At what point in all of US History did we not realize we were fucked as a country? Like who was indirectly responsible for starting this and how did it come to be?
Which President fucked this country the hardest?
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Herbert Hoover.
Bill Clinton
idk, there have been a lot of fuck ups
I nominate LBJ.
Runner up is that shitter Reagan.
nr 45
Tie. Woodrow Wilson with the Federal Reserve and LBJ with the great society.
He hasn't even done anything of substance yet you dipshit.
Why does Millard Fillmore look exactly like Newt Gingrich?
King Nigger of course
Literally the entire thing was always fucked and everyone who matters always knew that. People were just trying to get what they could out of it while it lasted. Do what you can but do not depend on the state to make things OK for you and your offspring. Fair warning.
Probably because I haven't read a history book in a long ass time but I thought the Federal Reserve didn't come till later. Much later. Like during Harding's time since that faggot along with Coolidge was a Jewish Spy.
Wilson started the shit; but LBJ fucked it up worse. Wilson started the fucked up foreign policy, and LBJ caused the shredding of trust in government with the Nam lies, the welfare programs that led to the current national debt, and the destruction of the black family that gave us the niggers of today.
Fuck Polk
According the the evidence, Obama
Accumulated the amount of debt all other presidents before him accumulated an then some.
United States is a corporation. Don't forget, this whole thing is a business and Obama was the worst CEO in history.
If you think about it it seems ironic that a Democrat would give out free money to a race of people who was protesting violently mind you during a time where there number one voice of free speech Mr King was shot by the CIA
William Jefferson Clinton. We were on our way to prosperity until his housing bill
>ramped up Vietnam
>Great Society essentially forced desegregation and destroyed entire areas
>exacerbated the welfare state
>sacrificed war materiel for Vietnam by giving it to the Israelis
>set the precedent for giving Israel whatever it wanted
fucking cunt. too bad no one lynched him
Why was Nixon so obsessed with Vietnam what did he know? He wanted to kill the Nips so goddamn badly but he lost to Kennedy who had plans on nuking Cuba off the face of this planet
FDR easily. Biggest piece of shit to ever hold the office and did the most damage to the country and European civilization as a whole. Fuck FDR.
Fuck off kike
>16 goddamn years went by and despite being impeached for fucking monica people still considered the Clinton Crime Family to be on par with the Kennedies in terms of wasted potential until they figured out the truth
How the fuck Bill wasn't looked with the same feeling of disgust Bush had to deal with from 01 to 08 is anyone's guess.
You don't have to do anything substantive to erode a countries reputation and standing in the world, to divide a country, etc.
But he fixed the economy during a time where we at a society was on par with Germany in terms of Economic Despair
Harding, Coolidge and Hoover arguably did worse then FDR did
the nig ?
dont forget nigger gibs
>Van Buren - Wanted to bring the Central bank back after Jackson fought tooth and nail to remove it
>James Buchanan - Didn't really do much to prevent the Civil War
>Abraham Lincoln - Invaded his own country, destroyed the Constitution at every turn, treated as a hero for it.
>Andrew Johnson - Hated niggers and didn't do anything to ship them back to Africa to help the country heal quicker
>Theodore Roosevelt - Basically helped Wilson win since he was too proud to drop out the race, causing Taft to lose California
>Wilson - Gave us the Federal Reserve, IRS, income tax Amendment, Seventeenth Amendment, brought us into World War I instead of teaching Mexico a lesson for invading our land
>Franklin Roosevelt - A literal fucking Communist and a very good goy
>Truman - Good goy
>Eisenhower - Wouldn't allow Patton to try taking the entirety of Berlin so it didn't fell to Communism
>Kennedy - Coined 'Nation of Immigrants,' wanted to liberalize immigration laws
>Johnson - Nigger rights, Immigration Act of 1965, Vietnam
>Nixon - Took us off the gold standard, fiat currency here on out
>Reagan - Amnesty
>H. W. Bush - Immigration Act of 1990, Involvement in the Middle East here on out, was first to attempt at a North American Union
>Clinton - Middle East
>Bush - Tried forming the North American Union, PATRIOT Act, Middle East mega involvement, so much more
>Obama - A literal fucking traitorous Communist that destroyed the Constitution at every turn
1. Lincoln
2. Wilson
3. FDR
4. Adams
9001. Coolidge
A Polk-Jefferson fusion would be pretty based desu. North America would be just called America in no time. We're coming for you leafs and all your maple trees. The North Territories will have the most badass high tech city, but no one will live there because it will be too cold except the eskimo master race.
Because Nixon had the international credibility to force peace via threats before the war truly got out of hand. With no assassination in 1963 and no Watergate scandal (and Nixon's paranoia came after the JFK assassination and him being screwed in 60), there would be a less jaded American public, more trust in institutions, and more a more peaceful world.
Not electing Nixon in 60 was one of the greatest historical mistakes in American history. But electing him in 68 is a contender, too.
Trump's responsible, dumbass.
who's this? He looks familiar..
I demand explanation as to how FDR is suddenly this turbo Jew according to Sup Forums when the 3 Presidents before him were the reason why the economy crashed.
What reputation?
Beat me to it.
>Fuck the Federal Reserve. Fuck Globalism.
Get fucked
LBJ single handedly turned this country into a shit skin infested third world country with the '65 immigration act
Let's finish what are fathers started and expand our rightfull claim
FDR aided and abetted communism. He turned over European civilization to the jews. He and Churchill more than any other leaders are responsible for the modern shitshow we live in today.
Lurk more
You guys know he had basically nothing to do with the creation of the Fed, right? It was already a done deal by the time he was inaugurated.
Dick Cheney, we all know Bush was just a pawn.
>And look at that smirk we know he fucked the US over just from that.
Dubya - 9/11, iraqian war, horrifically bad on protecting the border
George W Bush or Obama
Bush signed the Patriot Act, now ten years later, every application, operating system, phone, website, even your Intel Processor has built in spyware.
Obama doubled the amount of spying that went on under Bush's reign. He did literally nothing to protect the American people.
When JFK was killed the american people were literally SHOWN they are screwed.. So I would say.. right after JFKs death. A great veil of either fear or denial was lifted and its like no one saw that the USA was over and something else starting.
Jefferson Davis
>Lost half the fucking US to coal burning government..
So what you're saying is 8 years makes all the difference
>Nixon - Took us off the gold standard
Do you have any idea why?
LBJ, easily, for the same reasons I thought he was an underrated President back when I was a progressive 10 years ago
Abraham Lincoln, everyone else is wrong.
I can only pick one?
FDR, who led the Bolshevization of the US and the world
The nigger
There were sedition acts that prosecuted free speech in the past. It's another one of Wilson's accomplishments.
Had I existed in 1964, I would have gone after the fucker myself. Fuck him for signing it.
I forgot Grant
Literally the most corrupt presidency in the history of America (even more than Harding)
Destroyed the first amendment right to assemble
Reconstruction was so shitty that it's literally why the South lagged behind so much even today compared to the North. Blacks complain about how descendants of slaves are at a disadvantage today but not realizing that if the South was rebuilt there would be so many more economic opportunities.
bring this faggot back to life and kill him on a loop
roosevelt selling his fat ass to jews and helping to end the only existing resistance to them
Better version.
why are the presidents 19-25 so fucking forgettable?
Gotta help the Jews control us more
>all these answers that aren't FDR
sure is newfag in here
He was the one who also gave amnesty. It fucked over a lot of people as well.
Lyndon B Johnson is also pretty fucking terrible.
I won't forgive him for caving in
Don't worry, you're not the only one who says that, we literally learned why they were forgettable in school. It was because barely anything happened
reminder that he is still alive somehow
McKinley and Garfield were assassinated. That's basically their claim to fame.
Didn't think so. Because foreign governments were bleeding our gold supply dry. Too bad we didn't have you, in all of your wisdom, to help them do it.
The State Leviathan began in earnest under FDR
He had some massive balls though.
>I'll fight Mexico AND Britain for more land!
And he fucking did it! Minus the Britain part, he must have been awesome to live under. I think BTFO'ing the Mexicans was enough honestly, God only know how long a war with Britain would have gone on for
We were so close in capturing canada, but we fucking failed the timing when performing our military attack.
Look at the War of 1812. That is the real tragedy.
Makes them the best presidents. US ran fine and without problems. The ones people remember are the ones that fucked everything up.
Probably just ignorance on my part but seems life moved a bit slower back in the day. That and life seems hyper speed today.
I was going to say that in my original comment actually.
Is it because the nation was doing so well then and the president's didn't really have to do anything major? I bet that's why.
Late 1800s expansionist America is best America.
>baseless hyperboles
Here's a tip: the more famous and beloved a President is, generally, the worse he was.
>worst president
>Women get the right to vote in 1913
Checks out.
FDR or maybe Johnson
>For No Reason
Explain how Pearl Harbor was somehow not a reason to start a war.
He expelled the Jews tho
We could have taken so much more of Mexico too
And if we had more Canadian land the faggots in Congress would have allowed it since there would be more room for nonslave states up there.
Jimmy Carter was pretty bad, Obama was bad because of the social justice shit, but I don't know if that was his fault or he was a symptom.
It was that happy little period where reconstruction end, we basically get back together as a nation, things are going back to normal, and before the Spanish-American War where things really picked up for the country. Think of these Presidents as the ones who were just finishing physical therapy
Reagan. The father of cuckservatives and Jewish cock sucking neocons.
JFK didn't deserve the bullet, LBJ did.
Lincoln (opened floodgates for federal power and killed off the last chance of freedom this country had)
Wilson (federal reserve, think he also got us the standing army, but I'm not sure who fucking did)
FDR (social programs)
LBJ (the whole reason our debt and welfare is a thing)
Reagan (I'm a gun guy and he enacted the 86 ban, fuck him)
Clinton (set up stages for housing crash)
Of all of these I'd say Wilson, the banks have fucked us more than Lincoln let his troops slaughter our kin for defending our home.
I especially hate Reagan for his amnesty bullshit.