It's out :
Fairy Tail 524
So Cana "death" next week?
The power of family will win
Jellal when?
August hype lives on. After all, the editor's note "What's the intention behind the taunting words?" lets us know that August isn't taunting Gildarts just for the fun of it. August is a wise man, he knows better than that.
And then revived two chapters later.
filler chapter
>August job flag activated
he shouldn't have tried challenging the power of """family"""
And also Wendy and Erza will have a fake death in next chapters.
Is this a record?
shit tier chapter
>August doesn't understand the love between parent and child
Well no wonder, how is a Lv.MAX virgin wizard supposed to understand that in the first place?
>le edgy villain
well another wasted character
so guess this chapter is proof that being a virgin over 30 grants amazing magic power.
And since August is like 60+ his magic is vast
too bad it will be useless against the power of friendship/family
Erza is about to get a big power up.
I still hope we get to see Larcade defeat or at least affect Acnologia.
nice back view of Cana here.
Pretty sure he was said to be even older than Zeref.
Yes, just what could these words possibly mean?!
Is August doing to inseminate Cana, then kill her, in front of Gildarts' cripple body?
Translation : I'm going to job to the power of Nakama/Family
Was it that hard user?
>well another wasted character
Are we even keeping track?
>august is going to job against power of family
Dropped, see you guys next week
That was the character introduction double page right? This will be cool as fuck.
Zeref a cute. A CUTE!
Good to see Acnologia showing up won't completely interrupt Gildarts vs August.
his design is fucking terrible
he looks like an emo kid
>Gee ... I wonder what happens if a villain hurts the friends of a Fairy Tail member ...
This series was never good, but damn, I'm impressed just how retarded it turned out to be
>This series was never good
eh. it was okay up to the oracion seis arc.
Has any character in any shonen actually lived up to the claim
>I've mastered every form of what ever this worlds special ability is
>Please mister
>No more Ryona
>I'll be a good girl
muh dick
i hope Ahgot makes art of acno raping any of them, thought i doubt it since he draws like one thing a year
August raping Cana.
Acno raping Wendy.
The future is BLACKED indeed.
>Set up for the entire first half of the series as the most evil and terrible dark wizard to ever live
>Turns out he's just a misunderstood pretty boy
Fuck Japan.
Seriously, what is the point of Fairy Glitter? It does nothing in actual fights.
>Remember all the ryona of the fights with DiMaria and Irene?
>It was only the appetizer.
>I will do something very stupid, which really only serves to make you strongers, this way i will job.
He was a good character ... until the last page.
Shit, I miss DiMaria
>open FT chapter
>it's shit
>close FT chapter
Well that was shit, see ya next week for more shit.
It does do top tier stuff but the guy she used it on was topper tier and it doesn't affect him.
m-me too
Brandish will get injured then august will go crazy on acnologia before dying and will know what real parental love is, screenshot this.
But August is red
It turned to shit after the Laxus vs Natsu and Gajeel fight.
That was probably the last good moment that the series had to offer
doujin of DiMaria bullying Lucy then DiMaria gets bullied by Brandy when
I thought the Tournament Arc would revitalize things, it had a lot of potential with Sabertooth and Raven Tail, the Fairy Tail B team rivalry and Erza's dank as shit 'All 100' moment.
Than it jumped the shark with dragons and went right to shit. Lucy's character never recovered either.
Don't worry, mini-Mari's busy pleasing her Randi in the most lewdist ways possible.
Why is every Erza fight the exact same?
>Erza gets beaten up for a bunch of chapters
>ryona, ryona, ryona, ryona
>last second power-up
>"Because she is Erza!"
It's because she's Erza.
>last second power-up
Forgot the hotpants gamble which always works for her. Always. Fuck having defense, "Because She's Erza" is her actual armor.
If only Mashima could draw the vulva like Yabuki Kentarou this manga would literally have the greatest backstory ever.
hnnnnngh good stuff dude
needs coloring tho
>Hype the shit out of Rakeid, Eilin and August as top tier Spriggan and way beyond any other wizard sans Zeeref
>First one is defeated without much trouble
>Second one kills herself because love
>Third one is going to job to the power of nakama/family
>Even Zeeref was almost imprisoned with an asspulled Mafuba
Watch fucking Acnologia lose to shitters in the coming chapters. This manga can't possibly disappoint readers any further at this point.
Irene comeback when?
Seeing this after some smoke got me, lads
>*insert Uchiha Madara copypaste here*
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
If only there was a Doujin involving that as well.
Even in death this woman just can't catch a breath can she?
All the power in the world, but complete and eternal virginty.
I'm honestly surprised he didn't eat the corpse
Did you think that all the power in the world would come without a price?
pussy is overrated
You got to break it down into smaller piece first, you did see how large some parts of that woman was.
Seeing as I have seen both sides, I would gladly take that price
Stop posting the Shanks ripoff.
Holy shit I forgot about Raven Tail. I thought they were going to be a big deal, but I guess Mashima decided not to bother with them anymore and just had the whole guild get wrecked by Laxus. Laxus' dad ended up being the biggest joke of a villain in the series.
Fuck you! She was still warm!
"Fairy glitter does nothing again!"
Beating August would be bullshit so it had to job, it was a lose-lose situation.
Don't tell me what to do.
Why are they still fighting? The war is over, Acnologia is there. They're no longer enemies.
Just because another asshole shows up doesn't mean that the other guys aren't still assholes.
But they don't have time for that right now. They can battle it out later, right now Acnologia is gonna kill them all. Everyone will die and they're wasting time on pointless squabbles
The only ones that can do anything about Acnologia are Mavis, Zeref, and possibly Natsu. Everyone else would just die pitifully.
Ahem. You are forgetting somebody. A certain person who literally beat anybody because she happens to be who she is.
Why is all this happening again? After all the retardation i sort of forgot.
>tfw Jellal is the only person to ever beat Erza
But that would be cannibalism
Is cannibalism wrong? She looks pretty tasty and is still warm.