Give me a good argument for why we shouldn't legalize all drugs
Give me a good argument for why we shouldn't legalize all drugs
Because society and the people that live in it are hedonistic gluttons who can't be trusted to use them responsibly as people of old did
because of all the sources listed are known to be far left
If they legalize murder I could get murder down 100%
You don't get it whitey, it's the endless cycle of poverty that's the problem.
>black man is poor and has kids to feed
>black man deals drugs
>black man goes to jail
>black man gets out cant find a job deals drugs
>black man goes back to jaill
>black child grows up, no father figure deals drugs
>black child goes to jail
etc etc etc
good thing this data is current
they're pure numbers. there's no political bias
would that reduce property crime? homicide? violent crime? create jobs?
Well we can legalize all that too. And can make being unemployed a well paying job. Oh wait. We already did that last bit.
drugs are bad for your brain, you mind-jewed goyim!! oy vey
besides it also means less niggers on the street, more in jail
you ever looked outside your mcburger, see if your preconceptions hold true anywhere? even with the jewry? no
So? Why do you care that people would ruin their own lives with their own choices. They’re adults and can think for themselves.
Regardless, making weed legal ends the black market of marijuana, so it does eliminate some crime.
Murder has a victim. In drug usage you make yourself a victim, by choice.
this is pretty true, sugar, aspertame, petrochems, all garbage for you
An ever-expanding homeless population.
Colorado tries to hide it, but fact is that the bums in Denver are becoming more and more visible and bothersome.
I care when young people my age are in a culture where they are made to think these things are cool and not detrimental to one's health
drug usage has other victims than yourself, and it's a cost to society
and don't hit me with that bs "it's only cool cause illlegal" becaue it's still pretty cool in Colorado and in jamaica, I would say...
They fuckin banned a plant that we used by civilisation for thousands of years because of the war on drugs, its still sold but the police can harass you about it, all drugs should be made legal and education should be provided, Netherlands is a prime example
Correlation does not imply causation
fluorine in water as well, decreases your IQ and fucks with your brain, maybe why we've dropped in the west
I copied this from Sup Forums a while ago, I know weed is not new but it really resonated to me
"The last fucking thing the America needs right now is the introduction of a hip new depressant to sooth them along into (further) apathy."
give me a reason we shouldn't lace all drugs with cyanide.
>Regardless, making weed legal ends the black market of marijuana, so it does eliminate some crime.
Punishing drug users who fund the trade would also reduce crime then.
So... if they use them irresponsibly and die, no more problems. If they ruin themselves and cant work for food they die. The problem now is that everyone hides it so we dont know who is who, if we legalized it and made people give their personal info to get any then we can track and manage it. Ignoring things makes them worse.
yeah make all drugs legal you idiot, because law has never been good at getting people to stop doing bad things lol, actually maybe not in India... with that logic you could say "oh they banned mob-murder which was done for thousands of years in all civilizations bla bla bla" drugs have a cost to society, and are bad for the youth, it is why they are illegal
It's true that murder went down in 2014. But it seems like just random variance.
begin a petition, I will sign
> implying making something illegal is ignoring it
> implying young people aren't victims of a culture that see drugs as the forbidden fruit and something cool
That may be the worst argument for anything I've ever read. What in the literal fuck are you talking about.
(((((random coincidence)))))
haha lol this one is a bit far-fetched
'It's still sold' is a bad argument. The question is whether it's sold *as much as it would be if drugs were legal*.
As he pointed out, laws against murder don't eliminate murder either, but they still reduce it.
And so the powers that be, men, just like me spoke upon the masses 'The last fucking thing the America needs right now is the introduction of a hip new depressant to sooth them along into (further) apathy'
and I obeyed as I know they had my best interests at heart and respected my right to live in peace and harm nobody.
They respected me as a man and I respected them as my masters
The reduction from 2009-2010 was much larger. If they legalised marijuana in that time period that wouldn't mean the legalisation was responsible.
Did your mother drop you on your head or something??
I will not explain to idiots that can't read what I mean, try reading again maybe
Drugs are like a disease for a nation/people : a consistent thorn in your side if you are prosperous (USA), and possibly a mortal blow if you are in troubled times(China, Native Americans,Latinos). They bring social instability, mass death, and are a plague like the bubonic one, that should be purged from society to build a better world.
Reliable sources such as:
Get the fuck out of here.
Legalize weed, tax it, regulate it.
However for the rest I'd leave them decriminalized. Addicts won't be arrested but are advised, or sent to clinics depending on the severity of the case of the their addiction.
Up the penalties for illegally making and/or selling the substances too
Then stop making kids
Just ask yourself...
Are our rulers giving it to their children?
>Has to feed kids
"whats EBT?! I dunno white boi I can't read"
But if there was legal weed then he'd still get busted for dealing without proper permits and tax evasion
Is there not a single thing besides pot sales that could be helping this numbers be what they are?
>implying making something illegal makes people stop doing it
Have you been asleep since 1925?
>law had never been good....
Yeah how about that law and the opiod crisis in your country, Netherlands had the same problem now a token number of people die from heroine overdose un their country, did the war on drugs solve the heroine problem or Legalization with education i hate you stupid burger who will go muh black market and muh stupid false anecdotes is drugs murder NO, READ THE STICKY FAGGOT
no, because they want more power hungry kikes to take their place.
As a grown man there isn't even an argument, alcohol is legal and much worse for society, it's just socially acceptable and the big one, taxed.
>black man is poor and has kids to feed
Then get a job nigger. Problem solved.
Not listed on there: 400%+ homeless population in Denver (losers from other states moved here and continued being hobos)
t. Denver resident
Friendly reminder that the "War on Drugs" was heavily driven by Democrats and niggers, from it's inception to at least the late 90s, even though it was started under Nixon.
So drugs are bad for the youth. That's fine because you have to be 21 to purchase or sell marijuana. So there's that chunk of the worst paragraph ever written. Then you make some sort of haphazard argument that drugs incur a cost for society. Agreed, I guess but so does alcohol so we should make that illegal as well as it's even worse for your health than weed. Also sugary food and drink is causing an epidemic of obesity in adults and children. Banned. Or.... get this. Individual responsibility for your own health. I know this is groundbreaking but stay with me. Instead of saying "You can't own a plant because the government says so." You could write a series of laws in which it can only be legally consumed in your own domicile and can only be traded using certain permits. Then businesses could decide individually if they wish to drug test employees. Oh wait... that's what we're doing.
Two things...
1. Take a writing class because you're borderline illiterate
2. Stop wanting a nanny state government, you pussy. If you think weed is a negative then you don't have to smoke it. It harms no one but the individual. All vices harm society in some vague way I suppose but that includes junk food, lack of exercise, too much video games, alcohol... lets ban it all right faggot?
>so niggers can be totally usless.
>jim comes home to his family of four
>shoots up heroin
>beats his wife and kids
>spends all his money
Put your money where your mouth is faggot. Relegalize dueling to the death since it operates under the same logic.
Assault is illegal
Neglecting children is illegal
Murder is illegal (duelling)
We've already made all of this illegal you faggot. Are you a literal retard on the internet?
>can't provide an example using marijuana
btfo lad
and to add
>beating anybody up on heroin
LMAO this is COMPLETE bullshit
Weed has turned Denver into a living hell. There are weirdos and homeless bums on every corner, even a travel advisory against going to denver for out-of-towners.
Weed propaganda is truly amazing. I used to fall for it when I was younger.
>black man
>not ditching has baby mama the second he finds out she's pregnant
Who is talking about heroin?
Who has the energy to beat someones ass while on heroin?'
what a fucking retard.
Denver doesn't have a large nigger population for a city of its size. Maybe legal weed is an effective means of pacifying the nigs that they have.
Nigs are very good at getting illegal weed.
>Weed has turned Denver into a living hell. There are weirdos and homeless bums on every corner
Smoking weed?
>n-no its not alcohol because I do that to, its fine
Here's a good way to approach government. Ready?
No victimless crimes. This includes things that follow the logic of "[x] can lead into [y], with [y] having a victim. Therefor, ban [x]." This is the line of reasoning used for almost every tyrannical law. Instead, just punish [y], and that will make people careful around [x].
No fucking with the economy. This never results in anything good.
No purpose other than jobs that require force (police, military).
Only exceptions I might make involve fire and natural monopolies like roads and dams. Apart from that, leave people to their own devices. The government hardly attracts the sorts of paragons of virtue and wisdom that you have to imagine in order to view anything more than minimal government as a good idea. On the contrary, government officials tend to be some of the worst people that you'll ever meet.
So I should be able to not wear a seatbelt because I'm the only victim?
Correct. If you want to be stupid, that's your own business.
The crime rate went down and then went right back up again.
Potheads are cancer.
>10000 jobs created
yeah now every stoner faggot is flocking to this state to become a minimum wage bud trimmer
alrighty then enjoy paying for my insurance faggot lol.
You obviously haven't ever met a nigger while he was high on meth
>Weed has turned Denver into a living hell.
Because Colorado legalized that shit far too early.
Legal weed turned our 3rd Califag invasion into a biblical plague.
Potheads from 1500 miles away made Denver their new Mecca. And they all moved here with the same dream: "I'm gonna grow and sell and smoke pot for a living!"
Yeah. You and the 500,000 other potheads who moved here in the first year.
Our only chance of salvation lies in other states legalizing weed, and a corresponding Gold Rush of degenerate hippie faggots flooding from here to there and taking their dreams of being high 24/7 as a career with them.
All but the most degenerate alcoholics seem to understand that there’s a time and a place.
Potheads have no such self-restrictions, and still believe that smoking up 30-40 times a day is normal.
4 years of legal weed here has done nothing to thin their herd.
>If they ruin themselves and cant work for food they die.
No, they get welfare and continue being worthless subhuman scum
abolish welfare, make all drugs legal. tell the rest of the world america is 'taking a break for a decade' come back the the world stage without any nigs.
Why would I pay for your insurance? It's not like you're going to be taking up a hospital bed.
He might make smarter choices if his dad weren't in prison and he had economic prospects.
Say what you will about race and IQ or whatever, but while you can't remove blame from blacks for their own life choices, you also can't deny that the government isn't helping. If the welfare state weren't enabling them to not get jobs, the family courts weren't enabling single motherhood, and the war on drugs wasn't throwing so many of them behind bars, their communities would look completely different as a matter of survival. There might not even be a "black community" anymore.
>Say what you will about race and IQ or whatever, but while you can't remove blame from blacks for their own life choices, you also can't deny that the government isn't helping. If the welfare state weren't enabling them to not get jobs, the family courts weren't enabling single motherhood, and the war on drugs wasn't throwing so many of them behind bars, their communities would look completely different as a matter of survival.
They'd look like Haiti, or Zimbabwe, or Detroit, or every other place niggers congregate when they're the majority.
Just a reminder that niggers have always been the loudest mouths championing the War on Drugs, while constantly whining for more gibs.
Niggers, as always, are always their own worst enemy.
I don't know a lot about Haiti, but America and Zimbabwe have both had a cultural and economic infestation of Marxism. That shit can turn white people with triple digit IQs into lazy slobs who believe that they're being oppressed by evil capitalists. It's seductive to intellectuals and borderline retards alike, and extremely destructive for both.
We'll have to deal with purging Marxism from our culture, but I get the feeling that the destruction of the welfare state is going to need to come first.
More likely that this is due to Denver undergoing massive gentrification
>I don't know a lot about Haiti,
It's a nigger country. You love them. They speak with a French accent, and want to move to the US by the millions.
What kind of savages still use an objective system to decide who immigrates to their nation?
I'm sure you can feel their pain, and their want.
>We only want White daughters, and free homes, and free food, and free healthcare.
>Look at our skin. We only want gibs.
What about alcohol then?
Any substance that changes your mental state of mind is harmful to individuals and subsequently society, and thus should be illegal. Should people go to jail for it? I don't think so. But they should be heavily fined and punished in someway if they're caught with marijuana.
>but when I'm not high I'm normal
Not true. The effects of pot linger after and re-wire neurological pathways in your brain in much the same way porn does (which is why erectial distinction is a mental disease, not a physical one). Thus even when you are not 'high' you really mind is wired as if you were. Deny it all you want, but to call it 'harmless' is far from the truth. It's just another step towards our society that is all about hedonism and pleasure worship (Satan).
Everything pleasurable that you do rewires your brain to do more of that thing. Like spending hours lurking Sup Forums.
Provide medical proof that weed is harmful (besides the obvious lung damage and psychological damage that comes from overusing literally anything.)
how white is Colorado tho?
whats the same stats from OR and WA or wherever else the fags have enabled their predilection for dope?
It's not as if negroes in the US care about laws anyway. The only downside to legal cannabis is that it is no longer cool to smoke it in high school.
Because the Jews want it illegal so they can jail goyim and we should listen because they know best.
>Any substance that changes your mental state of mind is harmful to individuals and subsequently society, and thus should be illegal.
Hi retard. Everything you eat effects your mental state.
Enjoy.. what? I guess soy? maybe oats? Who cares what you eat your a fucking retard.
>crime statistics
Good luck directly, beyond a single doubt, proving legalization is the cause of this
>economic 'benefit'
Holy fuck those last two statistic are unbelievable. Is this how mush-brained stoners think? You didn't create new jobs - you traded them. Enforcement became seller/grower. You didn't 'save' money - people working with hash are still getting fucking paid.
Legalising murder wouldn't reduce murder...
>Give me a good argument for why we shouldn't legalize all drugs
Because alcohol and tobacco producers would lose a shitton of money. It's going to kill their business and make a dent in owners grand kids estate fund. Some might not be able to afford Harvard.
>implying cops are only employed to catch stoners
>implying those cops aren't still around PLUS the growers
>implying the economy part isn't the only legitimate argument for legalization
Or better : don't breed blacc boi
>cops get paid extra to enforce drug laws
Like I said, mush-brain. If they'll get paid regardless, then how are you saving money lmao
That's a logical fallacy. There are already plenty of legal drugs - alcohol for instance. No measure of murder is ever legal unless committed by the state itself.
Then taxpayers will have to pay CIA and Israel 500 billion a year black budget and as a consequence there will no longer be neetbux
Because Americunt 'libertarians' on here are complete frauds who just want to criminalise things they don't personally enjoy
If there is demand for something, their will be supply. So instead of legitimate business selling it, it would be the black market. Meaning it will earn money for these sellers, who aren’t legitimate people.
These people won’t act in a legitimate way either, so violence over these good will occur.
Degenerate people desire drugs.
Drugging your citizens doesn' t cease the origin of crime.
Poverty, anger and frustration is till there and always will be.
Because meth is not pot senpai.
Degenerate people commit crimes using firearms. Yet having more of them is a good thing.
stop smoking weed, start lifting weights
Legalising murder would reduce illegal murder.
every escape from reality is degenerate
the origin of crime is literally making drugs illegal you fucking retard.
there cant be organized gang violence financing itself with drug money if drugs are legal.
please kill yourself at the earliest convenient moment.
smoking weed is a victimless crime you fucking retard.
>besides it also means less niggers on the street, more in jail
>Wanting to pay higher taxes to imprison people for possessing a plant
You also realize niggers get locked up for more than just weed right? There at hundreds of other crimes for which niggers can still easily be arrested and imprisoned.