So how do you feel guys? Gohan cucked again cant even win a single match.
>Gohan cucked
>Easily KOed a guy with a full power body slam
he won the match, Daishinkan is an asshole for calling it a tie
>I-it's just a warm up!
>T-that was totally SSJ2
>He's got his full potential already! He did fine! DONT CALL IT MYSTIC REEEEEEE
>He'll win for sure next time!
Still counts, Jobhan strikes again
I was expecting him to job entirely and just give up so that he would feel the need to train, so I am pleasantly surprised.
>no Dragon Ball super in the title
Why are you not even being subtle with your shitposting, kuso-san?
A reminder our boy Teen Gohan is returning.
He did pretty good for a guy who was poisoned and blinded. Give him a break.
So is Gohan the Bret Hart of Dragonball characters now?
abandon ship.
>he won the match
I love how Tori keeps trolling gohan fags.
>leave toppo to me dad
>bring 10 fighters
>7 are shitters including gohan
fuck off generalshitter
go ctrl f somewhere else
>02/26/17(Sun)01:03:23 No.153939461
at least Yamcha can even die cool Gohan cant even lose cool
problem is, many other fighters are going to have quirks like that.
so how long until Gohan is king OP again?
they shouldent call it a fucking 12 universe tournament if all 12 arent gonna participate. Who writes this shit.
maybe just wait for further plot developments?
regardless stop bumping this thread and move here
They have two Future Trunks now. Why not use them?
pathetic denial
eoz can't come soon enough
If theres no saitama cameo in the arc Im going to be disappointed.
next time on filter ball super
>adding totally pointless averages
are you complaining about toei adding the averages?
So Goku and Vegeta are about an 8
Beerus is a 10
Whis is a 15
and the average of universes 1, 12, 5 and 8 are 7 or over?
Leave the thread and come back when you find the point
is that a purple cat race where beerus is from on the clown team? horry shito
universe 6 is gonna have a fem broly?
why would he need to go super sayian? YOU FORGOT AKIRA
Remember in sayian saga when krillin asked if goku could teach him kaioken sometime? He said maybe. Why didn't Goku teach anyone? REEEEEEEE
>Remember in sayian saga when krillin asked if goku could teach him kaioken sometime?
Never happened
don't assume things about mr.akira troiyama
It did in english dub but I guess its all mistranslations
the averages don't mean strength
the averages show the quality of the NINGENS in those universes
>dub invention
>only anime thing
One of these
>Finish the episode
>"Oh boy, cue the gohanfags crying
>Go to catalog
>First row
You didn't disappoint.
For actual news, exempting four universes screams "We can't design forty more fighters, so here's an excuse those four universes are spared".
That's worse than anything Super supposedly ruined.
>For actual news, exempting four universes screams "We can't design forty more fighters, so here's an excuse those four universes are spared".
It's obviously so they have room for future arcs.
>U7 wins the tournament and Goku is objectively the strongest non-god fighter in any universe
doesn't leave a whole lot of room to grow.
>actually expecting Toriyama designing 120 new characters
(You)r fault, you're an idiot
>120 characters
yeah what the fuck were you expecting?
>Female Legendary Super Saiyan is likely Cabba's sister, add her to universe 6
he did okay, for a high school teacher. Cell Games Gohan or Mystic Gohan would have finished that fight in 10 seconds though.
>Gohan gets his fighting spirit back like the EP name said, and beats his opponent but "draws" because Daishinkai is a faggot
>people still shitpost
I seriously don't even get these people but whatever
Super update on this image when
That twist was actually good. What it means supreme kai fault somewhat too. He should have been working to get more ningens created.
That match was great though. He didn't feel cucked at all.
>They have two Future Trunks now
No they don't. They have one that was transported into a special new future.
you have been away for a long time and daikashin is not a faggot just cos he got his spirit back he should win?
So Goku basically saved universe 7. If he didn't say anything Zeno was going to destroy them. Apologize.
I never bought the anti-gokufags/gohanfag propaganda
Unintended actions aren't worthy of praise. If freiza hadn't genoicided the sayains Goku would never have proceded to the point he is in now.
I wonder how many of bottom universes he would have killed though.
>daikashin is not a faggot just cos he got his spirit back he should win?
English isn't your first language, is it? It seems like you mixed up that whole post's message.
>universe 5 god of destruction
>a flip word for alcholic beverages
>get super dragonballs
>wish for a trillion ningens in your universe
>problem solved
All those with powerlevel avg under 7. There's too many universes anyway and why not keep the better developed ones. Those with truer powers and developments (wether via evolution, magic, technology or spiritual/martial prowess).
A trillion ningens won't raise the average, they would just increase the population of the set. Creating a couple billion krillens would do it.
The writers forgot he doesn't go super saiyan at max power anymore. This is medichlorians levels of bullshit.
did I?
it seems like he said >the episode title is misleading
and because of the quotation marks around draw
>he thinks it wasn't a draw and actually a win
explain pls
Wait its average power level or what? I was under the assumption that it was just based off population size and that would increase your average. So if your universe had million people that were all strong fighters you would still be fucked.
They aren't. This is a warm up set. It's an episode to show that he has trained and can sustain SSJ when not poisoned unlike ROF. The tourny proper will involve his proper power coming into play.
It's a, yes, this time he's back and he's getting a prominent role as a power player on the team. At least buu/piccilo tier (and given he wasn't going as hard as he can he's likely to be sitting between them and the big dogs (goku and vegetta)
As far as we know, Frieza genociding any species with a power level high enough to be a threat to him is the reason Universe 7's power level average is so low in the first place.
If you added new ningens with power to the universe, they'd add to the existing total, still.
The greater the existing amount, the greater the amount needed to raise the average.
It would be ironic if Buu winds up saving the Universe.
Population means nothing to average.
Lets say you have 10 people at pl1. That's an average of one.
If you have 20 people of pl1 that's still an average of 1.
You need to add a decent portion of people with HIGHER powerlevels to change the average. The thing is the more units (people) in the set (universe) the more (quantity) high powerlevels you would need to increase the average.
Zamasu must be rolling in his grave.
Quite possible but unlikely. It would damage their average but the fact is the other averages are significantly higher. Meaning that, on average, the other universes likely have loads of civs more powerful than frieza empire. Meaning that by the virtue of frieza being capable of dominating, U6 was never in the upper echelons in the first place, otherwise someone as weak as frieza would never have been capable of those actions.
>Zeno killing Gods based on the quality of their ningen
>ningen have more value to Zeno than Gods
Zamasu universe should have been allowed to exist so that it could bear witness to what is about to occur
There's also the fact that the numbers wouldn't have worked out with 12 universes. You'd end up with 3 people and someone needing to skip a fight. It'd have to be 8 or 16 to work out.
dub only, also the kaiohken is a very dangerous technique
Ningen are pretty good with techniques though, better than Goku is at creating them and mastering them. All sayains have that wasn't given to them by someone else is massive amounts of raw power and natural beam spam.
Nah Frieza was contained to North Galaxy. Going by the otherworld tournament of the dead looks like Universe 7 is just full of scrubs outside earth.
ningens need to develop their own techniques to protect their own universe
Sealing would have worked had things not gone retarded. Just give them kaioken, okay? They earned it.
Look again. Universes with a power level averagr of 7 or above are exempt. Frieza had a max power level of 120,000,000. He wiped out the Saiyans for having an average power level of what, 2000? 3000? And it's apparent he and his ancestors had been doing that for a fucking while.
Let's put it this way. You have one hundred worlds. 99 of them have an average power level of 2. The other one has an average power level of 5000. All together, they have an average power level of 519.8. Remove the world with a power level of 5000 however, and suddenly the average power level is 2.
It's essentially what Frieza and his ancestors had been doing for thousands of years. They've been removing all the worlds with a high power level average which could possibly oppose them. Hell, look at Frieza's followers on Namek. It's mentioned even back then that they were outliers on their own worlds, which themselves had high average power levels, which Frieza destroyed, and that Frieza only spared them (Zarbon, Dodoria, the Ginyu force) in exchange for their loyalty. Look at how eager they are to turn against Frieza as soon as they realize someone might be able to stand up to him, though Vegeta is determined to just kill them all at that point still. Everyone fucking hated Frieza, they just didn't have the power to stand up to him. Well, except Ginyu, that guy was a cuck.
Hell, when Beerus wakes up, he mentions that he wants to take care of Frieza. Why? Probably because he's aware of what Frieza was doing and thought "Okay, this has gone on far enough". Maybe that's what maintaining the balance of the Universe was all about in the first place: God of Destruction removing weak and incompetent species, preventing people like Frieza from fucking things up, while the God of Creation creates new worlds to try and bring about some quality. But as Whis has repeatedly said throughout Super, Beerus is lazy. He hasn't been doing his job.
Why don't you look again. If the strongest have, in their natural state, around 7+ there are two possible conclusions.
a) it's probably a scale of how powerful they are relative to each other, rather than using the same metric that some random ningen used in U6
b) the natural state of the universe is quite low by proxy. Including all forms of life like animals and shit even with powerhouse races there's still fucking huge positive skew due to the sheer quantity of low level mortal life.
Reminder: Universe 7's average power rating is low because Supreme Kai didn't train any mortal races and Beerus prefers destroying strong races instead of weak ones
>All sayains have that wasn't given to them by someone else is massive amounts of raw power and natural beam spam
That's because Freeza and Zamasu were right.
Sayains are suhumans. Literally fucking savage monkeys good for only war.
Veggie also had that light ball artificial moon thing, but that was probably given to the sayains y freeza or his henchmen.
ningen are nothing but weaklings. they'd likely not survive kaioh ken
Nah, it was a good match.
It's also a good excuse because now he's gotten used to fighting again, you can assume he'll be evolving during the tournament until he surpasses his previous level.
Also he must have gotten a zenkai
And if they make Broly canon, then the entirety of South Galaxy was annihilated by the giant baby. And we don't know whether there are other Frieza wannabes elsewhere. What's clear though is that Beerus hasn't been doing his job, so if there are any, he hasn't stopped them.
What Beerus should have been doing but clearly didn't do:
>getting rid of Frieza and other assholes like him (Babidi comes to mind) who engage in genocide against high PL populations
>getting rid of cosmic horrors like Buu which go after Gods of Creation and essentially reduce the number of new worlds being created and thus the potential for the appearance of better worlds
>destroying shitty worlds
What he's been doing:
>blowing up worlds for serving him food he doesn't like
>watching anime
That's what Whis has been hinting at this whole time. Universe 7 has been mismanaged and it's at risk of being erased entirely because Zeno (read: the Grand Priest) thinks it sucks.
Actually, the scale used by Zeno/the GP seems to be the same as the one used by Frieza and his army. Remember, a farmer with a shotgun had a PL of 5.
A power level of 7 isn't that much higher than a power level of 3.86, which is what Universe 7 has. But eliminating the top worlds if that universe would certainly send the average down over time.
That's a lot of hot assumptions there mate.
Yeah basically they're all murder monkeys. Thing is humans have both magic and martial techniques. They should be honing that a lot more rather than trying to keep up with Saiyan power output. Shit like the sealing move is powerful as hell.
Chuck some kaiokens in there or even other unqiue abilities (as we've seen shit like that work out alright in U6) and they'd be plenty competative.
>Actually, the scale used by Zeno/the GP seems to be the same as the one used by Frieza and his army
Except it doesn't seem like that at all, especially if it only includes sapients and not animals. That the majority couldn't even break pl7 is ridiculous. It's either working on it's own metric, includes animals or powerful races are rare as fuck and naturally wipe each other out (ala freeza) and or need to be purged by the GoDs.
Look at his face
That the majority couldn't break 7 is expected, if it includes all mortal life in a universe. Read the whole post, the roles of the GoD and GoC make sense in that context. They're caretakers, with the GoC trying to promote the appearance of high quality worlds, while the GoD acts both to remove hopelessly lame worlds and as a protector against threats like Frieza and Buu. The angel's role seems to be to act as some sort of support and oversight to the Gods, while reporting to Zeno/GP.
Goku is a ningen.
I didnĀ“t expect any more than a tie.
It was still a very entertaining fight though, and hopefully Gohan has the guts to properly prepare for the tournament of power.
I never liked Gohan much, but I think he did pretty good, considering that he'd been a lazy ass faggot who hasn't even trained in forever
I think it was acceptable
Gohan has largely been gay as fuck outside of SSJ2, Mystic, and fucking Videl, but the motherfucker Izuna Dropped, I don't even give a fuck if he tied and got poisoned like a little bitch.
They literally could have just made a bunch of randoms and then dismissed them after a 30 to 200 second montage of the universes fighting. Think of the 1000 person battle at the start of Revival of F
Reminder: Universe 7's average mortal rating is low because Frieza was too busy slaughtering half the Universe and Beerus authorized the destruction of Planet Vegeta.
Don't forget Buu destroying entire galaxies and killing Kais
Well if I recall correctly, and I may not, Zamasu's kai was talking about ningen as sapient/humaniod. That would take out the animals from the spectrum leaving us with intelligent races. If humans, a terribly weak species at its non-trained baseline are 5 something then the average would be considerably higher on a universal scale.
It might just be that ningen are the only mortals worth cultivating, not that they're the only ones counted, true.
Still though, with the way averages work all you would need is one super powered civ and you'd easily be breaking double digits.
Also, bit of an aside but when are humans going to start altering themselves again. The androids and cell went gangbusters. Sayain-spiritual/martial isn't the only route for becoming powerful. Technology-human and magic-namekian/bobbity have also shown some great returns. It's time to start stepping the operation up a little.
>Beerus authorized
You mean he didn't give a fuck, which is the whole point. Instead of doing his fucking job by removing genocidal megalomaniacs like Frieza and Babidi and destroying cosmic aberrations like Buu, he's been watching anime, sleeping, eating junk food and blowing up planets for serving him greasy food.