Why is it that babyboomers and other various species of liberals have such a hard-on for American Indians...

Why is it that babyboomers and other various species of liberals have such a hard-on for American Indians? They love their progressive, Western values so much, but they make exceptions for their precious squaws just as they do for other beloved groups.

Would America really be a better place if we had marauding tribes pillaging American towns? Would Mexico be better off performing human sacrifices today? Do we have anything of value to learn from the Indians besides an admonition not to imitate them?

How do they reconcile this cognitive dissonance? Is it all just white guilt just as it is for other privileged minorities?

I want to see what makes liberal blubbering over the injuns different from other groups such as melinoids, rapefugees, leafblowers, etc. What's your take on this, Sup Forums?

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exterminate them
pig after pig
cow after cow
kill them all

I do too but I'm not liberal and I'm not Boomer. In fact I worship Ted Kaczynski. I want to live in the untamed wilderness and I hate civilization

The myth of the noble savage never dies. The grass is always greener on the other side. I would compare it to the leftist desire to travel. They want the exotic to replace what they view as mundane.

We already learned everything worth learning from them. We have absorbed what we could and killed the rest. I'd say we were merciful. They have become one with us. The leftovers were never worth absorbing. Their genes are so weak that it takes only one generation for them to lose all native traits. The ones from the south are not so easy to fix.
My great grandpa was full blooded native, dark hair, skin, and everything. His daughter, my grandmother, had light brown hair, pale skin, green eyes, and looked exactly like her mother. I often wonder if my native great grandpa got cucked.

I see the industrial revolution as a mistake that needs to be done away with.

They have no concept either way. Let them take cold showers and poop without a toilet for a week. It's like the liberals who live in gated communities, they have no concept of what they are doing or what they support. They want rights for POC but never have to interact with them. That's for the rest us.......

I would only go so far as to convert them to Christianity. I don't believe in genocide. Obviously the Germanic barbarians were brutal child-sacrificers until they were converted. Then, of all the empires, the British were probably the most benign, ironically enough.

>I want to live in the untamed wilderness and I hate civilization
Then go fuck off to the more remote parts of Alaska or the Yukon Territory. Nothing is stopping you. By the way, your teddy boy derives his retarded ideology from Rousseau. You're better off going to the source if you want to go full-retard.

Obviously the average white person in the city rarely if ever had dealings with the Indians, although you can read about the atrocities Indians committed in Philadelphia in Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. Nonetheless, since those experiences are so far away, is it easier to whitewash the history with the savages and keep them that way in eternal memory?

I've met plenty of people with a soft-spot for Indians who hate blacks, gays, etc. I'm thinking that they would have hated Indians too had they lived in the Old West or been with Cortez. But time and white guilt has whitewashed our history with the Indians where we are not able to view them in a critical light anymore, or at least not anymore in the academy.

We learned some guerilla warfare tactics from them. Ever watch The Patriot? That's Indian style fighting. Most of them weren't wiped out by whitey but by whitey's diseases and American forces weren't ever up to par with European forces so who knows how it would have gone without the diseases killiing so many.
56% the post

Because they show respect for nature, cause by their time before the brutal expansionism of corporativism, there still was nature, and living along with was a completely different experience.

You lost that already.

I should have probably emphasized "have we learned anything of LASTING VALUE from the Indians" in the post. I do know they were capable soldiers and the British tried to enlist them on their side during the Revolution because from my understanding they weren't very fond of us even back then.

Rousseauvian nonsense. Yet you probably don't even know who Rousseau is.

Hmmm its different with me, my mom is full blooded houma and i got her thick, course hair and super tan skin from her side but im able to grow a beard and have bright green eyes from my dads cajun french family.

moron. is hard to damage nature with stone age tools. people too stupid to evolve should not be celibrated.

I have gone to reservations to see them.

The industrial revolution was a mistake not something to be proud of.

lol found the commie . yes because you would not exist to suck the welfare tit and shit post.

Actually, you can read in academic journals that Indians DID pollute and wreak destruction on the land. Contrary to popular belief, they did not live in complete harmony with nature. They did have some ingenious methods for hunting game and controlling fires, but naturally, as humans, they fucked up from time to time.

The industrial revolution is the single greatest cause of the spread of luxury across all social strata. Like many phenomena, it has caused some pain and suffering, but the benefits have far outweighed the cons. If you don't like it, go to Siberia and live in the woods like that guy from the Herzog documentary.

I actually have some extended family who married one in old age as her third husband. Bit odd.

The people living in log cabins in the wilderness had it far better than the people living in the cities during the 19th century. The industrial revolution made work lose its meaningfulness. If society is too civilized we lose our base instincts

Americans generally didnt like the natives (for good reasons) for centuries. the example of hate that sticks out to me comes from an 1855 The New York Times review of The Song of Hiawatha:

>The anonymous reviewer judged that the poem "is entitled to commendation" for "embalming pleasantly enough the monstrous traditions of an uninteresting, and, one may almost say, a justly exterminated race.

all this boomer injun love comes from 1950s sanitization of them on TV and lamentations for a people that would kill you deader than shit if they werent already dead.

my gfs boomer grandparents whole house is full of native shit, and they are obsessed with them and saying anything factually bad about muh native americans is RACIST PROPAGANDA.

There is nuance to sympathizing with natives and some of us (ME) are a 1/16 indian meme and want to learn about that little chunk of our history but the blind adoration some people have for pitbull tier groups of people actually pisses me off.

Lots of native groups in the U.S we're pretty civilized by the 1800s (Cherokee, Seminole, Creek, Chickasaw). They had functioning governments and a structured way of life, even if they didn't look like western societies. Yeah they fought amongst each other but it's not like Europeans didn't either. Shit like Wounded Knee (where it was a literal massacre) is where are the intense sympathy and romanticism comes from. You can't say that Indians weren't cheated hard as shit

You have to get in the head of the white self hater. There was no evil in the world until White Men came and ruined peaceful paradise where nobody had to worry about having hurt feelings and everybody shared everything fairly and put women on pedestals. The only reason this world doesn't exist right now this very second is because white men still exist. If they can only get rid of white men, they can recreate paradise. (This is what white Liberals actually believe.) They freeze up when you start showing them evidence of horrific crimes committed by their non white sex pets/objects of deepest pity.

They used to run Buffalo off a cliff just to catch them and use some of the meat. Them using all of the carcass was a meme, they were wasteful fools.

Crazy Horse: Most Badass American
>betrayed by faggot Yankees, they assassinated him Jew style
>What treaty that the whites have kept has the red man broken? Not one. What treaty that the white man ever made with us have they kept? Not one. When I was a boy the Sioux owned the world; the sun rose and set on their land; they sent ten thousand men to battle. Where are the warriors today? Who slew them? Where are our lands? Who owns them? What white man can say I ever stole his land or a penny of his money? Yet, they say I am a thief. What white woman, however lonely, was ever captive or insulted by me? Who has ever come to me hungry and unfed? Who has ever seen me beat my wives or abuse my children? What law have I broken? Is it wrong for me to love my own? Is it wicked for me because my skin is red? Because I am Lakota, because I was born where my father dies, because I would die for my people and my country?
Sitting Bull
Fuck you Anglo Mutts

For me I don't hate being white. I hate civilization. I feel no connection to it.

>I would compare it to the leftist desire to travel. They want the exotic to replace what they view as mundane.
And ironically most of them are globalist as fuck (workers international amirite) so their won ideologies work the hardest to turn every place and every one the same.

I'm an anarcho primitivist. Get it right.

You can't do anything but talk in memes without anything to back your arguments. Why don't you be a good boy scout and just try living in a public park for a week, hunting squirrels?

I actually have no problem with Indians as human beings, I just dislike that white liberals (or other non-Indian liberals, for that matter) seem incapable of seeing the other side of the argument, that prior to contact with us, their civilization had few merits if any compared to ours and were often brutal and savage to us and each other without any initiation on our part. Although they did receive some horrible abuses from us, without any hesitation I do believe their life has improved drastically as part of our culture rather than separate.

I don't know why you would side with them unless you're a pagan LARPer who hates Western and Christian civilization. Ironic coming from a Greek. Maybe the Turks left too big of a mark on you during the occupation.

"Feeling a connection" is a very civilized notion.

The factories of the 1800s were places that left you hopeless dreamless and without good pay. The same is true of the factories in the second and third world today.

"Rousseau addresses freedom more than any other problem of political philosophy and aims to explain how man in the state of nature is blessed with an enviable total freedom. This freedom is total for two reasons. First, natural man is physically free because he is not constrained by a repressive state apparatus"

Mayans burned down the forest and collapsed their civilization, then it became the fundamental society building tale of the north american indians.

>Not all the hunters hunt the same..

We always side with the righteous mutt
5000 years of history demand from us to act like this
Im an Orthodox Christian Baptist dog

I don't see what's wrong with Rousseau's argument. He's totally correct.

>Obviously the Germanic barbarians were brutal child-sacrificers
I was going to point this out but you already did

>Why is it that babyboomers and other various species of liberals have such a hard-on for American Indians?
b/c there is a history to it?

Natives were actually several different ethnic groups and some founding fathers recognized some of the ethnic groups as being white-like, as having kinship to whites, etc. while other native ethnic groups did not. There are modern theories that seem to support this idea: that earliest of populations were proto-indo-european and not mongolian. I really have no idea is this is correct or not but at any rate the founding fathers having sympathy for SOME of the native ethnic groups has led to the boomers being under the spell of having sympathy for ALL native ethnic groups.

The "Nobel Savage" myth was born out of early American settlers finding a kinship with SOME natives and writing about it; then it was picked up by Europeans reading about it almost 100yrs later (Hitler talked about it) and then concept was brought back here and changed a bit by European jews fleeing WWII. ALL natives were seen as absolute victims of white Christian men -much as the newly arriving jews saw themselves: they were just another innocent victim of White European Christian Colonialism. This concept of colonialism was a key part of Critical Theory brought into American Academia by lefty jews from Europe. Then this post-Colonialism aspect/study of Critical Theory was then disseminated to the baby boomers in school.

>Would America really be a better place if we had marauding tribes pillaging American towns?
It would at least be a more fun place.
> judge Holden
That guy was actually Autism: the character.

>I just dislike that white liberals (or other non-Indian liberals, for that matter) seem incapable of seeing the other side of the argument

acting like they dindu nuffin is bad enough because it absolves them from responsibility in life, and then people wonder why a native is drunk in a ditch somewhere with some ladies purse.

the worst part is the "please do not touch" attitude the liberals have. it would be nice if indians could sell their crafts but there are libshits EVERYWHERE just waiting to scream "cultural appropriation" so there will never be an acceptance or a movement to popularize it to the point where natives can bank on it.

We could have people learning about the history of native lands and landmarks, but libshits are trying to attribute or even CREATE "native" lands and landmarks (gungywump is an example) which undermines the true history of an area.

I would like to see American culture unified, where people can adopt traditions much like the celts and english or the germanics and scandinavians do. Just combine the native and colonial and western traditions into something good and special and remember how many people died on all sides to get where we are.

But no, some faggot jew with pink hair is seething and waiting to write an article or blow up a pipeline somewhere to make sure that nobody is happy, the indians are sheltered from further atrocities at the hand of the white man, and we will never fill a 90k seat stadium with wypipo to hear about the land and the people. It would blow peoples mind to know that we live on turtle island.

>I would like to see American culture unified, where people can adopt traditions much like the celts and english or the germanics and scandinavians do. Just combine the native and colonial and western traditions into something good and special and remember how many people died on all sides to get where we are.

This is what I feel too. The natives and colonists should have combined together to create a glorious republic. Marxist views on history prevent this by eternally pitting the two groups against each other and having the Indians be the oppressed losers for ever.

He ignores many things about the natural condition of the human being.

in large part WE DID. many people died but for as long while we came together, we genetically mingled and everyone moved on. Hell, the principles of the Iroquois Confederacy have been cited as an influential document in our Constitution. There is some magic hidden between the lines. That is special, and its for us.

I dont know how anyone can sleep at night or think they are doing anyone a favor by driving a wedge through the very blood of a nation. but im not a commie, so maybe its not for me to understand.