Demi-chan wa kataritai
Time for vampire intelligence
> filename
hee hee nani
I want do hardcore ryona on Hikari and see if vamps actually bleed.
I'd give her the B if you know what I mean
The best time of the week is here
Will she ever be shown with her hair down? In manga perhaps?
Yes, when she was taking a shower
stream where?
What episode it today?
>stream down
I hope I never have to see that shitty Kurtz again.
Does anyone have that image where the vampire girl says she does not suck the blood of men because it's too sexual but she's okay with sucking girls
Why does Hikari hog all the episodes.
>implying that's a bad thing
so they are doing the untranslated chapters too? nice
the tasting test too? so they are doing 3 chapters in this episode
Every episode needs to be a Hikari episode.
Yuki is boring and you can only feel pity for Machi, meanwhile Hikari brings a smile to your face everytime.
Dual gun Mei!? FUCK!
You came to the wrong Demi-hood, motherfucker
>sensei you can cum on our faces!
>Dear God, Dear God, Tinkle Tinkle Hoy
Is this a Jojo reference?
>Marry, Kill, Fuck
The shit taste strikes again
is that the lewd part?
Marry Yuki
Fuck Hikari
Kill Machi
If I could I'd both marry and fuck Hikari
Are you an armlet, Sup Forums? or would you make demichans lust for your toned upper limbs?
How do you make buns out of that hair, it looks like they've been cut off.
don't underestimate the power of dumpires
Episode of Succy trying to seduce Sensei when?
I want to drink with the succ
Is this about right?
If she really gave it her all she wouldn't even need to "try"
this face
How do you call Hikari's hairstyle and does it look good irl?
Twinbuns and no
I looks dumb in 2d
haircuts go with the shape of the head
Judo + Succubus = Instant Masochist.
low-key best girl
>Misato clone
I never tire of this
that's really a face of a pervert
>[Ohys-Raws] Demi-chan wa Kataritai - 08 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4
How would you describe the not so cold Yuki onna?
I have wrists like a teen girl.
she's chill and cool to hang on with
Warmed up.
>tfw no drunk succubus cake to steal your semen
Where did I go wrong?
Yuki is a true gift to my smug folder
worst demi
How much of a delay are subs normally? Usually not free around this time.
HS are going up in about 45 minutes
No, around 45 minutes after.
Are there a lot of threads for this show? I haven't noticed any before I picked it up but it's definitely one of the better shows of the season.
How can such a fag exist?
>needing a lot of threads
What for?
No, people are busy shitposting in Kyoani and Konosuba threads. If only these two shows didn't air this season we'd have more Demi-chan threads.
Threads are rather slow and die off before you know it or make it several days.
Nah, it's not getting 24/7 threads like some other shows, it's less popular than GabDrop and Maid Dragon. But you're right, it's one of the best shows, in my opinion the best.
why for?
getting a 24/7 threads will make things worse
It's the Locodol effect. The people who would have liked it didn't watch it because they got the wrong impression of it. Demi-chan is a healing show but a lot of comfyfags didn't even bother with it because they thought it was just another monster girl anime.
Best girl.
I bet she would love anal.
>not having good taste and liking both healing shows and monster shows
Honestly this show hits all the check marks for me
Personally I don't really watch monster shows but I watch the first episode of everything every season and this one got me hooked instantly.
Thats a good stratagy too
Honestly i pick my shows based off how cute the grils look and Hikari looked adorable so I watched it
Don't lie user, you, like all of us, liked her at first because she looks like Kirino.
Apart from the smug they don't look too alike
Not that guy but I hated Kirino when I watch Oreimo. Hikari is nothing like her.
not him
but no
and i hated kirino