3 years later and not a single anime episode since has managed to surpass this.
3 years later and not a single anime episode since has managed to surpass this
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>we want inferno cop audience
I do wonder if 4chanX has some function where it could upload all images with a fake tumblr filename just to mess with everyone.
Only retards thinks the problem is the filename.
It would still be funny and expose the wannabes that just look at filenames.
Of course, one can simply rename the filenames manually, but that's too much hard work.
How can other anime even compete?
Renaming a file is not hard work. What you wanted was "too much work".
What is this
Looks like a gif.
Watch more anime.
I meant which anime
Kill la Kill, still to this day, is one of the worst things I've ever seen.
This show was awful, and I wanted to love it.
Kill la kill, dont know what episode 'cause personally i dropped it at the 10th episode for being total bullshit, funny bullshit, but bullshit none the less.
Looks like detecting sarcasm is "too much work" for you my dude.
Is it even possible to have taste this shit?
That was my favorite episode of kill la kill
I don't understand what you fags are complaining about when it comes to """forced animation""". What you posted looks fucking fine to me. And animation like that is cheaper, so we get more money spent on things that matter like soundtrack and voices and backgrounds. I don't care if the characters move a little bit awkwardly if it means that the music is beautiful and that the background looks realistic and well thought out.
People who rage against """forced animation""" are the type who can't appreciate the entirety of the scene and how everything comes together to make a scene work (the music, the voices, the background, the special effects). You people seem to think that an anime could be successful with only animated characters and nothing else going on (pure white background, no voices, no color, no sounds).
You are the epitome of shit taste.
What was there to even like?
i have just one thing to say that'll resolve this bullshit: Kill La Kill is an anime sponsored by Netflix (and im doubting if they made it), and everybody know Netflix has shit taste.
>no central plot thread through the first half despite having the audacity to claim there is (revenge for dad)
>Seven Dwarves-tier one note characterization, we have Grumpy, Jumpy, Smarty, Sleezy, Pinky, and Hi-me
>ugly visuals aside from occasional sakuga, the designs looked awful for the most part already, but the constant morphing of them like viscous blobs of nothing did not help (FLCL, and PSG did this much better)
>Obtrusive ugly CGI and pockets of flash animation that isn't funny
>no jokes are funny at all, pretty much comes down to lol so randumb and asspulls
>speaking of asspulls, nothing has any weight because whatever wants to happen can happen, but it's trying to be more than a comedy (and failing to be a comedy)
>central concept is fucking DUMB and not in a fun way
>music is repetative and boring
>voices are actually grating (japanese) which I rarely if ever say
Fuck this show.
gurren lagann already did
>>no central plot thread through the first half despite having the audacity to claim there is (revenge for dad)
Have you even watched it?
>>Seven Dwarves-tier one note characterization, we have Grumpy, Jumpy, Smarty, Sleezy, Pinky, and Hi-me
The characterization is perfect.
>>ugly visuals aside from occasional sakuga, the designs looked awful for the most part already, but the constant morphing of them like viscous blobs of nothing did not help (FLCL, and PSG did this much better)
The visual direction is stellar, from the designs to the individual episodes direction and animation direction (when there was animation).
>>Obtrusive ugly CGI
Used rarely and effectively except for one scene.
>and pockets of flash animation that isn't funny
It is funny.
>>no jokes are funny at all, pretty much comes down to lol so randumb and asspulls
Sorry for your sense of humor.
>>speaking of asspulls, nothing has any weight because whatever wants to happen can happen, but it's trying to be more than a comedy (and failing to be a comedy)
>>central concept is fucking DUMB and not in a fun way
Maybe it just went over your head.
>>music is repetative and boring
It's objectively varied and there are plenty of memorable tracks.
>>voices are actually grating (japanese) which I rarely if ever say
Is this a meme?
I don't know about that
But no anime character has surpassed Ryuuko in cuteness
Wrong, DEEN now holds the mantle for sakuga. Trigger has to step their game up.
no rhyme or verse animation right here
You didn't even say anything.
Are you implying that's bad animation?
Are you a muh on model and muh fluidity fag?
Neither did you.
That is really very bad.
Looks very similar to KLK.
What constitutes as good animation?
>I hate when animation studios focus on stupid shit like animation quality
I made several points, you simply went NUH UH.
Refute me or don't but don't embarrass yourself with a no-u argument.
Yeah, I'd rather they actually focus on just delivering an overall good anime.
After all, the anime studios also have to cut the anime to make it fit with the broadcasting time, do the sound effects, record the voices from the voice actors, draw merchandise with characters based on their design, and somehow make the story enjoyable and interesting enough to keep the viewer's attention in the first place.
It's not like Japan itself has a high opinion of the animation made by its very own animation industry.
>animating action on 5's
This pretty much sums up the visual design of KLK
>lazy composition we've seen 3000 times by watching this show
>QUALITY off model hand
>couldn't be bothered to separate the clothes from the arm
>transparant hair
>character doing something retarded
All it's missing is the same exact mist that is in almost every scene
"visuals are ugly" and "jokes aren't funny" constitute as arguments nowadays?
Yes, episode 4 is exactly as the whole series looks.
Look at this picture, the similarity is uncanny.
>blurry grease filter
>QUALITY shadows and characters
Heck the only reason your cherry pick looks close to acceptable is because you chose a shot that was 99% background and an indoor scene.
Not really helping your case
Wasn't even the cutest girl in her own show
>mfw i just watched this with this playing at the same time
With what, calling out your """arguments""" or the beautiful animation cut?
Your sad attempt at a cherrypick that is lazy as fuck and only has interedting effects animation.
I won't even acknowledge your NUH UH unless you actually provide examples
t. I hate fun
Fun is a meme
>it's shit on purpose
>just turn your brain off bro its fuuuun
u r a meme
mr fun at parties right here
Don't post PSG in here, that shit is actually fun
Are you 12?
The only sad thing here is you calling everything cherrypicking when the interesting part of the cut is obviously the expressive character animation and as you said yourself the entire series is animated like that.
But you clearly don't know what you're talking about so I won't bother further.
are you 15? are you so le mature big boy? kill yourself
PSG is literally nothing but toilet humor.
Nice try, the animation was actually consistently good and the visual design was creative and usually dense.
It succeeded as a comedy, which is all it ever wanted to be, the visual gags and wordplay work in a way KLK never could.
Being silly is fine if the point is to be silly, it didn't pretend to be serious.
Pulling a John Kricfalusi doesn't make for good animation, yes you can make wacky still images, can you make them flow well sequentially?
The background is repeating and just moved to the right and digitally shook, the lightning bolt looks like a floppy noodle and the lack of any real detail other than the effects animation on the impact point makes for an uninteresting cut.
The janky character animation could use some weight, and inbetweens.
The animation was anything but consistent. Kobayashi's and Yoshinari's episodes were beautifully animated, other like the beach volley and Transformers ones were borderline unwatchable. Direction and composition were similarly hit or miss.
The source of comedy is also nothing but the outrageous way toilet humor is shoved into the audiences face. Its only reason of interest is how shameless it is about it.
Transformers was the worst episode i'd agree with you on that point.
I didn't say consistent, I said consistantly good. The style was always pleasing and rarely repetitive.
If all you got out of PSG was toilet humor than I can't help you.
>being 13 years old
Come back in 5 years, friend.
>I said consistantly good.
Beach volley and Chuck to the future are nothing but shitty flash animation. Other episodes like the single camera one are barely even animated. It's not consistently good.
>If all you got out of PSG was toilet humor than I can't help you.
You said it only had comedy to offer. And the comedy is entirely toilet humor, and "look how much of a whore Panty is/look how much of a glutton Stocking is/look how much of a cuck Brief is/look how much of a pederast Ganterbelt is/look Chuck died again, isn't it hilarious?".