>Mutsuki being assblasted by any girl who so much as talks to Kaneki
What can this bitch do against Roma?
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Other urls found in this thread:
this is just getting better and better
Reminder Ishida hates the Tumblr fandom.
Are tumblrinas this butthurt about Tooru being a female when it's literally been right in front of their faces this whole time? Are you fucking shitting me?
"Hurr muh transgender" "I'm a queer so muh fictional character has to be one too" Fucking pitiful.
Literally what were they reading this whole time lmao
Denial is one hell of a drug
>kill the enemy and fuck its corpse before gets cold
Mutsuki is now the best girl
Ishida's gonna have to prepare for death threats again. Poor guy, he just wants to write stories about crazy people.
>There are retards in this very thread who actually think that Uta is dead
Because getting stabbed by a rinkaku knife is going to do shit to the meme clown man who is getting free pussy RIGHT now
Uta's alive and she thought he was her ally.
I hope tumblrinas dropped this manga.
>expecting anything less from mentally ill overweights
Man. Funny thing is that this person would rather be insulted at the idea that "trans"-ness is being misused rather than even entertain the thought that Mutsuki was never trans from the beginning. Dug the pit too deep to ever leave.
Give them around a week and they'll be back
If Amon is coming back to GOAT with Takizawa and Kurona, then I definitely need Eto to return, too so that they can make the number 1 half ghoul assault team.
I think he learned vital information and now can use the yandere bitch however he wants.
It's funny, too, because what they're doing to Mutsuki, insisting she's trans even though she never was, is misusing "trans"-ness.
So what would this be considered?
It feels like NTR but that usually involves another party having sex and you being cheated on.
What's it called when the guy you're raping turns out to not be the guy you wanted to rape at all?
He's probably going to fuck with Kaneki a bit down the line with the information that Mutsuki is yandere and totally wants to do the dirty with him after stabbing him a couple of times
It means you got raped instead.
Will Touka die by the hand of /bestgirl/ Mutsuki?
Place your bests anons.
>Mutsuki will never fuck your corpse
why live
>haha I raped you sensei
>but I am actually not sensei, so we raped each other
>Mutsuki will never look at you this way
Why even live?
tfw everything went according to keikaku
>why live
so she can kill you and fuck your corpse, user
What does Mutsuki's pussy look/feel like?
Half-ghoul team
>that hashtag
Kaneki > Takizawa > Kurona >>> huge power gap >>> Amon >>> shit >>> Furuta
>crying over a character
See ya next chapter
That turbowhale isn't attached to a character. She's attached to the idea of being able to virtue signal by going "yes I am reading such a progressive manga with a transblack half-monster who is loved despite being emotionally disabled."
Fairly sure Furuta is around Kaneki level, and therefore able to defeat Takizawa and Kurona quite easily.
Also, this chapter proves that Amon is stronger than Kurona.
What did he mean by this?
>being trans does not mean that someone is damaged at all
Why is the suicide rate of trans people so ridiculously high then?
You wish.
Doesn't make any sense for Furuta to be that strong but I guess Ishida needs a bigger bad than Eto and Arima
I agree with you. Feels kinda shoehorned. Doesn't help that I think Furuta is obnoxious and not at all a good character.
Why is not a good character, user?
>Mutsuki is utterly yandere mode for Kaneki. So much she wants to erase Touka.
Oh my, has she yet to see Hide moments.
No real motivation, no real interest personality beyond being a guy with daddy issues who hides his insecurities behind "lol xddd im a joker hahahaa".
And no real progression curve in terms of power. He showed up once in TG (twice if you count his silhouette with Kanou) and then just appeared again and was shown to possess power on par with Kaneki.
fuck off, fujoshit.
>"Sensei... Embarissngly i'm actually a woman" says Mutsuki, as she rides atop of a make believe corpse of her male mentor
Tumblr: y-yeah she's definetly transgendered guys!
>No real motivation
He wants to be with the love of his life
>no real interest personality
Manipulative, intelligent psycho
> And no real progression curve in terms of power
Well, he's a Washuu bloodline, garden kid and a clown. He was always srong.
What was his motivation behind perfecting Amon? My thoughts was he was slowly perfecting Amon to help him as a friend and also because Amon could help him escape from the V's lab.
Well, thats not exactly what id expected from this chapter
Don't bother. They will never get it.
I'm still love him.
A-After all, that's what love is, isn't it user-kun?
So now that she killed Kaneki, is she the king now?
Though I guess he will just regan again after he is done getting raped.
Okay fine, shit motivation, shit personality.
I still don't agree that he should be as powerful as he is right now.
>go to mangaupdates to see if this is true
>he has done a hxh side story
>he was Togashi's assistant at one point
>used to be a tattoo artist
>Manipulative, intelligent psycho
You forgot nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor
>Well, he's a Washuu bloodline, garden kid and a clown. He was always srong.
Made up bullshit to justify his power, basically
If you like him, that's your choice. I won't lie, some of his antics amuse me, but more than often, he's a bit overdone, taking him from being comical to just being obnoxious and one dimensional.
He also doesn't work well as a schemer. We, the reader, know his true intentions and the reason behind why he knows what he knows, and does what he does.
Basically, we're subjected to seeing a zany idiot play people who are artificially made into gullible dumbasses.
I'm still not sure how being a Washuu kid translates to having an amazingly overpowered kagune.
Kaneki had Rize's kakuhou, and he still had to go on his own little journey to get to that point. No training in the Garden, pre-transformation justifies a kagune on Kaneki's level without any of the evolving that Kaneki had to go through to get such a powerful kagune.
By their logic, Shao should be able to fight Kaneki on equal terms. She can't even take on a kakuja Urie together with Saiko.
Why does Seidou want to kill Amon now
Man the art really has become togashi tier.
Read this chapter and then compare it to one of the last 30 chapters in part1.
He just wants to knock him out and considering his regeneration it wouldn't really matter if this turns into a bloodbath.
Jesus christ how can these people be so retarded, I bet they actually believe eto died and will flip their shit when she comes back
Oh, wait, they will drop the manga after this, nevermind
He's gave up on backgrounds too
He doesn't. He simply wants to survive the ordeal and is going kakuja, which means that it'll get messy. He won't hold back.
I wish Kaneki was a bit more like that.
The tattoo artist thing has been disproven by Ishida on his twitter.
So, is Uta dead or half dead?
Will we get preggers Mutsuki?
Will any scene in :re ever top Kaneki half killing Ayato?
>Pregnant Mutsuki herself confirming she will become a MOTHER
Overkill for Tumblr. I take it.
What about option 3, not dead at all and quietly laughing to himself with how well his bamboozle is going. He's a walking "Merely pretending" meme.
>He's a walking "Merely pretending" meme.
So is Furuta.
No scene in :re will ever top the Aogiri arc. No scene in :re will ever top the Anteiku raid.
From an artistic and storytelling standpoint :re is way below part1.
What's your guess?
the way that Mutsuki’s character has been written, especially as a presumably trans character up until this point, has connected deeply with a lot of people’s lives experiences. as such, recent developments may well leave people feeling quite invalidated and hurt.
i fundamentally disagree with, if that is the case, Ishida’s use of Mutsuki’s character arc to explain away his trans-ness as a means of merely hiding away his problems, that he isn’t really trans. That, as one of the only representations that trans people in anime/manga get, is so invalidating & hurtful - not to mention untrue.
One does not need to be traumatized to be trans. One does not need to be damaged to be trans - being trans does not mean that someone is damaged at all. The use of Mutsuki’s character arc to suggest that disgusts me immensely.
He's just playing a 5 dimensional chess. A true mastermind.
Are you a falseflagging Etofag or falseflagging Furutafag?
Or does it just depend on which is most convenient and efficient?
He's a shitposter, don't reply to him
Block his trip either way
I saw this post on tumblr as well. Well memed, friend.
I am both Etofag and Furutafag
That's not possible. You either have great taste or shit taste, not both.
>I decide this character's gender, not the person that created them
>being this delusional
And you're surprised that that place is full of narcissists and entitled, spoiled 15 year olds?
Stop bothering.
There is no hope for the human race is there? I wish we could all just lay down and die.
Of course Furuta is a great taste.
Yeah, let's go with that, user.
Divided and foolish, just like in politics, you're either right wing or left, while true masterminds can find positives and negatives on both sides and be the perfect middle.
Both of them are great characters: Furuta - the clown king and Eto - The ONE EYED GOD. If not Rize and Kaneki, they would get together.
>mfw there are actually retards jumping on "gender"
Someone launch a nuke and end this world already.
Thats not really Ken....
s t o p
r e s p o n d i n g
Uta probably is into this kind of sex
>every single chapter somehow makes the manga a little more retarded
I thought anons were just baiting when the called this the new bleach a year ago. I was so wrong.
I somehow can not. It's like a black hole.
Then I suggest filtering his tripcode