Every JUMP series since 2010, with how long it ran.
2016 wasn't as bad as I thought. Look at 2014. That's a lot cancellations.
Every JUMP series since 2010, with how long it ran.
2016 wasn't as bad as I thought. Look at 2014. That's a lot cancellations.
>Nisekoi lasted 5 years
iShoujo is over already? I remember first chapter scans + translations here.
Also you missed Best Blue in 2015
I wish there was a group that scanlated these short cancelled series of jump
It transferred to Jump+
We Never Learn, Poro and RxL will be canceled soon after first release. I feel it.
2010 and 2011 were horrible. At least it had based Enigma
Could you color them differently?
(Also does the week count count skipped weeks or Hiatus time?)
Are there there many series from before 2010 that are still running?
]104,156] 2y+ (2 full years + a few weeks)
]156,208] 3y+
]208,260] 4y+
The rest.
I liked St&rs and Kurogane.
Also: 2016 is not fully above the 52 weeks mark, so we'll see about cancellations.
I also guess that we'll get at least 2-4 new series this year in addition.
this is from a twitter user, I just found it. so i don't know if it counted skipped weeks. maybe someone here can tell?
2016 has been indeed the second best year for Jump.
>2010: Nothing
>2011: Nisekoi
>2012: Best year (Assasination Classroom, Saiki, Haikyuu, Shokugeki)
>2013: World Trigger
>2014: Hero Academia and Hinomaru
>2015: third best year maybe: Black Clover, Sesuji, Samon-kun
>2016: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Yuuna-san, Promised Neverland
> on hiatus
Every time.
So which of the 2017 series will fall into:
less than 1/4 year
1/4 to 1/2 year
1/2 to 3/4 year
3/4 to 1 year
Well what do you expect from a company that desperately wants another DBZ?
You kind of have to count them, since they are weeks the manga survived cancellation (except for mangas that are currently in Hiatus).
We'll talk when 2016 series have hit the 52 week mark.
Yuuna will probably manage. I don't care about the other two.
user, Neverland and Yaiba are safe from axe. Yuuna would be the manga with more cancelation chances but is selling well, so I don't see the axe for any of these 3 mangas
Man I really liked St&rs. There needs to be more fantasy space exploration with grounded realistic elements like that. elDIVE is sort of similar but is more typical battle shonen.
St&rs was fun and had a lot of mystery.
Jump currently feels like they are flinging shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, do they really know how to quality control to bring on good new series consistently?
Poro, U19, and RxL will fall before 20 weeks.
Marie might take a little longer because >Beelzebub.
WNL might survive the longest because of the Nisekoi gap.
Dr. Stone no idea.
Takuan and Batsu's demon diary got axed (that soon?) Damn.
SJnips sure do have shit taste. It would be interesting to compare such a chart with Shonen Sunday.
Is any of the 2017 ones any good?
I would disagree about 2015 being the third best year, I would say the 3rd best year is 2014.
Takuan was horrible, it pained me to read 3 chapters.
So far, not really. Maybe the final 2 will be good.
>Jump currently feels like they are flinging shit at the wall and seeing what sticks
They're just desperate, because with the end of Naruto and Bleach, only One Piece can keep them afloat.
They can keep on surviving with sales like Haikyuu's, WT's, Hero Academia's or Souma's, but they need urgent a new big brand to cover the gap that was left open.
>Getting cancelled
Are you high
They will make Boruto a weekly mark my words!
But was Bleach even moving magazine sales anymore anyway? I don't know the numbers, but I remember it being medium to medium low in rankings pretty consistently in the past years.
They are definitely feeling the hurt after Naruto's ending, but instead of scrambling to find a replacement and failing repeatedly, there should be some sort of open guidance and quality guidelines set for newcomers that isn't so strict on outdated audience wants. I also personally think Jump should open its boundaries a little bit more in regards to what it allows in terms of stories and such as its become too sterile for authors to grow in their art or storytelling without having to hit very cliche and boring story elements.
I'm not suggesting that Jump become seinen or anything, but perhaps a bridge between shonen and seinen without stepping into that territory.
>even moving magazine sales anymore anyway
It wasn't, but that's not the point. Jump doesn't need "sales", they need "names".
Bleach as a brand, was (worldwide) way more famous and important than any other Jump's good sellings series.
How long do you think Neverland will survive?
I've got a feeling Kimetsu is more safe for some reason.
Yeah that is a valid point.
Depends on how interesting the outside world will be assuming they escape in the next 100 chapters.
>Every single soccer manga has short life.
In WSJ at least.
>Boku no Hero Academia came out 3 years ago.
I still feel like nothing has happened.
What the fuck.
not the same magazine but Days is doing well, got an anime and everything.
Giant Killing is another one that's doing well in another magazine.
I mean this sucks.
Everybody here liked his stuff and he thinks he's no good because he got canceled. I kind of want to tell him that is just Jump's stupid system that gets everyone canceled.
wait what? Straighten Up! fucking ended??
fuck, I was waiting for an anime.
I split the first year in 1/4's.
Marked 1y+ series and longer ended runners separately.
Hiatus got dotted line.
I also categorized the 2016 series.
Yuna/yaiba has currently 51 chapters. Neverland has below 26. But they probably had skipped weeks too.
So yuna/yaiba are probably 1y+, and Neverland 1/2y but less than 3/4's.
Longer ongoing got violet.
>Straighten up!
2014 still looks like the worse jump year
What do you guys think about the kids reading this magazine, seeing these series come and go? They must be pretty jaded by now.
>not 2010
there are 12 cancellations in 2014 vs 7 (less than year ones) in 2010
It still hurts
Do they really decide what to axe based on people sending that voting thing like they showed in Bakuman? How many votea do they even receive? I can't imagine more than like 500.
And they probably all come from autists who send it every week.
Nah that 2014. You do know that TPN,KnY and Yuurigi is nothing on BnHA right? That shit is both High Seller and Top Ranker when started.
yes so? 2010 only had 8 serializations and 2014 has 2 that broke 2+ years
Missing Series:
((Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari-kōen Mae Hashutsujo Osamu Akimoto 1976/#42 until 2016))
One Piece Eiichirō Oda 1997/#34
(Hunter × Hunter Yoshihiro Togashi 1998/#14; Hiatus)
Gintama Hideaki Sorachi 2004/#2
>(Hunter × Hunter Yoshihiro Togashi 1998/#14; Hiatus)
does that even count? he is more time in hiatus than on the damn magazine.
Volume-Sales, Merchandising, Anime-sales, Marketability, ...
Still running.
I wasn't aware that they lost Kochi-kame though?
The list is from things that started in 2010 till now. OP and HxH started way before that.
it can't be volume sales for starters bc the volumes are not even out when they decide to cancel them.
It ended after 40 years
>Every JUMP series since 2010
>since 2010
>Can't even read the first line in the OP
I thought it started out interesting.
It's really fucking slow though. It bores me to tears now. Then again, they kind of blew their load on UNITED STATES OF SMASH
Votes, Editor's Opinions, Volume Sales(probably the biggest factor as it is Voting with Money instead of just sending in a postcard), Merchandise sales, Anime Potential.
At the end of the day, I think Volume Sales is the most important, but I think they should be prioritizing a GOOD STORY over marketability as marketability will come naturally if you have a good product.
You can see just how much they tried to force Toriko to become popular and how quickly they axed it when it slipped.
>mfw fucking SWOT got 20 chapters and Ole Golazo gets 13
SWOT is literally the worst manga I've EVER read and it got 7 more chapters to live. What the FUCK.
how many of the 2017 came out already? all?
No, we haven't got Dr Stone and RxL yet
So 2012 was pretty much gold, 3 ongoing series and AssClass ended properly.
Yaiba probably has an anime in the planning stages judging by how much jump is promoting it. They need something aside from black clover to promote this year and it's been doing really well. Yuna looks like it's on the chopping block and zumo is heading toward a natural end unless there's an anime in the works that we don't know about. Neverland looks like jumps best shot at a naruto like success so you can bet at that one surviving for a long time unless something happens to make everyone hate it
I still think it's interesting.
>Yuna on the chopping block
Are you high or just dumb?
2014 had Academia an Zumo, so fuck off.
I still don't get what the deal is with zumo. It's been running for 3 years and there's still no anime. Why? The sales aren't even that bad
>Oumagadoki Zoo
>Ole Golazo
bring them back
The kids probably love being the judge, jury, and executioner of these series.
I haven't been paying too much attention to it. Has it been doing that well?
>nothing has happened
Also, it only feels like Cross Manage got cancelled last year. Holy shit the years are starting to speed past me.
Also Akaboshi should have been a Naruto Tier success. Amano will never get a break.
I miss Hungry Joker.
Yes. It's been doing great.
That is kind of the point of that list.
To list current long-runners that are not covered by the graphic.
There's probably not enough interests by other potential sponsors for it. Or the market analysts have determined that there's currently no desire for it.
Or sometimes, the companies do want to make an anime for it, but red tape and long drawn out negotiations between the companies can cause the project to simply take far longer in the planning stage. Or the yakuza who always supplement those anime productions as minority sponsors that you don't really want to piss off nonetheless are being extra annoying and threatening to cause a scandal and ruin the reputation of the big established companies.
In short, business problems as usual.
I made the color-anotated version of the graphic and listed still-running series that are not in the graphic to complement it.
>Volume Sales(probably the biggest factor as it is Voting with Money instead of just sending in a postcard)
"Do they actually buy it?" is probably a good metric.
No series acts in a vacuum.
2 series of their already surpassed it, slam dunk and one piece, they just chase the next big thing, not looking for another dbz.
>Yuna looks like it's on the chopping block
I hope not.
Is it doing well?
But this:
haikyu's bigger than bleach
Doesn't change the fact that it is a good metric once volumes are out.
(Do they count full-price sales vs discount-sales?)
That's pretty much the definition of being jaded.
It is, actually.
they probably do predictions on how well things will sell, i mean if no one's voting for it, then why would anyone buy a volume
ole golazo got only 12
Hungry Joker had so much potential.
I'm still mad it when the way it did.
>Oumagadoki Zoo
that's impossible now for obvious reasons
i'm mad they canceled Red Sprite, I was really liking it
>Gakkyu Hotei.
I nearly finished that crap too.
I read Cyborg Roggy for a little and it seemed pretty good.
I feel like you're overestimating how much they care about international audiences, otherwise they wouldn't have let Bleach or even the less popular Toriko rush into ending given their Western followings.
I miss Kiruko
Magico is what pisses me off
that one got killed by introducing that awful new character, turns out fans didn't like seeing ntr-bait.
Looks like the average lifespan is 30 weeks?
Too embarassed too fill out the questionaire but still buying the volumes?
How does that work?
Don't they get overseas profits too?
They could always push a series into Jump+ though.
embarrassed by what?
more like lazy
Soul Catcher(s) went to another of their magazines i think.they prob see some money from viz digital WSJ too. and from volumes ofc.