Digimon Adventure Tri

Mimi's ever growing harem edition.

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So why'd Gennai go nuts? Hackmon said he turned evil and was helping to plan out the Reboot, so was he just trying to recruit all the villains the children have already killed?

Better question, why is Yggdrasil evil again?

Aren't we getting tired of God being Evil to the point that it's an obvious (and boring) twist?
Will Marcus show up and beat up Yggdrasil?

The black ball thing that was planted in him by Piemon when he and his order were creating the Digimon.

Yggrasil goes haywire from time to time spliting the Royal Knights. They now have this and the Meicoomon problem to deal with plus a newbie that is taking the oath of the Knights too seriously.

So the God of the Digital World is a Computer prone to malfunction meaning every decade or so someone has to beat some sense into it because unlike a normal computer, it's a God with a band of powerful Knight Digimon at it's bidding?

This is Microsoft XP/10.

Why the fuck did Himekawa think her digimon partner would remember her post-reboot, if it is even the same one?
Stupid bitch.

will Hikari and Takeru fug, tho?

She's a Mac user.

thank you. I thought I was the only one who thought this was a stupid twist. I'll actually be more surprised if it turns out ygdrasil isn't evil purposefully and is possessed by something. My hopes are for Daemon or Dagomon. Or both of them

No idea anymore. They like to tease each other though.

Threadly reminder that Sora did nothing wrong

Piyomon is a cunt


Part 5 poster, how does it feel knowing we're going to see Ophanimon Falldown mode?

This was rather underwhelming in my opinion
Like holy shit I know it's Digimon, but they spent like the 30 minutes slowly evolving to Ultimate

Yigdrasil has been evil more times then he has been good in the history of Digimon to be fair

>10minutes of transformation sequence

Sasuga toei

Philosophical question, would you reset the world to save your partner?

Is tapirmon kill?

Hikari is after el onii chan.


Isn't she a bit too old to still be playing with Digimons?

Is it just me, or does the Digimon anime look like total shit now?

She turned it into a suzu.

>Meicoomon not Digivolving into LadyDevimon
>Meicoomon can't DNA Digivolve with Gatomon into Mastemon
>Mei-chan is not Kari's new DNA Digivolve partner since we know Yolei is going to take the dick.

Yes, I mad.

would be exciting if the movies/show were better written. It's probably gonna be as underwhelming as everything else.

It's just you

I too, want a Ishihara Kaori~desu voiced Digimon

In order 3>1>2>4 so far

>no sign of best Digimon

That's the problem. He's been evil so many times that it's no longer a surprise. It'd have been more of a surprise had anyone but Yggdrasil been behind everything going on.

At this point, ironically, it'd be a greater twist if it turns out Yggdrasil and the Royal Knights are good and Crusadermon is not a homo.

He was in this very fucking episode

Why do people love fucking Alphamon so much? It's a garbage design and "le royal knights xD" is such a tired storyline

The character models have like half the detail they did ten years ago.

So what do you guys think of the new Keep On?


Digidestined of the World, sing me the song of your people

And the 02 kids?

I must have missed it, or are we talking about the reminder part from the end of the last episode?

I personally like him because I love Dorumon, and no one ever shows Dorugoramon any love so I'll take what I can get

Because he is an Alpha! He goes from this tiny fella to the Strongest Digimon ever and he is a Knight of Justice who swings his mighty sword and brings down the Doers of Evil.

The reminder, but I was actually thinking of the end of Confession and the lines were blurred.

So we know he's on File Island somewhere.

I wouldn't say Yggdrasil is evil, just an emotionless force, doing what is best by its programming, now we got Homogeneous throwing in how it had LoaderLiomon and the others become the Sovereigns of the digiworld, so who knows at this point

Though it is kinda neat that they are bringing the X Antibodies into the first world

>X Antibodies
Nope. X Antibody Digimon are visibly different from regular digimon and the plotline hasn't been used in ages. The ternary infection is just something else, and this Yggdrasil and Alphamon aren't related to the X Evolution ones.

It does seem to be lining up though, the DNA X on Mei's digivice, the fact that Alphamon and Jesmon where not effected by the reset, I just have a feeling that might be a thing

>Implying Digimon can be killed by humans

Only people like Masaru would have the power to kill digimon. Child digimon wouldn't be killable without weapons.

I haven't watched any of the Tri episodes yet

Are they going to retcon the ending/prologue of Digimon Adventures?

Summon Masaru.

Yggdrasil is being bad again.

>Mimi's harem is made of shit girls

holy shit how was she still alive

I see what you did there.

You forgot about the boys who definitely aren't shit. Michael aside of course.

Is Mimi into Koushiro or is she just teasing him?

>17 episodes
Oh wow I've been missing out.
Is Tri any good?

Mimi is into shitty girls.


Honestly, no.

I'm tired of this royal cucks bullshit, is there any media that uses the Olympos XII?

She's got him wrapped around her finger, that's for sure.

I honestly had a better time with Time Hunters.


It's meh, some parts are good some not


For anyone interested in digimon roleplaying/having a general digimon discord to talk in.

This is just terrible

It's not funny anymore once faces are attached to the shitposting

Fuck off outta here with this garbage

Well it is Toei.

>thinking RKs will never be the priority

Come on user, its not good to lie.

I'm catching up and this part really fucked me up.

Remember when the Royal Knights didn't shove their stupid dicks in everything?
Man those were good times.

did I get trolled
I thought it was always gonna be 4 movies

wtf did they split it up

this question would be a lot harder if you lose your own self as well (i.e. your memory)

are you yourself after a reboot? Clearly not so you would be killing yourself for no reason.

>no stupid dragon lizard
close call there

Digimon TRI.
It'll be 3 sets of 4 movies, obviously.

I didn't hate TH nearly as much as many around and Tri is just so damn appalling on top of the shitty release format and shitty production value.

She certainly feels the need to take care of him and is in the same class as him. So maybe.

Jesus Christ, this can't be real

Like this?

Gennai was thirsty, you should have seen the kabedon he did on Mei.


I'm not the only one who thinks the evolution sequences are really lackluster in Tri, right?

No. Tri is lackluster as a whole anyway.

Tri is shit. I was so hyped for it, and then it's shit. Was hoping for Tai and Agumon adventures, instead what I got was a whole bunch of shit

10 minute evolution sequences were why warp evolutions were made. They better get them eventually That and I want to see how Tri does warp evolutions

>Agumon is more interesting around Yamato
>Gabumon doesn't give a fuck about Taichi
Taichi can't catch a break desu.

It's just modernized. It's a continuation of the first two seasons specifically aimed towards the oldfags.
The ACTUAL current ongoing series looks normal.

Mastemon? Who?

Joe don't deserve this.

Angewomon and LadyDevimon jogress.


Huh, so it's like a Female LucemonFM
That's nice

>actually giving a single fuck about Taichi

hello false flagger

It's a standard Japanese narrative device that which every long-running series eventually inevitably recurs to. I personally like to call it 'JRPG Syndrome'. You're better off asking for MCs without spiky hair.

But I don't get it either. What's with the Nips' obsession with slaying God all the tome? Or is it a simple case of escapism for a neo-medieval society of comformist, overworked salarymen that dream every night of killing their boss?

Only Taichi and Yamato can warp iirc. Thats what the arrow thing in S1 allowed.

hello ptsd ridden user

>taich is shit
>j-just because!

correct chosen child ranking

best tier
Jou > Koushiro > Mimi

good tier
Takeru > Hikari > Taichi > Yamato

okay tier
Ken > Sora > Iori

bad tier
Daisuke > Meiko

shit tier

100% correct.

t. Jou cuck

>joe acts like a piece of shit for 3 movies
>people still suck his dick
I don't understand this meme. Is it because they're glasses cucks?

No, it's because he's cute

He's probably the most relatable, I guess.

>oldest but has no authority
>too busy to get tainted by 02
>prioritises real life
>best partner brings out the best in him