
Is it just me or has the NeoLiberal presence online been growing recently?

>Women get vote in west
>women become half the electorate
>women vote for welfare state
>welfare sate is bigger government
>bigger government requires more taxes
>welfare state incentives single mothers
>government becomes surrogate fathers
>single mothers raise niggers
>niggers cause more crimes
>niggers create more single mothers
>bigger government creates mandatory gibs spending
>women will never vote away welfare state
>every solution to problems caused by welfare state = more welfare state
>families destroyed and birth rates plummet
>immigration to replace births
>men loose incentive to support system
>social collapse

If anything the democratic socialist/communist online presence has been increasing.

wow, it's almost like they control the internet or something

really makes you think

"Social Democrats" are also just neolibs. At least here in Germany

That starter pack needs a horde of rapey africans and a shrinking population period.

Agreed. Just NeoLibs that care more about their people.

they don't care at all. All the do is virtue signalling and raping their own voters afterwards. Neolibs of all kind are way worse than socialists and commies.

whose the manlet in the right corner?

Democratic socialists are your Chapo Trap House listening types that are essentially communists but live in NYC or LA and actually hate the working class, typically Bernie Sanders voters. Neolibs/Social Democrats are those that voted for Hillary Clinton/Angela Merkel.


the party system is different here in Germany. There are several parties, that hate the working class, including SPD, DIE GRÜNE, FDP, CDU and the AfD. All of them are neolibs, just with different opinions on migration and environment policies. All of them want and will fuck the working class in the butt

It's a feel good head in the sand kind of movement. Not difficult to see why all the normies and especially women join it.

Wont be around in 100 years since it's too easy to invade and subvert by an ideology that doesn't give a shit about material wealth.
Friedman is a fucking hack and responsible for our dependency on the banking system, but they gave him a nobel prize so his retarded word is gospel now.

Why is spacex in there, it's popular on reddit but so are steaks, doesn't mean they aren't good

Neoliberalism is the only political philosophy that makes sense.There's a reason why its dominated western ideology for decades + the decades to come.

neoliberalism will result in neo-feudalism with a new financial ruling elite. It will take away all our civil rights and freedom

I have a iPhone and anyone that takes grant money from nasa is fine with me

it's a fad that will soon pass
How does neo-liberalism protect itself against islam? You can't nuke countries that are increasingly becoming muzzified. And muslims will never stop being muslims just because you improve their economies.
You also help them spread their ideology with your open border policies.


why is it so that things with NEO- in front of them are pretty much always worse than those without it?
I mean liberalism is pretty bad* but neoliberalism is some extra cancer. And neo-coservatives -- ehh (what a nice oxy-morony-thing in-itself)

*classical liberalism is tolerable