Imagine if the US were ever involved in a full scale ground war against a sub Saharan African country like Congo,Nigeria, or South Africa (blacks only)? I guarantee you enlistment in the military would go through the roof
War vs Africa
If there is no oil on continent Nigger, we aren't going to war there.
Africa is yuge
I wouldn't be surprised.
We've been at war with people whites hate the most
> Asians ( vietnam/ nk)
> Mideasterners (sand niggers)
> Hispanics ( cuba)
I'm surprised there hasn't been a full scale war on
> not including Egypt/Libya
This, Israel didn't tell the Americucks to fight sub-Saharan blacks
There are plenty of natural resources in Africa. Its just the Chinese are snatching them up before we can. They are doing a much better job at colonizing Africa than we are at colonizing the Middle East.
If there was a war in Sub-Saharan Africa, it would probably be in reality a proxy war between the US and China and Russia.
This is factually the worst thread you dumb fags have made on this board yet. There's no cohesion and nothing actually makes a lick of sense.
Because they aren't doing it the retarded way?
> In their face, war, oppression.
Their giving them shitty deals in exchange for their resources.
But the barbaric white still hasn't reached this point of genius.
You must be brutes.
>UGHHHH me want, me take
They've outsmarted you dumbo
>mentions Congo and SA
OP is retarded
>expecting anything less these days.
I spend more time now derailing, larping, trolling, and, yes, I'm proud of my work.
This is a stupid thread. Why bother putting effort in?
The Chinks have no originality, they're doing exactly what the Empire did only now the local tribes have learned not to attack them afterwards.
where's the contradiction?
But that method works better.
that's because you have no idea how much Americans hate blacks and would love to get the chance to go to Africa and shoot them legally.
and we haven't officially gone to war with the one group that whites hate the most by far.
You're speaking of a race war?
Commies are retarded
i'm not a commie
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
Unironically that seems like a good map for a neo-colonial Africa