Sup Forums is being abused by a Russian AI in order to spread right wing propaganda. Stop browsing Sup Forums. It is designed to brain wash low IQ white people into believing that they are under attack, to radicalize them, and to destabilize the country via Cultural clashes. If you are a real patriot then you will leave this board and wipe all of the fake facts from your memory. Live normal, date people for their personality, not their race. Most of all: YOU ARE SAFE. CONTINUE WITH YOUR LIFE NORMALLY.
Fuck off.
The whole media industry is already doing this, I doubt the people of /pol will be subjugated to such propaganda.
>implying russia and the usa haven't been allies sine ww1
all according to plan, op.
you'll learn very shortly.
>if you are a real patriot
There is no greater act of patriotism in existence, to throw into the sacrificial pyre your luxuries and the luxuries of your people, lives of those willing to give them and yours, too, all to make your country live on, to let your banner fly for just a day longer, to let your fame and infame both spread far.
Understanding when to pull the plug, when to stop the self-destructive decline into excess and luxury is vital.
Remember: Sup Forums is always right. Always.
Since Crimean War actually.
US of A best friend. When the filthy euros turned on us and sided with the Turks, you were there to send volunteers.
Thank you, America.
op confirmed überfaggot
That's not me. Those threads are just using the same image. Nice job duplicating an image and altering the date, etc.
>> T. Russian bots.
As I understand it MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and sometimes FOX news and the people who buy into them are the actual Artificial Intelligence.
Everyone one knows pol is gay and only about 5 people visit pol anyway so go goy yourself up ass and go back to b
That's true as hell. Fuck Sup Forums
>same thread
>same image
>same filename
kill yourself shill retard. No one is falling for shareblue crap no matter how much you push muh russian narrative
>low IQ
Wasn't there some infograph that showed Sup Forums has a high IQ, topped only by /his/ and Sup Forums?
but we are under attack, we don't need russians to tell us that, ofcourse it comes from an (((american))) again... goodlord what would we be without you people on this earth...
progressives really need a new boogeyman
>Sup Forums is being abused by a Democrat AI in order to spread left wing propaganda. Keep browsing Sup Forums. It is designed to brain wash low IQ non-white people into believing that they are under attack, to radicalize them, and to destabilize the country via Cultural clashes. If you are a real patriot then you will stay on this board and remember everything. Live awesome, focus on politics. Most of all: YOU ARE UN-SAFE. DON'T CONTINUE WITH YOUR LIFE NORMALLY.
translated that for ya.
It's not Okay to be white?
Russia is our older sibling.
God bless this alliance to bloom again against the satanic global order.
It's okay to be white. Just know that genetics are psuedo-science and that we are all equal by birth.
OP is a faggot
You'd be a bunch of savages. We liberals were the original Romans.
Are you being paid to type that shit or do you honestly believe it?
>Sup Forums is being abused by a Russian AI in order to spread right wing propaganda
>implying Sup Forums needs any help spreading right
wing propaganda.
Hi Hillary
>It is designed to brain wash low IQ white people into believing that they are under attack
>If you are a real patriot then you will leave this board and wipe all of the fake facts from your memory. Live normal, date people for their personality, not their race