Little Witch Academia

Can't fall off a broom if you never ride one.

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>ywn fuck a homeless and delirious Amanda
Why even live desu?

While wearing pink wolf fursuit!

So what kind of illness is "Sleeping Witch In the Forest"?

Will you guys actually get this when it comes out?
I know i am, hoping for a Lotte figure too.

What's their endgame?

>Red eyes
Is she ursulas illegimate child?

Just install a dildo on your broom. Insert it before lift-off and you're firmly stabilized.

How do you even stabilize the weight on a broom without tipping off let alone stand on the damn thing


Had a thought today, imagine Ryuko wearing Senketsu at a Figure Skating competition

Probably the same way you get it to fly, you fucking troglodyte.

>[Asenshi] Little Witch Academia - 03 [09B289D7].mkv [00_12_04.514] 0001.jpg
Nice one, OP.

Too close

to another fight? god why cant the muggle get a long with ANYONE

Why is Bunnyakko so cute?

I want the little witches to star in a Takeda Hiromitsu doujin.


kek, saved

you mean bukkao

Deep kiss edit when?

I made old meme too


Guess it really is pronounced sushi

I like this image.



I want to dive in that bed

From the perspective amanda and akko are in, Akko's upper lip should be overlapping amanda's

keep it up

I really like Jasminka. She looks so soft.
Am I the only one here?

>Jasminka will never hug you
Lifes too cruel

No, she'd feel really good to fuck.

Why isn't it Sunday yet?


Because of you

I want to pakupaku with sensei .

That makes no sense

go do some crack and it will be next sunday and you will have 2 episodes to look forward to

It makes perfect sense to me

I wonder if she'll get an episode since it doesn't really seem like anyone cares about her.

I love this image.

Sucy looks like she'd be so chilled to hang out with.

Why is Little Witch Academia reminding me of yu gi oh GX(out of all anime why this one)?


> tfw no sucy gf
Do girls like her even exist irl?

yep they are called goths.

i dont think goths are a thing anymore

>Chillin' out with the crew in the school yard,
>Findin' trouble, never lookin' too hard.
>Well back at class, they never taught us this,
>Some things you gotta learn, hit or miss.

>Tough times, hard climbs,
>We'll take 'em on together.

Sounds pretty similar to me.

Please keep the thread uncancerous, we've seen those kind of posts before.

Sucy reminds me of a friend of mine in college. She was a chem major, ridiculously smart, and a really chill stoner.

But user, I'm still hungover from yesterday.

I've never seen sucy as a goth...

What about a stoner?

Yeah that seems more accurate
She's not dark or depressed , just super chill

Don't think we're gonna see Sucy's mom on this one.

And why should we?

I wonder if she listens to stoner metal

Would Sucy and Stocking get along?

Sucy gets along with everyone

I don't really keep up with all these sub genres to be honest

I don't really fuck with metal but Electric Wizard are GOAT


I guess that kind of looks like a goat

And where does one find these type of girls?

Filipinos live in the Philippines.

I don't think Sucy would take recreational drugs but she has every other aspect of a stoner.

She's more Albert Hoffman than dude weed.


Also these are pure Sucycore


Has this show referenced Macbeth , yet?
(because there are witches in macbeth)

Have you ever tried recommending LWA to any (irl) friends and if so, how did you describe it?

Funeralopolis probably plays in her head whenever she's sat staring into thin air while Akko shouts about something.



Sucy or Suzy or Sushi?

It's like madoka without the tragedy


All of them

Silly user, everybody gets along with Stocking

>is born in 2001
>listening to 70s psychedelic rock
Yeah, no.

It's anime Harry Potter.

You forgot your Akko image

Not sucy

It's the Evangelion of anime.


Seriously user
I'm so soul crushingly lonely...

I never had those

Nobody cares, fuck off.

>implying she didn't pick up her mummies music taste

Why would that be the case?


Be nice

>mfw they announced LWA season 2 but it will have a different cast of characters.

If it's mummy's taste, then it would be Beatles then, wouldnt it make more sense?

>mummies music taste
If her mom was ~25 when she had Sucy, she must be born in 1975, meaning she would've been a teen in the early 90s. i doesn't add up.


>LWA season 2
Wishful thinking.

What if it is set In the future and it's their daughters

And one son
And it's a harem series

Man, I dont know, we dont know that much about her mom anyway

I'm honestly not familiar with how the Netflix series model works. I was left with the impression that they shit out multiple season obscure animated series by the tonne. I don't see why LWA wouldn't get a second 25-episode season if the show does good once it comes out dubbed in the west

Well, she's either in her late 30s-early 40s or several millenia old. Either way, I don't see her being into 60s-70s stoner/pop culture that much.

She's an actual goth, not the Hot Topic kind. Though both make me rock hard.

Predict the ending of LWA?
[s]I predict an eva tier ending[/s]