user kun 2007 is 10 years ago
what were you doing back then?
User kun 2007 is 10 years ago
I graduated high school in 2006, so in 2007 I was just fucking off and enjoying my first year of the hikki NEET life (which ended in 2011 when I became employed). It was a good time.
Anime-wise, I wasn't a regular viewer yet. I watched Magic Knight Rayearth season 2, the first 70 or so episodes of Bleach, and Mujin Wakusei Survive.
i graduated high school in 2009 and started watching seasonal anime in 2010 holy shit that's a long time ago!
Living a husk of a life in public school.
playing runescape at 11 years old.
Another 4 years until the love of my life introduced me to anime.
>10 years ago
Jesus fuck. I graduated from the hellhole that was my grade school and went to middle school that year. Wasn't interested in the least in anime. I wouldn't start watching anime regularly till 6 years later when I picked up the first volume of Bleach because I had to read something in class.
>tfw oldest person in thread
I remember when I was always the youngest person wherever I posted. Was 2001 really that long ago?
i fucking didn't know what anime is until i started college in 2012 and from then my journey started it was like discovering something new everything is new and fresh man i miss those days
being faggot. Oh wait, i'm still.
Posting on Sup Forums
I was in middle school lol
I was in third grade
scientology raids on Sup Forums
Complaining about the new Sup Forums frontpage and its stupid web 2.0 gradient design.
I haven't advanced in life at all in a decade. Fuck everything.
You can not improve on perfection user.
If that is your list of anime from 2007 you have seen then you REALLY need to get onto watching Dennou Coil.
Actually watching anime.
I got married and I got a professional degree, but my wife is as much a hikki as I am so we stay inside and she reads comics while I shitpost on /hoc/. Everyone we know just assumes we have a lot of sex.
shitposting on Sup Forums
I was just graduating HS and already pretty into seasonal anime. Fucking .avi and .rmvb anime torrents were so bad.
I think I have it backlogged, I was out of anime for 2 years due to work.
Plotting a way to kill myself.
I was 9. I guess i was just having fun with my friends in 5th grade. I was really into comics and starwars back then.
I feel so old now, i got employed finally at 2007,
i had already watched anime for quite a few years as i downloaded it from shitty p2p things like kazaa and DC++.
First anime's i saw were saber rider, starzinger and Ginga:Nagareboshi Gin though at the time
i didnt really treat them any different from cartoons.
Magic Knight Rayearth's first run in Finnish TV is what got me into anime finally.
I graduated HS in 2002, so you aren't the oldest anymore.
In 2007 I was taking a break from anime while concentrating on trying to transfer from a junior college to a university, so I only remember watching RahXephon and Pretear that year.
Wasn't doing much being alive and stuff the usual.
>I got married and I got a professional degree, but my wife is as much a hikki as I am so we stay inside and she reads comics
I had to ask my husband just now if he was the one who posted this.
At the time I was still getting anime off of Azureus. I'm pretty sure I used zplayer. This was before I had my own computer so I used the family computer. I watched all the Naruto fillers in summer of 2006 IIRC, so I had moved on from that.
Wiki says the first episodes of Shippuden aired on 2/15. I remember Dattebayo still did the subs. Remember all those troll torrents they made? There was a baseball game and a couple of other ones.
I barely went on Sup Forums, mostly I spent my time on the Dungeons and Dragons forums on the Wizards website. And oh god I belonged to the Megatokyo forums too. I was such a dumbass!
I remember I usually went on youtube and looked at OP/EDs to see which ones I wanted to see. I was watching Naruto and Bleach for sure, I think I'd seen Haruhi Suzumiya and Love Hina around that time, and I think I watched Higurashi and Elfen Lied later that year.
It was probably 2004 when i first heard of Sup Forums also, at the time i was 16 and was watching Sup Forums memes which were something i hadnt seen before.
Worst of all i showed it to my sister who was 14
at the time and we were laughing to those really
'stupid cockmongler and happy negro memes,
not forgetting you cant simply ___ into mordor
Did you ever give her the D, user?
I was in 8th grade, posting on Sup Forums, watching lucky star and trying to figure out if that made me gay.
Being an edgy, depressed high schooler who listened to Marilyn Manson and posted in gore threads on Sup Forums.
Just graduated high school and just started college, so that'd be when I first started watching anime online and figured out I could watch subtitles to get further ahead in the stories.
This was the beginning of my downfall.
No, because im not murrikan or brittish.
How dare you shitpost with ef in the OP
OP isn't shitposting!
Oonuma's version of Shinboism is the best.
You mean grinman.
>get roasted earlier for mentioning facebook
>this thread exists
where are all of those angry faggots now
Please kill yourself out of Sup Forums.
Delete this shitty thread and I will.
If you have a facebook then get out as you're a normalfag and don't belong on Sup Forums.
Yeah, that's what they kept saying. Sounds as stupid now as it did then.
I remember laughing at spinzaku gifs in an internet cafe.
I was happy.