This is a boy.
This is a boy
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd decimate his pussy.
No, it's a girl (male).
Yes, and?
More. Now.
Jesus Christ
Yeah sure. Artists can literally draw a girl and then just say it's a boy which is bullshit if you ask me. It's fucking bullshit. Fucking bullshit.
I know, it's great.
More where that came from.
this is a boy
This is a boy.
This is bullshit. Why is Japan trying so hard to make me gay?
>no My prince thread
>it's shit
>people tried to forget it before it was over
>8 episodes.
>can't do anything decent with it.
>Rushed garbage.
Such a shame.
Also this is a boy.
Was it budget or what? S1 got 25 episodes, for God's sake.
Well meme'd.
Pure pazaak.
The fact that Arslan Senki has never received a proper adaptation is so depressing. I might be dead before they finally do it justice.
I want to hold hands with him.
He looked even more feminine in the OVA.
WTF I love boys now
Isn't that a doujin?
Mahmut Pasha > Arslan
Persians > Roaches
But user, Arslan is of roach too!
>Named after Seljuk Turkish ruler
>Culturally close to Persians but uses Turkish words when speaking to his army, just like Seljuks did
>Your pic related and this one
Weren't we getting more Arslan?
I thought it was 8 episodes only because all the timeslots were already taken.
These are filthy LIES!
It's the truth
Mahmut is far superior from Arslan anyway, i mean, did he jew'd the whole merchant republic just by crossdressing?
The Original Arslan had an Egyptian Arab Father and a Persian Mother
>Named after Seljuk Turkish ruler
>Culturally close to Persians but uses Turkish words when speaking to his army, just like Seljuks did
[Citation needed]
How can 3D girls even compete?
Original Arslan story came out of the Persian butthurt on Turks
Nothing you posted relates directly to Arslan. An empire existed, great. Now how does that tie into Arslan?
He's mesmerizing.
iirc in Original story, Arslan's real father was ruler of Ottoman Empire however, Crusaders managed to reclaim the city, thus Arslan and his mother had to flee from the capital and Egyptian merchant took Arslan as foster son
Arslan x Mahmut porn WHEN?
He's fine by himself.
>Character name is Arslan
>Culturally Persian but speak Turkish words to his soldiers such as "Yashasuin"
>No relation
ok buddy
Uh, no.
That's a boy (cute).
but we need some roach x roach porn!
>Puts his enemies' heads on pike because they killed his mentor
>Can crossdress really well
>Can jew whole merchant republic while at it
>Has Greek, Algerian, Italian, and fuccboi turk and Werewolf turk as companion
>can ride horse 72 hours non stop
>Has badass eagle
What Arslan can do other than being naive fuccboi that relies on others?
>can ride horse 72 hours non-stop
>tfw Mahmut will never ride you for 72 hours non-stop
Why even live
t. Roach
>people want to dress up your ancestors and fuck them
>he doesn't want to fuck his ancestors
I wonder where they get these crazy ideas...
It was done by Lidenfilms, which never fails to fuck up.
>this is your male school teacher for today
>He says a word! That means he's Turkish!
Welcome to Turkish Nationalism 101
Where you will find out that your great great ancestor was a Turk because he had nomadic life
>arguing about a fictional character's nationality on a chinese cartoon image board
What arguing? He's Persian. Only a retard would think otherwise.
Inb4 inspect element edited (You)s.
I wonder that whether his students fucks him or not
>58 posts
I don't know you but this seems like arguing to me. Thread itself is /cm/ tier shit so I don't really care though.
He is Seljuk Turk that rules over the Persians. Only a retard would think otherwise.
> Thread is about cute boy
> It devolves into Sup ForumsSup Forums levels of "serious discussion"
Just wait till Shoukoku no Altair starta to air, its gonna be shitfest where they argue over Mahmut being a Turk or Balkan rape baby
>Set in the 320's
>300 years before Islam's founding
>700 years before the Selijuk empire even began
>Still think he's a Roach
You're a bit thick, m8
Alright, I'm done. Let this thread continue to be about cute shota princes, no more of this Sup Forums shit.
Wait, is this guy an actual teacher?
As i was saying
Mahmut x Arslan doujins when?
>fujoshit bait
>guy-on-guy is hot!
>one of the partner looks extremely girly
Explain this shit. If they get off to a guy boning another guy, why does one partner look girly?
Are they subconsciously disgusted with homo stuff, and it'll be less homo if one partner is feminine?
>male x male = disgusting!
>male x fe-male = acceptable
>men who like flat chest girls are homos
>men who like muscular women are homos
>men who like tomboys are homos
Boy do you sound retarded.
The guys in fujoshit rarely look as feminine as Arslan. He's for fujos with a trap fetish or outright trapfags.
remember that Anzu is turkroach to.
>men who like muscular women are homos
>men who like tomboys are homos
That's kinda true to be very honest.
Sorry, not buying your retarded arguments. Flat chested girl still looks like girl. Tomboy still looks like girl. Except swole girl, toned girl still looks like girl.
Referring to these and and >draw a girl
>call it a boy
Call me a faggot if you want, but I would do absolutely unholy things to that boy's asshole.
But that's a boy's body, he's toned, he has pecs instead of tits, and his shoulders are wider than his waist.
The most feminine part of him is his face.
This is a girl.
What about the Mahmut?
This is a boy.
>earring in right ear
it's either a girl or a faggot
This is my son.
>letting your son dress up like this
What did you mean by this?
Yes. I can only imagine how many confused boners he gives his male students.
He takes after his mother.
Nothing wrong if his students (male) are like this.
boys are cute!
This is a boy detective.
I'd fuck his ass, no homo
Alp Arslan was the sultanate of Seljuk and Rum?
its not trying if you already are
Doctor Donovan fixing the princeĀ“s back pain?
sauce? is this gujira?
>Dat ass.