I'm sorry hitler, you were right about everything

I'm sorry hitler, you were right about everything.

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>hilter was right about everything
>attacked the Russians way too early and cost himself the entire war

okay friend.

I'm talking about jews and degeneracy. I'm literally kvetching at you.

>he should of just waited until britain was ready for war again
>he should of just let the soviets build up and attack him

He was wrong about Jews, they don't deserve their own homeland since they seek to destroy us.

he means ideologically, you fucking stupid faggot

When did Americans start rooting for Nazis?

You guys aren't true Americans

And here we have demonstrated the double-digit iq of the typical drumpf-voting bigoted racist nazi. Nothing to see here folks, just high school dropouts and early teenage edgelords.

you took the pill :) my man, here you go your new wallpaper
we will rise again friend

shut up, don't you have some arabs to invite to your asshole?

Dam you got me

You nation is a traitor to the white man

>standard definiton
Don't listen to this nigger user, pic related is your new wallpaper

I know, thank you my son...

Yup, he did nothing wrong.

Damnit why did it have to be this way ;_;

When your commie high yeller parents & grandparents murdered the white race.


When Hitler's friend Ernst Hanfstaengl asked him why he kept such an ugly mustache, Hitler replied, "If it is not the fashion now, it will be later because I wear it."
So, he was not right about everything.

then why did he shoot himself lmao

He did it because of the gas masks in WWI

Nothing more pathetic than a dumb polish sub human complementing hitler. Learn some history faggot.


The Poles got what was coming to them you dumb sand nigger. I can't wait for more people of the West to wake up and take a few nukes to Israel, God damn...

Sigh, the scum of the earth turns into the new wonder health food.

don't forget you're here forever

He was wrong to show compassion to England.

(((some history)))

this is bullshit. soviets planned to back stab him which was proven in later leaked documents after the fall of the union, adolf knew and pre-empted an attack. Wouldnt matter since he was fighting a 3 sided war against everyone (read, jewry).

Poster is a faggot shill

>too early
You mean not soon enough.

5th row, middle column is me. The distortion is setting in. I passed the anger and despair stages what feels like a lifetime ago

Hitler wanted peace and an alliance with the anglos. Churchill got payed off by jewish banks to recoup his family fortune and to advocate for war against Germany on behalf of a certain international clique of bankers and elites.

His "we will fight them on the beaches" speech was the most visible part of this after Dunkirk where its highly likely Hitler spared hundreds of thousands of english lives, or he didnt know ala. fog of war, depends on your take of history.

See what church ACTUALLY said was, hey white anglos CHOKE ON YOUR OWN FUCKING BLOOD and die for zog so I can continue to eat and drink myself to death.


That's just before you go super saiyan bro

If only it weren't so

He was fucking so right. America is so fucking cucked now most white guys i know want to kill themselvse. It's fucking sad.

All is well my child, now go and finish what I started.

Für Vaterland und Führer

Go masturbate to ponies you son of a shit

You need to fix your friends, you fucking asshole.

The emperor is wearing no clothes, some times people just need social approval to feel and think what they ALREADY feel and think, even tacitly. That feeling in the back of your neck, that tinge whenever they hear a racial slur...thats not naturally, its programmed. All this bullshit, all the shit they are indoctrinated into believing is PROGRAMMED over the course of their entire childhood by the ENTIRE totalitarian system which controls them.

Its up to you to break them free or understand that there is nothing left there to save. Some cucks will die to defend their illusions in the cave that makes them oppress themselves.

Be the change you wish to see in the world (roman salutes) lol.

Hitla sucks

Hitler was not wrong about everything.

Yessir. Doing my best work. Always. Sieg Heil.

I was joking about the larpy nazi shit.

That being said, just encourage them to take their own fucking side. You dont have to hate yourself, you dont have to be ashamed of what you are or are not. If we accept the shitlib premise of everyone is a special magical snowflake and cant control the way their made...

how fair is it then, that being straight white male is the fucking natural sin...something ENTIRELY out of their control.

Ive come full circle, fuck it, you want a nazi white supremacist, you treat us that way no matter how hard we prostrate ourselves on the big black cock of social justice. fuck it, wish granted.

To be fair, the jokes have become my actual political ideology, but for normies just do the slow redpill of stefan molyneux and other alt lite faggots till it goes from haha you guys hitler did nothing wrong to - hey, hitler ACTUALLY did nothing wrong (morally).

He still fucking lost. his one and only mistake. But some might argue, he only lost the battle, not the war...

*spirit rising from the grave and the world knowing he was right intensifies*

WW2 was the death of white dominance, Britain's great empire collapsed and Germany fragmented all to fight a meaningless war


Are you upset, churka?

Heil Hitler. Sieg Heil. the movement is growing. I can only hope that the United States will be awoken soon. Degeneracy walks the streets at day, then we walk the streets at night.

>But some might argue, he only lost the battle, not the war...
The war is certainly still waging. Religion never dies as the concept of free-will and humanity is symbiotic to it.

Maybe I'm just getting old but I can't tell if these threads are supposed to be satire anymore.

This is what you all are

Kill yourself. Can't even post a proper picture. Probably an Amerimutt.

I heard he was quite the environmentalist.

An quite the humanitarian.

Hitler was very wrong about everything

Uninformed opinion. Absolutely degenerate. Can't you understand this is why he wanted an ethnostate? Look at Africa. Look at what Europe built. Look at how China can't even help Africa in modern day even though there are massive profits to be had. Africa's population is only booming because of white man's civilization. The minute you take that out, it's population will plummet to nothing.

It`s sarcasm idiot

is that Alfred Alfer

swimming, with timestamps. or opinion discarded. i can teach a parrot to talk, doesnt mean i should listen to it.

He means ideologically, and Stalin was about to attack Europe anyway. It was a matter of weeks. This is well known by anyone who isn't an ignorant faggot.

next holocaust exterminate the leaf