Why would a normal looking guy just decide to destroy his body and become a woman? Is it a lack of religion...

Why would a normal looking guy just decide to destroy his body and become a woman? Is it a lack of religion? Chemicals in the food and water?

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Could be a combination of any of those things, but I think the root of it is narcisism

No one who fully understands their human insignificance (to be blunt) even has time to give a shit about "feeling like a woman" much less be concerned about everyone considering their tiniest feeling

this 200%

Hey he's pretty cute actually.
I'd say it's just selfishness.
The world has always had men who want to become women, of course there's more now for chemical reasons.
But in the past they would CHOOSE to suppress it. Now, they don't. And it hurts a lot of people, and society. They're influenced to do it by kikery, to simplify it.

Lack of religion mainly. When yo don't believe in something you believe in everything.


Probably just born that way.

Probably self esteem, they think that becoming a woman will give them more attention, the woman life is way easier.

>become a woman
Never happens. Your DNA and every cell in your body is male. Just mutilated and delusional.

These men are just fags in denial.

>normal looking guy
>that faggy looking facial hair + haircut

>When yo don't believe in something you believe in everything.
That makes no sense at all, not believing in religion means you're exercising your critical faculties, which means you're much less likely to believe in anything without evidence, so basically just the exact opposite of what you said is true.

Lots of make up and filters can make pretty much anything hot.

he looks more interesting and less loathsome as a woman. he was depressingly average and mediocre before.

they don't become women though, just castrated fruits

rampant mental illness, prevalant in most of western society in one form or another

White ppl are degenerate because they derive from the deficieny disease albinism. Look around you, EXTREME LEFTISM IS A WHITE PROBLEM.

>boipucci is best pussy
take the boipucci pill Sup Forums

he was probably so in love with his cute sexy self he wanted to fuck himself and the only way he could was to became a women.

I have to suppress it, if anything it has made me more masculine. I'm still attracted to women, but have always have had that stupid thought in the back of my head. Probably due to kikery.

No body with any critical reaaoning skills thinks the thing in OPs pic is a woman





You first have to understand that sex change operations are a surgery that is used for people with a mental disorder called Gender Dysphoria, which is when someone belives they are born the wrong sex. Its also important to note that sex and gender are two different thing. Sex is your physical type, as in a man or a woman/penis or vagina. Gender is your mental state, or how you think you are, more on this later. So someone is born to the male sex for example, but then they think their gender is female. So then they are given hormones and surgery to change their sex to fit their gender, which would help them out the thinking goes.

But more and more are seeking sex reassignment surgery reversals, and there is more attempts to look into that maybe sex reassignment surgery is not the best thing for people with gender dysphoria. And, it seems most people with gender dysphoria also suffer at least one other mental disorder, so the thinking is now that their depression isnt so much from being the wrong sex, but from multiple problems, and they can be helped through normal psychological treatment rather than changing their sex

You made the right choice, user.

>no war on western soil for 80+ years
>jobs and land fought for in the past went overseas anyways
>men have nothing to fight for anymore
>woman start accruing power because no wars
>men have no strong leaders to look up to
>unemployment out the ass
>education out the ass
>high suicide rates
>cost of living at retard levels high, making families is economic and mental suicide
>depression becomes an easy tac to place on people
>victimisation process starts to internally apply

Why would a normal looking guy just decide to destroy his mind and become a lurker on Sup Forums?

Is it a lack of a job? Can't find a girlfriend and no friends?

>8/10 guy becomes a 6/10 "female" with a frankengina

Suicide within 5 years

Air,.... Gaymerican assholes,..... Now eat what You cooked. m.youtube.com/watch?v=f-Vl2ZjkPYM You idiot citizens always ate "First" ,..... And then say (cryyy) conspiracy,conspiiiiracy,conspiraccccyyyyyy,..... Funny to watch.

Men cannot become women, they can only become faggots.

Yeah. Trans people are just weak selfish little bitches who care about insignificant nonsense like their own happiness and not suffering crippling gender dysphoria. Cis people aren't just lucky not to have a condition that makes them uncomfortable in their own bodies, they're selfless woke Jesus Buddhas who are aware of their own cosmic insignificance, and don't care about trivial stuff like their own well-being and happiness or feeling comfortable in their own skin and gendered socital role, unlike those petty self-obsessed petty transgender snowflakes.

Oh yeah and trans people are way too sensitive which has nothing to do with the constant stream of illogical, mean-spirited, degrading bullshit they continually put up with from people like us.

>mole on the other face side
literally not the same guy

Not a woman. He became trans.

now onto gender. Gender is your state of mind, so normally, a person born to the male sex will have a "male brain" basically, but gender dysphoria means you are born a male, but you "know" you are really a woman. But the very idea of gender is shaky because of its foundations. The whole idea of gender comes from a guy named John Money who first theorized the idea that your state of mind, or gender roles, were just cultural. He experimented on a child whos penis was severed in a botched circumcision named David Reimer, and was raised as a girl. He wore dresses, was made to play with dolls, all little girl shit, but he hated all of this. And it wasnt until he was older that his parents finally told him that he was born a male. Further, Money lied in his research to fit his hypothesis and it was picked up by left leaning people and they ran with it, noticeably the feminist movement. Reimer eventually started living as a man again, and took hormones (he was given estrogen from the time he was a baby) but he eventually killed himself, as did his brother. Money had forced the two to preform sexual acts on each other.

>I'll take mirrored images for 500

>t. trans freak
It's illogical to believe you're a woman when you have a penis xir.

>the woman life is way easier.
especially with a dick and none of the drawbacks

He is still a guy

but how can u tell wich one is the mirrored? fuck off fake news barer

you realize virtually none of these people actually get any surgery right? they just cross-dress and maybe take hormones they buy online, I presume because deep down they know it's a fad and will give it up one day

bc the chemicals in the water are making the fucking frogs gay

You don't think we all have mental urges we fight?
The difference is, you gave in to yours so you think you're special.

Just a normal gay guy who wants to fuck straigt guys

It actually works you be suprised how many straights get turned om be sissy looking guys

How does it feel to have severe autism

Confusing the natural male attraction to the feminate with wanting to become it, having lower testosterone levels than average and through conditioning being homosex all help towards it

They don't have that natural female grace that literally every girl I've met has though, they way they stand, sit and move looks unfeminine in person

Well if hormones are the answer to transgender mental illness, dear potato-nigger; then why in the fuck don’t they load up a male with more testosterone or a female with more oestrogen? You know, to help them “identify” with the DNA within EVERY CELL IN THEIR FUCKING BODY!

Two major reasons being difficulty and identity. Man will attempt to become a woman if they believe it will make their life easier, as the standard many seem to accept is that western men live life on normal or hard difficulty on average, where as western women live life on easy or normal difficulty on average, so the man is just taking a dice roll and hoping that his life becomes easier. Onto identity, which I will briefly summarize in a greentext for the TL;DR crowd.

>Be male
>Be boring, have no personality or strong values (practically a woman already)
>Become soy boy
>Search for new buzzwords to add to vocab
>Start busting out random titles for myself and others (preferred pronouns, random sexualities, etc.)
>Realize that all I am is a pile of words that half the population does note care about or accept.
>Notice LGBT gets attention and that its members all uphold a LGBT centric identity that they are proud of.
>Jump on the LGBT bandwagon, drink the strongest kool-aid they have on had (trans shit)
>Still a boring nobody that offers nothing to society
>Label myself trans and begin "trans-treatment" in order to add another title to my Twitter / Tumblr bio.
>Use trans shit as a shield for any and all criticism I get from now on because I will be damned if I ever learn from my mistakes
>Ask for repriations from people, receive autist / beat-bucks from beta males and low IQ autists
>If I don't find pussy I can either feel up my fake holes or blame trans-phobia, instead of my shitty looks and personality
>Can now live life on a cycle of cynicism until the day I die and never have to face the consequences of my actions so long as I stay in the west

Did I miss anything?

also he is a faggot

if you really think about it, you are the one with severe autism. nice trips tho

But why do they want to fuck straight guys? There are thousands fags out here.

>turned on by sissies

Nah, not straight.

God damn what a faggot you are

>Trans people are less than one percent of the population.
>People with schizophrenia outnumber trans people.
Why isn't there a acceptance movement to include alternate views of reality but there is one for alternate views of gender?

Does albinism causes some mental problems?

Yes, it causes high iq and the will to build a civilization. It is viewed as a mental illness in nigger countries.

Faggot spotted. Top o the morning to ye faggy

Literally your answer is here.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.
20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools,
23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,
25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. - Romans 1:18-25


This is unironically the truth. Keep God in your hearts anons

Is that rapper Boef on the left?


>Why would a normal looking guy just decide to destroy his body and become a woman?

Stop normalizing their mental illness. Changing one's sex is impossible. Taking hormones and the mutilating of genitals doesn't change a person's chromosomes.

you know it's less than 1% of the population, right?

You are ruining your life Timmy.

None of those things... it's because they can (or at least think they can "become a woman.")

Some men are just better off as women. Even in the modern day with the media pushing them its a small percent. Men and women have completely different mental patterns and ways of looking at the world. For whatever reasons some men have female style minds and will never really be comfortable or sucessful as men but they can fulfil the roles of women well. I think for the people that would actually be more attractive and better suited as women they should transition. Howvere most trannies are just agp dudes who get off to being girly and they should be killed.

This and the fact that lefties and their subversion strategies are finally starting to pay their dividends. One little war on home soil and you can wave this decadent bullshit goodbye. It’s literally a decline of civilization as in the good times create weak men sense.

There may be environmental factors as to why the west is seeing the rise of so many feminized males. This may be the biggest public health crisis that no one is talking about.





Well, either that works as a cure for gender dysphoria or it doesn't. If it did, then someone could make a celebrated career pioneering that as a treatment. I really don't know what else to say about it, dude. I think it's unlikely some guy on Sup Forums has come up with a cure which has evaded the medical community, or why you're coming at me with a "Explain this, you idiot" energy, but if it works, it works.

But that le drumpf supporter Alex Jones is so crazy talking about chemicals turning frogs gay! XD OMG! XD

>It's a 400 replies tranny thread on Sup Forums again episode.

>Why would a normal looking guy just decide to destroy his body and become a woman?
because they want to be a girl
pretty self-explanatory desu

kek, this.
It's sad that talking about trannies or fags takes up so much of our time and thought (and not just on Sup Forums, but IRL). Trannies are less than 1% of the pop.; Gays are around 1-2% of the pop. They actually don't matter politically and should be ignored. The jews really did pull a number on us with all their lgbt shit.

Abused as a child, split personality disorder, lack of spirituality

To get in on that female privilege and perks

It's because he refuses to work.
He is used to immediate gratification.
Men have to work for sex and love. Act nice, pretend they are interested in the social bullshit that women cannot escape biologically. Women simply take their pick. His mistake is that he's not really a woman, so he will get caught up in a world of mentally ill sex freaks and probably die prematurely.

Cause then we have more cute traps to fap to.


It is more like gays are 15% of the population. I expect traps to be approximately 10% of the population around 2030.

Why not?

I don't really want to get into a big debate about the whole topic. I was just annoyed by one specific post making a specific point that I thought was dumb.

You make an interesting point. I think people don't realize that the transgender thing is largely about words, not facts. So like Buck Angel knows he has XX chromosomes, a vagina, etc., which according to many people's definition means you're a girl.

Now this is a redefinition of terms that a lot of people have a problem with, but it doesn't require us to actually deny facts, if you actually understand the sophisticated version of the position. Now this can get weird at the margins, and the PC logic of this can be taken pretty far by some people, but the doctors who have come to the conclusion that transition is the most effective treatment for dysphoria do actually know that Caitlyn Jenner has XY chromosomes, etc. and all that.

There's nothing really comparable for schizophrenics. It's not like we can change the definitions of certain terms to accommodate a small percentage of marginal cases and improve life for pretty much all schizophrenic people. Schizophrenic people's delusions are varied and diffuse, and incompatible with reality in a way that letting Blair White live as a chick is not, IMO.

white people need extermination

Stop right there Seamus, you've gone too far.

Transgenderism is a psyop to get your gubmint to legally conduct experiments on you using your genitals as a guinea pig. You don't cure a mental illness by giving the mentally ill person what they want. In 20 years time, maybe you'll come back after being rendered effectively sterile, suicidial, with a plethora of other behavioral problems and say, "jeez maybe those anons were just trying to help, afterall".

>It is more like gays are 15% of the population.
Less than 4% of the population are "LGBT"

People tend to overestimate the percentage of gays in the general population due to their over representation in media.

>The whole idea of gender comes from a guy named John Money who first theorized the idea that your state of mind, or gender roles, were just cultural.
>Further, Money lied in his research to fit his hypothesis.
>Money had forced the two to preform sexual acts on each other.

This is pure evil, caught on the act.




Fags scream the loudest



Trannys mental health increases across the board from transition:
>A Systematic Review of the Effects of Hormone Therapy on Psychological Functioning and Quality of Life in Transgender Individuals

>Quality of Life of Transgender Women From China and Associated Factors: A Cross-Sectional Study.

>WHOQOL-100 Before and After Sex Reassignment Surgery in Brazilian Male-to-Female Transsexual Individuals.

>[Effect of sex reassignment on mental well-being and quality of life].

>Quality of life and hormones after sex reassignment surgery.

>Sexual quality of life in gender-dysphoric adults before genital sex reassignment surgery.

>Determinants of quality of life in Spanish transsexuals attending a gender unit before genital sex reassignment surgery.

>Sexual Quality of Life in Gender-Dysphoric Adults before Genital Sex Reassignment Surgery.

>Hormonal Treatment Reduces Psychobiological Distress in Gender Identity Disorder, Independently of the Attachment Style

>Hormonal therapy is associated with better self-esteem, mood, and quality of life in transsexuals.

>Is Hormonal Therapy Associated with Better Quality of Life in Transsexuals? A Cross-Sectional Study

>Hormone-treated transsexuals report less social distress, anxiety and depression.

First person in the thread to post the actual answer with zero replies. We can't start fixing this shit without knowing what the problem is.

Remember, mental illness is half genetic half environmental. We can't exactly murder all mentally I'll people. But we can make sure mentally I'll aren't legally allowed to raise children.

If I posted more here I might find the Irish jokes boring, but right now I am tickled.

White people aren't albinos and are not related to them, there would be no white albinos if albinos and whites were one and the same race/species.
Burger education

>Hey he's pretty cute actually.
No he's not?


oh yes, seems he is