Why doesn't she have a boyfriend yet?

Why doesn't she have a boyfriend yet?

She can make more money compensating dating if she's single.

She hasn't met me.

Her girlfriend forbids it.

You're not worthy.

I am the most senior ShinKnight, still i am not worthy to look into Milady's beautiful honey eyes.

She's gay.

Dekomori can do it for her.

Her eyes really are mesmerizing, I could gaze at them all day and get lost in a different plane of existence.

We are married. She is carrying my child.


Too stingy, high maintenance, obnoxious friends, out of my league ;_;

I don't think she's high maintenance at all.

too perfect

She does

She'll all you to take her to expensive restaurants and take her out every weekend. But you could leverage your knowledge of her chuuni ways to counter that.

I'll protect her from those dogs

She runs lemonade stands on her day off, I don't think she's the type to look for handouts.

Literally in a different plane of existence. She doesn't exist outside the 2D realm.

So you're saying you'll help her beat off her boyfriends?

I want a screenshot of those eyes

There is no 2D realm user.

It's just bits of color put together in an elaborate illusion created by your peers.

She could but kyoani memed her to be a lesbian with an annoying midget.

Aren't they just wonderful?

Stop this meme

Remember that one day when she tried not to be a slut?

It didn't last long

Good, she looks way better as a brunette.


You faggots keep spamming Nibutani in a effort to make her more popular than she really is. Like propaganda. She was a shit in my opinion when the anime was airing.

And it's working to be honest, I like her a lot more now.

>implying you can
>implying you won't be getting the red rocket either whether you both like ot or not

I've not accepted her proposal yet.

Best girl
Why isn't there a spin-off about her already?


Yeah I would a manga or something.


I haven't even bothered with season 2. A spin-off about Nibutani I would dive head first into tho.

Shinka in wonderland spin off.

Did you forget about me or something?

Who are you?

She has me. Also stop posting picture of my girlfriend.

Ugly legs

Her boyfriend obviously.

Shinka is struggling to recall.

She's gay and a lolicon

Wouldn't that annoy her girlfriend?


What do you like about Shinka?

I like myself and i like to touch myself when nobody is around. It make me feel safe and precious.

Some hot popular girls like her are (or least think they are) too good for anyone they know, and think mr perfect if someday going to show up in their lives.

Of course that doesn´t happen and have to settle with the best they can get.

How does Shinka get daily threads?
Posting Superior Girl

You came to the wrong neighborhood.

Rikka still gets those "How can a retard have an ass this fat?" threads all the time.

Kumin is the odd one out.

Stop comforting me, Phoebe.

>posting superior feet

Fixed that for you

Go back to your containment thread

Rikka's feet are amazing, and one of her best features.

Kumin deserves more threads
She's best girl

i dont want a gf who sleep with anybody for fun

>not being a cuck

>for fun
Dude. She might have an actual sickness.

How do I get Shinka to become my bodyguard?

Because her lover is dating Rikka

>memed her
This word really lost all meaning, huh?

They're just friends.

I want a female friend who aint afraid to touch or give me a pat once in a while. Hell, i hunger for physical contact so much i wont mind the person is male but preferably trap

You just want Shinka to be your friend.

Get a daki for sexual contact and a cat for a comfy and warm non-sexual contact

Shinka wont even look at me

Speaking of which, is there any warm daki to mimic human temperature?

Shinka is looking at you.

She is unattractive and has no personality.

I agree it lost all meaning, but user's usage is correct.

You're unattractive and has no personality.


Best girl.

Fumpy and bland.


You fucking what?

Why is she and Rin from im@s always in Sup Forums?

Why not?

Hopeless addiction.

Because you really can't force obsessive people to stop making threads.
Even if it's only a single person they can always keep making threads.

This, Shinka is my heroin.

What would you do if you had 5 minutes alone with Shinka?

She's not worthy of anything beyond being a fuckbuddy.

I only need 2.

What would you do with 2 minutes?

Tickle her feet

1 minute and 45 seconds of crying and apologizing.

For what?

This was a weird thing to do.

She is a dyke.

because she is a cunt

Because I'm her husband

Dekomori pls go


same reason why Maki is always on Sup Forums

You must be gay, dude.

They like tomatoes?

This thread is cancer.

Fuck off nerd