which future friends is your favorite
Kemono Friends
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Twin wolves are my favorites. Margay looks to be fun.
Kitakitsune is the best girl in the whole franchise.
I can't believe user is fucking dead.
Why is Sun Wukong and her overpowered ass is in the anime?
Because monkey.
>final episode with a strong Cerulean
>Bag must convince the legendary Monkey King to help
I should probably go back to fix the chickenshit backgrounds I did with the earlier ones. Hopefully user doesn't draw anything in the mean time.
Waai, niku da, niku!
I wanna give a hard lesson to that Japari bun thief.
Why does she look very retard?
I was waiting for this.
Good job again.
is that a monkey? oh boy
"For I have tasted the fruit."
Is Kemono Friends fun? I thought it was a child show but it's kind of popular with the artists
It's pure tanoshi
Fat pig otaku hentai is literally the worst. Who actually gets off to this crap? Do disgusting people really want to pretend they're still disgusting even in their porn fantasies?
Wolf and Giraffe were the haunted house couple right?
It's a mystery.
The tanoshiiest
>Why does she look very retard?
>look very retard?
>very retard?
That's from Bodoro.
What the fuck is this supposed to be?
Happy meal head for sure.
why is ocelot so pure sex
It would be a real shame if he were to draw, say, the Top Gear crew racing a Japari Bus through the savannah.
Nah, Berserk is significantly worse. Kemono Friends knows its limitations and doesn't often try for crazy shots or anything, instead relying on the strength of it's character designs and storyboarding/direction. There's a lot packed into comparatively little character animation, so the style winds up being kind of endearing instead.
Berserk on the other hand kept trying to be all badass and epic and emulate the manga, so everything just looked like shit because the wooden movement and poor quality models didn't do it anywhere near justice. It's a fucking farce especially compared to the quality of the original manga's art.
Berserk in proper film-tier CGI probably would have worked out, but the janky cel-shaded crap was the dumbest idea ever.
Watashi wa toki~
Her song is both amusing and sad when you think about the fact that her species is practically extinct.
It's a family friendly show with spoopy mysteries
Though humanity might be still alive since the account come from silly owls
Expressionless Owls were great. Hope the foxes will be just as good or better.
Owls are mean to sushi guy.
Some people have seemed to already be pretty in love with the fox couple. I bet their episode will be great.
Yeah I think part of what makes the poor CG acceptable in this is the thoughtful use of it. It's not really ever trying to be more than it is.
Kids' shows are often popular with artists. They don't often air in the middle of the night though.
If draw Friend comes back I will request Robin Williams with Gorilla Friend.
Was waiting for this to happen. Ithe owl on the right in real life can fold its body down to practically nothing compared to its full size can't it? Anyone got the image of the real owl doing it?
1:30 am still coincides with otaku-o-clock
And somethings had to be aired in alongside Handshakers
Cool. Can someone post the originals of these?
I got you senpai.
Git gud.
But why?
It's a shit game
Pride. You look bad backtracking.
Who cares, Nexon a shit.
As far as I know, they're retarded. That's why.
And something a bit more normal. They probably did more but whatever. I don't browse these threads 24/7.
Get 'em as they come.
Probably because it bombed.
I really hope that they take the effort to make a new game that's legitimately good instead of milking the game for all its worth with some sort of gacha hell.
But all mobage are gacha hell. Some just trick you into believing that it's not that hellish in the beginning.
so they can make better and more tanoshii game
I love our draw Friends.
>mfw ending part of Ep 7 and after-credits scene
Wow I didn't know they were just gonna straight up lay it out that humans are just not around anymore. This show just makes me go crazy because I tend to overthink too much on its worldbuilding. Where can Bag and Friends go to now?
>the shit on her hat
This is not tanoshii.
I usually like bait-and-switch into suffering in my anime but I really hope they don't go full PLOT with the whole human/cerulean thing. That ruined a certain show last season.
what is this a reference to anyway?
I doubt it's going to get TOO dark. This is still an anime where we watched an otter girl play on a slide for ten minutes.
Friend edit when
Well obviously to go see a pengiun idol live show.
Then through some snowy area with some foxes, then a haunted house attraction, then a beach.
I believe the user just really wanted to do a gritty post-apocalyptic survivor Bag-chan. That's it.
Left = Serval
Middle = Bag
Right = Jaguar
It was hinted at that they might exist but the Friends don't know about it if they do and probably underground. Serval and Bag chan are going to continue their search for humans.
I watched the first episode.
The animation is really horrible, but overall the show is fun.
Also I can't unsee Hippo's happy crotch face.
does someone have the rest of these i don't think I have them saved yet
Watch the next two, friend!
Well, I meant plot-wise, but that works too! Don't want them to suddenly go "last human in the apocalypse" while I'm looking at some cute Friends
Every episode of the show gets better and better.
Read the thread lad.
yeah i found them literally like 30 seconds after I made that post and felt like a complete idiot
That's good to hear.
was this from a show about talking hamster
You guys are forgetting one more thing, the godawful choppy animation
It's from Dai Maho Touge.
I was actually drawn in by fanart, I didn't even know it was CG, so it took me by surprise. I am so glad I stayed on though, the Friends' designs are super great and I enjoy a comfy adventure show anytime
Cry me a river.
What's so special about this show? Japanese are really digging it there is already a tons of fan art and porn.
If only there were some way you could watch it and find out.