Darkness end game

>You may throw me on the ground, shove my face into the ground and creampie me right here but know in the end, that it was me who won!
What in the hell is wrong with this woman?
Why would such a highborn lady loved to be dogged and bullied so much?

And don't say it's because ''treat a whore like a princess and treat a princess like a whore''.

this is now an Aqua thread. Post your best megamis






Aqua what are you doing?





>Aqua browsing Sup Forums

... No, you know what? this could happen, she's exactly the kind of innocent sperg that would come to Sup Forums in the first place


This thread is so autistic it just might work





>creampie me right here but know in the end, that it was me who won!
Wait, when did she mention creampies?

That is great.