Which assassin would you fuck?
Which assassin would you fuck?
all of them have shit tier hips.
The only one that is worth my time.
Would choose her as well because, she has largest boobs.
>she has largest boobs.
>no men
>all vaginas
none, get this garbage out of here
Define "fuck"
>loving sex
Hanabusa, Nio, Banba.
>wild animal consensual sex
Inukai, Sagae.
>brutal rape with lots of beating and hair-pulling
The cyborg.
Nio's tatoos is a huge turn off during sex.
That tribal style tattoo would be a huge turn on, that said none of them since they all have their ships
Is it okay to rape Nio?
Nio is the only one alone.
No idea what anime or what any of the girls are like but judging by this picture alone it's the one with long blond hair.
Drills and center redhead are good too
She has the chairwoman, my memory is rusty but I think the chairwoman (yuri was her name) picked Nio up and raised her
>no one wants the serial killer
Good. She's mine.
They're all killers.
Why did my webm fall off?
But only one deserves to be bullied.
Everyone does it for work, she's the only one that also does it for joy/sexual pleasure, fuck no I don't want to risk that unless she's chained up
All lesbians so Sensei out of compassion.
>won't stick your dick in them because they're dykes
what kind of beta mentality is this?
>all lesbians
Rape the dykes until they're straight!
Her episode was the second most retarded one.
I'm a /u/tard so whatever, besides literally everyone has a ship ergo they're all taken
Retarded yes, but it was the best episode by far. Watching it with Sup Forums was great.
I forgot I was supposed to watch this. Which subgroup?
Which girl would be the easiest to beat in a fight?
Such a shame the designs were wasted on such a awful fucking show.
And they come in pairs. I was surprised sensei didn't fuck dice sensei. He was truly best girl.And Nio was futa.
Shiena the hyena.
It's hard to picture having sex with any of them since they're all lesbians but if I had to pick I'd take Haru cause scars are my fetish, or Nio cause normally I hate tattoos but hers are gr8
That is not how her tatoos work.
First choice Suzu, second choice Nio.
So, what happen to the manga?
It's over, finished, they live happily ever after, I'm just waiting for the licensed v5 to come out
>Show about assasins
>Nobody died
i'm still mad.
Also i'm fine with either Bomber girl or Nio
I'll just have them do a Yuri orgy, with strap-ons for a massive yuri gangbang
I've never seen this show, so I'll go in only based on their designs, let me know how patrician/shit my taste is. I'll pick 3 girls:
>Pink hair with the curls an the massive tracks of plot
>Blonde with the long hair wearing hose to her left
>Ponytail with the scizors and hot pants all the way to the left.
How did I do?
I have no idea what the hell this show is so r8 my taste
> Pink haired tall girl
> Girl w/ scissors on the far right
> Light blue haired girl, 4th from the left
Rate them from sluttiest to purest.
They were really good assassins, that's why other assassins couldn't kill them.
Can I fuck the loli?