Almost time.
BanG Dream
For what?
Episode airing in 10 minutes
Who will get hugged today?
Reminder BanG Dream is THE most popular anime of 2017 ahead of Maid Dragon and even Kemono Friends
Where'd my image go
Impressive editing skills my friend.
Nice Twitter account, buddy.
For like 100USD you can make yourself as popular on twitter as you want.
Didn't expect that. The sales don't seem to reflect that either, though they probably make up for with all their other revenue sources.
It's true, they have 91k twitter followers.
Subs out
Arisa is heavy.
This week: Our baka protagonist bullies her friend into student council work, and joining the band.
Next week's episode preview
Now let's look at pixiv
>There are 3226 images and manga tagged with "小林さんちのメイドラゴン".
>There are 5615 images and manga tagged with "けものフレンズ".
>There are 73 images and manga tagged with "バンドリ".
Really feeling those that 91k support!
What a fatty.
Perfect amount of fat. I want to grab that tummy.
What did she mean by this?
>Yayaka clone turned down like the original
All the girls in this show are cute.
Is this yuri? I heard they have boyfriends or something and I ain't picking this up if that's true.
Why are all girls in that class members of a band?
Nobody has a boyfriend. Don't trust CR subs.
For a sec there I thought she was licking the navel.
She was, she only stopped to look at the camera.
Just a retarded mistranslation of a wordplay.
What did he mean by this?
Are Otae and Rimi-Rin that close?
When will Bang Dream catch fire?
He's running to go watch his favorite anime
When they send it in garbage disposal facility
Is Otae the new Kasumi?
O-Tae took her to dinner this episode.
I wonder how many Kasumis Arisa could handle.
She spent the night masturbating with her bonsai instead of in one of the two pairs.
Had we heard about why Saya isn't in a band anymore? It's clear that her mother was sick and/or collapsed one year ago while she was in her previous band, but I forget if we actually heard that before. It's a nice setup since it feels much more natural for Saya to be hesitant to join the band, especially compounded with her family's bakery and having to take care of her two siblings.
Arisa's jealousy continues to be funny combined with how she's otherwise a lone wolf, and Rimirin slowly gaining the confidence to speak up in class is a subtle way to show her development. All of the character progression is being done very well, and I can't say enough how great of a protagonist Kasumi is to hold it all together.
God, I love the way she spams Saya.
Is this good?
Yes, it is sleeper AotS.
If you like cute girls.
>another drama next episode
Jesus we already went for half season and the band isn't still completed yet
Poor Arisa, stuck with a cheating wife. At least Aimin is loyal to Ayasa.
That's fine, because they're all friends at this point and Saya has experience playing drums in a band. This isn't like certain other shows where people with no direct experience join and are immediately best friends who are perfectly in sync. Saya can easily join Poppin' Party and mesh with the others once she gets past her blockage.
>naked apron kissa
I like this random girl.
I couldn't stop chanting U S A U S A during that scene.
This is just unrealistic. There's no way she wouldn't be relentlessly bullied by her classmates.
What is Arisa thinking?
>21 posters in this thread
do you guys actually like this? I cringed through the twinkle star song the first time but when she continued doing that the next episode I just fucking lost it and dropped it into hell
About what kind of names Kasumi would like without making it too obvious.
My keyboard can also change the timbre, would Kasumi say that it's amazing?
Not anymore, her first time was taken by Arisa.
I hope they keep Arisa as the principal Kazumi friend
How many people did Kasumi raped this episode?
Arisa is tight!
Still show of the season.
I really like Arisa. The cringe was pretty bad but it won't prevent me from watching the show.
I do actually like it, even the second-hand embarrassment overload. She soon learns to play other things and doesn't bring twinkle star up again except as a joke once, so that's a silly reason for dropping it.
What a slut.
That /u/fags are sluts
Cat ears Kasumi > Normal hair Kasumi
Living the dream, Saya.
>I cringed through the twinkle star song
Duh, that's the point, she doesn't give a fuck about embarrassment.
Otae is so bold.
I wonder how her boyfriend feels about this.
She raped Saya.
Fat ass so fucking heavy
You see, this is classic ADHD. Just can't stop fidgeting.
Can't pay attention to the meeting either.
Or pipe down and finish her assignment for that matter.
She has ideas, she just needs Saya to translate them into normal speak.
Some are also handsome.
i like the anime more when it's about music
the sol episode was cute but it isn't really why i picked this up
i picked it up for sol and band geeks
also i'm continually surprised by how autistic they are making otae to be
saya better have a good reason to have quit her band. i hope it wasn't to help out at the bakery.
the wide angle face time session was cute
I'm not the only one that thought this right?
this is an anime for mature adults who don't feel the effects of second hand embarrassment..
Fuck off, Tae only plays good music.
no she was obviously playing twinkle twinkle little star, but hey it's still plagiarism
and even this!!!
>saya better have a good reason to have quit her band. i hope it wasn't to help out at the bakery.
It definitely will be. Her mother collapsed due to overwork and Saaya blames herself so quit the band just before their performance. Writes itself.
rimirin x otae
saya x kasumi
arisa x bonsai tree...
oh god it's 100% this
Nice catch, but I think she's the only cameo this episode.
Apparently all the other bands except one go to this same school, at least in the mobage. It'd be really cool if Poppin' Party sets a trend and girls in their school start forming bands after them.
If that's not a good reason then what is?
band drama
two of the girls were from another school
they got into a fight over creative differences and they never see eachother anymore
That would be an asspull.
actually i don't care i just want them to play songs..
If anything, Saaya's drama seems half solved already. Her mom and the bakery are fine now, her parents are encouraging her and there doesn't seem to be hard feelings between her and not-Yayaka. She has a very responsible personality so I bet she just feels like she's let her former band down by quitting and doesn't want to risk letting it happen again, but she'll get over it after Kasumi gives her the doki doki.
Can somebody gif the scene of Tae swaying back and forth at around 14:08?