Why is Hanekawa so flirty in Kizu? She's a completely different character compared to Bake.
Why is Hanekawa so flirty in Kizu? She's a completely different character compared to Bake
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I assume it's because she hasn't yet worked up the composure to look like she's resisting the mad lust for Araragi's D.
Maybe she's had some character development in the meantime? You can't really tell, because her hair stayed the same, but I think this might be it.
"Please touch my big naughty breasts!"
The character development is certainly firm.
Part of it is the direction of Kizu vs. Bake, not to mention a lot of Hanekawa's more teasing dialogue was cut from the anime version of Bake.
>Why is Hanekawa so flirty in Kizu?
Vampire pheromones. She even mentions it in the series once.
Kizu takes place from late March to early April and Bake starts at early May. Can't imagine much development happening in only a month. Unless getting possessed by the cat somehow split her into perfect Class Rep and slutty cat.
I remember that but in that case she'd still be acting like a cat in heat during the series.
Theatrical release for Reiketsu is tomorrow in the US, right?
Araragi is half-vampire so his pheromones would be reduced.
Don't forget that the Cat is a manifestation of her stress. At the point of Kizu she's in the height of her emotional problems - basically she's pent up as fuck, which is why she's acting the way she is.
Once the characters deal with Cat later, Hanekawa calms down after working through some of her shit, so she stops being so flirtatious.
So you're saying she really was on a sex tour overseas?
Doujin with Hanekawa fucking a whole hostel when?
Hanekawa getting burnt out on men because of Araragi's rejection and hooking up with his entire harem when?
>Half vampire
No. Where did you even get that idea?
She thought she hooked Araragi so she stopped trying to be attractive and moved on to the "fixing" him stage.
Have you even watched the series?
Araragi is easily confused with Episode, who is a pre-teen blonde.
Who cares? It's hotter than a shiitake mushroom up satans asshole.
>Have you even watched the series?
I could ask you the same fucking question.
In Kizu, Araragi was a full vampire, strong as fuck and completely broken. After Kizu, much like Shinobu, Araragi's vamparic nature is brought down by a lot. It was even mentioned that Araragi did not even half 1/10 of the power he had in Kizu.
Guys he did not even half it.
I thought he accidentally the whole vampire.
O god no im laffin.
Do you not know how to do fractions?
Araragi is still pretty powerful.
The anime tone down Araragi's regeneration hax in Nise.
Araragi was not suppose to look like a zombie reject from Gorillaz during his fight with Kagenui in Nise.
He was suppose to look normal except with his clothes all tattered due to instant regeneration to show how Kagenui was failing to permanently kill Araragi but the anime studio decided to do things a different way.
Also, possibly due to copyright issues, Kagenui couldn't beat up Araragi with Street Fighter moves like she did in the Light Novel.
However, you are correct in that Araragi so far has not surpassed the strength he had in Kizu when he had the most vampire blood at the time.