameless and would gladly show her otaku side compared to chicken nugget and Kirino
I downloaded FFF subs and they still had that "Through the Dark Lord, Amen" shit
What the fuck? I thought FFF was good.
I want to sex the Gabu.
yeah I noticed that in the Ep.7 wth is that? she only said "itadakimasu" and they translated that with "Through the Dark Lord, Amen"
Since when?