Did they fug?
Did they fug?
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>that armpit grab
Not according the newest Takeda Hiromitsu h-manga.
No, Mai sister-zoned herself.
Did they fug?
This isn't the face of someone who'd put his peepee inside a female's vagoo
What if he has a sister fetish? She might actually have increased her chances.
Find the scans and you'll know.
scans when
damn so sexy
Isn't she like an extension of him or something?
Most guys in real life who get laid alot will look like him. Women don't actually like those hentai guys who look like rapists.
>you will never rim her asshole
why even live?
She won? another point for the blonde hair
or she lose? point for the black hair
Doesn't Reina win in the books, or was that just a ruse?
The guy looks like a womanizer though.
Mai raped shota Haruhiko
Mai = Ruru > Koito > Sensei > shit > kirby = albrecht
More accurately, Mai is the sole redeeming feature of this show
I also like to makeout with myself.
Agreed. Mai is the only reason I watched this show. And I only watched Amagi for Sento.
Really wish this show had a better writing.
>kissing your imagination
You're right, he's living the dream.
>not kissing your tulpa
Sounds like you want it to hate you.
Mine niggerth
why is ruru so cute
2ds tend to be that way because they're in your imagination.
Best bod of all the girls, and a cute personality.
No, she got turned into his mom
>you will never touch her sideboob
Can't fug someone who's dead sir
>those areolas
Has KyoAni gone too far?
Big Ruru a shit.
thicc fairy
They really needed to keep the design from smol Ruru and just make that bigger.
for some reason, that's hot
I actually liked Human Ruru.
She was like a tomboy that was being forced to be feminine.
>this isn't doujin page
dreams shattered
She struck me more as an all around 'genki-girl' I think Mai was more of the tomboy neechan. Both are cute as fuck though. Pity this show got overshadowed by Konosuba. I thought it was pretty good. Most of the girls were 10/10.
That Mai arc was real good. Made me feel kinda sad for her. Being as lonely as she was and still having that personality. Best girl.
>for some reason
>for some reason
>for some reason
>for some reason
Reina best girl.
But it's better now.
Her mother instinct taking over was very cute.
Wished there was a new season since apparently it's supppsed to be another dimension in which MC didn't save the day.
What's worse getting sister zoned or getting friend zoned?
Friend zone.
>you wouldn't want to fuck yourself
She did.
Mai isn't the main heroine in the LNs, they introduce another 3 girls with more plot-relevance and a closer relationship to Haruhiko. But the anime doesn't give a shit about the super-edgy LNs, anyway.
But her sister is a loli. Did he fug the loli?
No she didn't. Koito, Mai and Reina are basically irrelevant in the other LNs, anyway.
Mai exercises so she isn't soft anywhere but her breasts. Worst girl.
>you'll never be a shota in a bath with a cute teenage girl with big boobs she lets you use as pillows
>he doesn't like them /fit.
Does Ruru have big boobs or small boobs?
>you will never be educationally molested by a girl with 10/10 body and bigger boobs than your head.
Smaller than her head. So small.
Small big boobs.
He fucked the fairy first.
Does fucking Ruru count as masturbation?
Somewhere you have your very own imagination masturbation fairy, scowling hard at you for fapping to all the weird shit that you do.
I want her asshole to be my mouth.
You'd have to eat everything through a tiny straw.
>Somewhere you have your very own imagination masturbation fairy, scowling hard at you for fapping to all the weird shit that you do.
she has perfect boobs
Are you stupid?
>that armpit/sideboob grab
Holy fuck what did they mean by this?
What if my waifu is my imagination "fairy"? I talk to her sometimes or imagine her talking to me.
How much does Mai weigh?
Nope, Reina won in the LNs
No, not mom got to him first.
What a fucking cunt this woman was. She has no right to call herself a mother. I can't believe they tried to make her sympathetic and had Haruhiko forgive her so easily.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I just have a sexy imagination."
Reminder that realbooting your delusions comes at a great price.