These two are the exact same age.
Other urls found in this thread:
Narancia only ate trash and Bruno's semen.
>You will never swallow Bruno's semen
You mean Fugo's.
I want to protect her smile.
I've seen your best jojos, best brojos, all of it, and frankly, I'm disappointed
True patrician taste lies within the spoiler
What did she mean by this?
Kenshiro best JoJo
When the soul switching shenanigans happen, do you want everyone to have their own voice or the voice of the body they're in?
It means she gets turned on by pure boys who aren't able to get it up even when surrounded by tasty onee-chans.
Some guys look like teens well in their twenties, while other look like 30+ old men even before they turn 18.
I know a 20 y. old dude who looks like he's 14-15 at best.
Why would anyone want to hurt this cute boy?
Is Josuke the only JoJo to never kill anyone? My memory is pretty bad. I think he never even tried to kill anyone.
He kills the rats and bullshits Kira into killing his father's ghost. But he never directly kills anybody, as Araki wanted him to be a good little lovechild.
Unless that fucker who was merged with stone can pull nutrition out of the air he ain't surviving for long.
Cute agression!
No, he just tortured two people.
What is each Jojo's favorite Ice Cream flavor?
Is it to do with genes or the nutrients kids eat? What's the main factor in how different people can look despite being a similar age?
t. Guy who sucks at biology.
Ice Cold Vanilla
Both. You can become bigger and look older if you eat a lot of nutriens and work out, but you can't change some genetic traits. For example, I'm 20 but I barely have any facial hair and overall look very young, while some people at my age or even younger already have full beard. Same goes for muscle mass - some people are naturally build as athletes without even trying, while others have to spend hours in gym.
Jonathan = Vanilla with sprinkles
Joseph = Cookies and Cream
Jotaro = straight Chocolate
Josuke = Mint Chocolate Chip
Giorno = French Vanilla
Jolyne = Rocky Road
Johnny = Birthday Cake
Gappy = double scoop of Mint and Birthday Cake
I guess it makes sense for Jotaro to look like he's in his late 201's at 17, since he comes from a lineage of /fit/ men.
Then again, how can anyone explain why he looks younger as the series goes on?
Art style change
life is amazing,isn't it?
One is a superior hafu hybrid, the other is a spaghetti nigger.
Why can't Diavolo live with dignity?
Why can't Diavolo suck my dick?
Part 5 WHEN?!
careful user you might kill him
Araki has shit taste.
Who'd win in a fight, DIO or Diavolo?
Diavolo would just remove the time stop entirely.
Who used Killer Queen better, P4 Kira or P8 Kira?
Sounds weirdly accurate desu
Whoever has the biggest range. Although I'm not sure if KC can just skip stopped time or whatever, not sure if that would work.
Well which dio are we talking about here? Normal British dio? Or vampire dio? Or vampire dio with stand powers?
>checking out the local hub for weebshit
>is that the KQ not-nendo I'm seeing
>how much does this cost again
>equivalent of 50 bucks
>but it's just KQ with barely any accesories
On one hand KQ, on the other hand actual nendos at a similar price have more to offer.
If only they had Kira in stock as well.
Vanilla Ice Cream
If it had a miniature Sheer Heart Attack I'd buy that shit in an instant.
>wake up early one morning
>look at your waifu collection, notice your sheer heart attack action figure is missing
>kochi wo miro . . .
>hear a sound but you're still half asleep. "MOM, WHAT DID YOU SAY?"
> Kochi wo Miro . . .
> feel a heavy pain on your shoulder
>KOCHI WO MIRO ! ! ! !
> fall back on your heavy weaboo insctits
> N-N-NANI? YAMERO ! ! !
> wake up, it was all a dream
> notice your waifu pillow is still covered with gappy juice. notice your still 34 and living in your mom's basement.
> jojo bizzare adventure is not real.
> part 5 will never be confirmed
> mfw
Post the cutest art you have
kira may be dead, but his OST is eternal
t. Rohan
>Kakyoin instead of Polnareff
Rohan has good taste. GOOD TASTE!
>no smokey brown
shit poll senpai
>Rohan's least favourite JoJo
>Not Josuke
I could be wrong but I think it does have SHA packaged with it.
SHA and some extra limbs to make KQ do his trademark pose and that's it.
There's some SAS figures but no particularly interesting ones
>least favorite viilian
shit taste
Speaking of Rohan's taste, what did he draw?
Jagi was a whiny little bitch who needed a noncanon spinoff for anybody to feel sympethetic towards him. Not only is he the biggest asshole in the entire manga, he's also a fucking loser who can't even into martial arts in a series all about the martial arts.
Which JoJo would you have as your adopted sibiling?
but fucking heart as the favorite minor villian, seriously why is that fat fuck so fucking popular?
Frankly I should have expected this
Jagi was just an ass, though. He couldn't do shit, and pretended to be Fist of the North Star when he could barely do a fucking karate chop
>Narancia in the OP
Are you trying to summon Naranciafag?
>Implying he hasn't already arrived
Jonathan. Imagine having that lovable giga-nigga dedicated to protecting you. Alternatively Josuke, but mostly so I can take advantage of CD.
o shit
There really aren't many notable minor villains though
There's saw guy, staff guy, shotgun guy... Fat guy is the obvious choice
I was going to do a edit with some Koichi porn but I'm too lazy to do so. Where's the Koichi hentai at?
This is now a Whitesnake thread
Did somebody say ICE CREAM???
>white snake
>user has a brown snake
>Favorite villain
God-tier taste.
Why is she so perfect?
Literally me.
Go back to Jail, you fucking disgrace
I want to marry Jolyne.
Tasty Hand Waifus
Saved one life
Obviously 4
Fuck you nigger, I laughed out loud.
>Having impure thought about cute little pissy pants Koichi
pls no
>Only JoJo that failed to stop their antagonist
>Failed so hard that her and many of her friends' entire existence got retconned
So this is stando powah......not bad
>Only JoJo that failed to stop their antagonist
>Only JoJo that failed to stop their antagonist
Jonathan succeeded in making sure Dio fucked off for a hundred years - if he hadn't Dio probably would've taken over life as we know it.
Jolyne got BLACKED and had to rely on a kid to fix her fuck-up.
>Implying Pucci didn't get weather'd by Emporio before he could finish the universe reset
Jotaro's fuck-up*
>least favroite part
I always knew rohan had shit taste but this is embarassing
Rohan have some dignity and stop shilling yourself
Now, that is gold.
Pucci didn't succeed in his mission, but the ones who got killed, despite apparently retaining their soul/spirit/whatever, still had their lives retconned.
Like I'm still curious if Jotaro would still be Jotaro after all that.
>Jolyne had a better life
>Weather didn't have a retarded vampire cock-sucking brother
>Anasui wasn't an autist
Pretty good deal.
Jotaro would be basically the same, but more relaxed after part 3, due to not having to worry about DIO's "Trusted friend" mentioned in his journal.
t. josuke
thanks koichi
Koichi is the perfect boy and I don't mind that he pissed himself. He is cute and brave.
This is a shitty mangaka free zone.
He actually was a dad to Jolyne, hence she didn't turn out as much of a fuck up, which through bullshit plot magic meant that she met Anasui before he killed his gf
Pucci is the real hero of SO
I'm not that stupid mangaka. He is mean to my Koichi.
Could Diavolo get a connection with Doppio in his own body?
Filthy americans, you dare criticize the works of true artists? Now I know for sure why my works take so long to get translated.
why does polnareff get bullied so much? nothing bad really ever happens to anyone else.