You have 10 seconds to explain why socialism can't work in an all-white society

You have 10 seconds to explain why socialism can't work in an all-white society.

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Becausr socialism always aims at including other races into its nation and thus it will never be all white.
Also, did the GDR/DDR work out well?

This, Marxs socialism is international in theory and practice, which brings suffering to what ever nation that it is implemented.

socialism =/= marxism =/= marxist analysis

Laws of economics

That's why you combine the altruism of socialism with the exclusiveness of nationalism.

They boost each other as if they were designed to be combined. In order for socialism to work you need the people to be willing to give up themselves for the greater good. And the only doable way to persuade most people to make that sacrifice is if the greater good consists of other people who share the same culture, language, and blood as you, I.e. a nation.

Depends entirely upon the socialism.

Socialism as a word predates Marx by at least 50 years, so the Marxist interpretation of socialism can't be monopolized.

Because it creates a non-competitive system where nobody is interested in doinfg their best and nothing works.
Then the government had to force everyone into doing their jobs with violence and everybody doed only sbsolute minimum required from them

Also governments are just bad at doing things.
>Have only the consumer products and electronics that the state issued for the people
>only state issued utilitied
>only state issued culture and entertainment
>no good cars just rustbuckets because government said "a car is not a luxury but abmeans of transportation"
>no computers electronics or CAM tools because the government feared it would devalue labor and create unemployment
>no products competitive on the market at all
>economy collapses and you fall apart
>be Russia
>all your industry is expensive and uncompetitive
>nobody wants to buy any of your shit not ebmven the citizens
>all industry goes bankrup and falls apart
>nothing to sell but oil

Look history faggot, socialism has been tried and it is fucking shit.

Same reason it can’t work in a mixed-race society.

Niggers come in all colors.

Deep fried cheese curds.

I’m no expert but I think it has to do with 1. Population Size and 2. Willingness to remain 100% X Nation.

I watched a video on Hygge today and the person described it as a result of living in a “Bernie Sanders-like socialist country”. Obviously the system works in a country like Denmark because the population is so small meaning that it’s easier to provide a really good quality of life for all inhabitants. I assume it also has to do with the fact that Denmark is most likely 99.999% culturally homogeneous, so any implementation of this system works for all types of people because there is literally one type of person to make it work for.

It’s not really a matter of being all-white, I mean the same system kinda exists in Taiwan to a much lesser extent, being that social programs are a lot more developed because there is little to no pushback from the society in regards to it not accommodating all types of people.

In essence, it will never work in North America and England because the countries spend too much time trying to tend to the needs of so many different types of people (diversity meme) which just lowers the bar for every aspect of life in the country.

To be honest, you could probably move to Norway, Denmark, or Switzerland right now and assimilate normally as a white person if you truly wanna live in a socialist society.

1 Denmark openly told Bernie "go fuck yourself we're a libersl democracy with a free market"
2 Denmark doednt pay for its own defence.

If any of those pseudo (((socialist))) eu nations werent getting their international gibs from both Germany and Nato they all would crumble immediately.
Except probably Norway, they have a population smaller than onebig city and fuckloads of oil, they really just have so much passive income per person they dont have to ever work.

norway, denmark or switzerland are not socialist
having high taxation rates and funneling that cash into healthcare, social services and other public interests does not make a country socialist

Can't send price signals

I feel like Asian cultures overall are more effective in facilitating successful socialism desu, since they tend to value the collective over the individual

A large portion of whites are even worse than your average nigger

If you measure success by suicide rates then yes

good thing we aren't white

Why would you want to lower white
people to a literal gibs government?

>implying Russia isn't an all-white society

suicide rates, are you taking those from capitalist countries?

But it's not... I'm not supporting OP just saying

You don't need suicide when you die prematurely from hunger and poverty.

If by socialism you mean a well taxed country, sure. Imagine where america would be today with post ww2 growth if there were no niggers here soaking up gibs

It can, provided you're not talking about Marxist socialism.

>fuh fuh fuh muh gdp
>fuh fuh fuh muh efficiency


Not knowing of 150+ ethnic groups in Russia.
Stupid ameriburger.

Because my money is for my family, not my race.

national socialism that combines small and medium business meritocracy does work. You need to have the drive to do better and get a reward but it needs to be controlled when the beast gets too big.
The current capitalist system full of singularity companies. In other words companies so large they change the basic rules of the economy.

> sucessful socialism
Were is sucessful socialism in asia?

Come here and see the effects

DPRK, the best nation on Earth.

Is my country socialistic?

Because the men will become soft and the women will get restless. Then they will start importing brown men to mate with.

Do the workers control the means of production? (Be it through Unions or a vanguard party)
If yes, then yes
If no, then no
This is something every Sup Forumsack needs to get through their thick skulls
This is the definition of Socialism


Authoritarian center is best center

think again sweetie

Dance Dance Revolution was a great work ou!t what are you talking about?

Have you read Market Anarchist theory?

It's non capitalist, and actually classed as socialism (because there is no separation of use and ownership, which is the foundation of capitalism).

I'm always surprised whenever anarcho-capitalists have never read market anarchist theory...

Americans tend not to understand the significance of ethnicity, they tend to only think in terms of races.

It's something I've consistently seen from Americans.

i know, right? And i cant believe people have such simplistic views of the world.

"Will white race survive?" "Why is white race best race?" "Who do you consider to be white?" "Should whites be allowed to marry outside their race?" etc. Its so fucking retarded i cannot even begin to describe. While "white race" exists, its not monolithic bloc like Amerimutts seem to think, but its rather mosaic of tens or even hundreds of ETHNICITIES that cannot be lumped together by any criteria except color of the skin. All native european ethnicities are white (even "tainted" ones like southern Spainards), but that doesnt mean we are all the same, or share same values, culture, language etc.

But you cant expect amerimutts to understand such nuanced concepts, when "american" isnt an ethnicity

Because it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture.

>10 seconds
Atlas shrugged

good luck separating the two

There isn't one theory of socialism.

There's... State Syndicalism, Anarcho-Syndicalism, Mutualism, Anarcho-communism, Collective Anarchism, Leninism (Marxist Socialism), Maoism (Marxist Socialism, Strasserism, etc.

IME many anti-socialists bases their entire objection on Marxist Socialism.

It can work in an all white society.

Now how do we get that all white society?

It works if you have a capitalist country that provides your national defense and is willing to sell emergency medical care to the impatient.

Because it kills the incentive to innovate and make money. I.e. Most of Europe. Bunch of lazy whites over there in europe.

gonna havew to go with communism desu i'll always stand by my daughter

White Euro tribes have always worked together for their common good. That is a natural method towards survival, and biological in nature. Ism's and their promulgators have this need to want to herd people, and that is unnatural, and people instinctively recoil from such forced societies.

because we consider Stealing from others a crime

Human desire to improve their own lives.

White trailer park trash are just as bad as urban blacks and would breed rapidly under the conditions of socialism, becoming a burden on the system.

Look at Russia, it turned to shit

>muh theory
>why cling to what works, have you never read muh theory about how things could work?

Why are anti-caps like this?

Numales tend to be white.

Socialism cannot coexist with any other economic system, it must either expand or be the only one existing.

>That's why you combine the altruism of socialism with the exclusiveness of nationalism.
so like National socialism?
boah, its almost as if thats the perfect system

It does work, but if you take away the ''nationalistic'' aspect out of socialism, then soon you will find yourself in a society that doesn't value its own people and that is polluted by nogs, gypsies or whatever.

Free market capitalism is pure theory too. State capitalism has only ever existed.

Closest we've had in recent times is Pincohet's Chile where they implemented the Chicago Boys neoliberalism. Resulting in massive income inequality.

Nationalism Socialism does not have socialist economic theory, don't be fooled by the name. It was done to entice Marxist.

The actual socialists of national socialism (like Gregor Strasser) were all murdered during the 'night of the long knives' (Otto Strasser fled before he was killed). Strasserism is worker rights focused than Hitler's National Socialism.

It can
But it is inefficiant
Capitalism would be fine if there were no kikes

Dunbar's Number.

It does work as on as EVERY SINGLE PERSON is on board.

Socialism is bullshit, but this concept has potential as a brilliant psyop to fracture the left. Imagine turning the granola eaters against minorities.

Sup Forums redpill me on one question please.
I'm right winged and I'm taking the Truth and Jew redpill atm, going Economic redpill next but just want to know a fast quiz:

Case 1: Imagine a bullet factory owned by the state, national workers manufacturing bullets for use of the own state army, police and population and to sell in the world market. All profit goes directly to the state pocket, say to give woman benefits for having children. Workers rights enforced by the very own state that they vote for.

Case 2: Imagine a bullet factory owned by some jew elite, mutt workers because they are cheaper, manufacturing bullets to sell them to the state army, police and population and in the world market. All profit goes to the jew pocket and a small % to the state as taxes. The state has to cater the tax plan so it doesn't scare the jew off to pack up and build the factory in china and leave all it's workers on unemployment being paid by the state. Workers rights enforced by the very own state that they vote for but very often sidelined by the jew administration to maximize manufacturing without any thought for it's workers and those who disagree get replaced.

Why does the Right prefer the Case 2 (smaller state)?
What does National Socialism prefer?


Ww2, remember that guy who tried national socialism and failed?

because of jew influencing the blinded folded british and americans

Won't work in "all white" society because Americans think pale skin=white and do not understand ethnicity. People think Jews are white for instance.

Socialism needs to be in a small country of racially, ethnically, culturally homogeneous people. Even I consider myself fairly liberal but I'd still prefer massively if my taxes went to kith and kin and not Felipe and Juan in Santa Barbara. Maybe in the US we can balkanize at some point, probably not though. We are irreparably down the path of globalism.

Total socialism will never work in any country because there is no group of people at that size that cares enough about one another to work hard. You can have things like socialized medical care and infrastructure in a white country but going to a command economy with gibs is less efficient and will limit the power of those whites.
The only context in which it fully works is a family unit.

socialism can't work, end

Are you daft? There were European socialist thinkers a hundred years before Marx was born. Do you know what Marxism even entails? I'm so tired of dumb kiddies shitting up this board that have no clue what they're talking about.

Most Western countries would be fine with a bit of socialism, and they are for the most part. If you keep it white it will ultimately be fine.

Socialism only benefits the least productive members of society at the detriment of the most productive.

>You can have things like socialized medical care
Yeah because entitlements ballooning up to 60% of government budgets (and climbing), even in homogenous countries, is totally sustainable.


Because not all people have the same work ethic. In a good manufacturing plant they award bonuses for efficiency, thereby giving incentive to work hard. The only incentive socialists have is for the government to allow them basic human needs for working their ass off (If they're lucky). In your "Utopian Socialism" it doesn't matter how hard someone works, only that they do their job. This leads to extremely shitty service in every facet of the economy.

Extremely pic related, user.

/thread fucking (((marxist ideology)))

Scaling effects. Hierarchical communication is necessary past a certain amount.

Will read it all, thank you user

Socialism is degenerate ideology which promotes punishing high-achievers to favor slackers.
It doesn't matter what kind of starting conditions are there -- end result will always be same, completely ruined country, invaded by foreigners.

Socialism doesn't work in ANY society because it is just a pretty way of saying "I'm jealous of your success at your personal risk and want to benefit from it without risk to myself so I will steal from you and call it social progress"

doesn't work in any society over like 120-300 individuals because that's the maximum of individual you can deal with , after that you have to do group hierarchys , also tribes in the wild never go over this size , if they did go over it they need to establish private propperty in their society to function

So long as youre not using the Marxist definition, it can, and it did. Look at NATSOC germany


Protip you can't
Old homogeneous Sweden is a good example of this

Can we kill all drunks,drug addicts, mentally ill?

He never said marxist socialism newfag


Because white trash still exists. There will always be moochers who drag down society regardless of the race of the society.

>It is not necessary for me in this place to go through the arguments which prove beyond dispute that on the security of property civilisation depends; that, where property is insecure, no climate however delicious, no soil however fertile, no conveniences for trade and navigation, no natural endowments of body or of mind, can prevent a nation from sinking into barbarism; that where, on the other hand, men are protected in the enjoyment of what has been created by their industry and laid up by their self-denial, society will advance in arts and in wealth notwithstanding the sterility of the earth and the inclemency of the air, notwithstanding heavy taxes and destructive wars.

Because Christ reings supreme !

>What does National Socialism prefer?
Neither, socialism is where the workers each own an equal share of the bullet factory and aren't paid in wages but equal profit dividends. If the bullet factory does well they'll get paid more as it profits more and vice versa, this incentivizes the workers to actually do better rather than the bare minimum to not get fired while getting at least the minimum wage. The abolition of the wage system also benefits business growth as they're not restricted to needing to be able to pay everyone at least minimum wage, businesses that do well in the market will bear more fruits for their workers while those that suck/are corrupt will go down. Marxist theory is a bunch of weird complicated gibberish.
The Nazis under Hitler were not socialist but the original party members like the Strasser bros were.

>In your "Utopian Socialism" it doesn't matter how hard someone works, only that they do their job. This leads to extremely shitty service in every facet of the economy.
I didn't know your typical service industry worker was socialist even though they wagecuck more than anyone else.